Hi, Nooby here.
I've been LARPing for ages now and I've decided to get back into it. That said, I really wanted to do something new, rather than the old fantasy type. I really wanted to find a LARP with a sci-fi theme and made use of NERF weapons. I really couldn't find anything out there at all, much less in my area. So I've decided that I'm just going to have to come up with my own.
Now, I'm pretty new to the NERF thing so I could use a lot of help with the combat systems and weapon requirements from some grizzled veterans.
My objective is to develop a system that will make use of NERF weapons, high-end boffer swords, armor, magic and run on as few rules as possible. (Firm believer in KISS) I also want this LARP to be attractive to folks that do not have previous LARP exp and can jump in with a low learning curve.
The setting of the LARP is kinda like Shadow Run or Rifts where you have a "not-too-distant-future" set up with some Psionics and some elves and trolls running around. Ultimately this system should allow for Legolas vs Snake Eyes vs a T-800. This game will not, however, have a whole lot of political role playing or character driven stuff... it's mostly going to be combat in costumes. I want this LARP to be more like Halo than Final Fantasy
Right now this is all in the development stage and I'm looking for help. I know that if I created a rule system around the NERF guns and opened up the game without help from you veterans, then someone could show up and completely break the game because I didn't know about Stefens or a singled Titan or something.
If anyone could help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Member Since 21 Nov 2008Offline Last Active Sep 26 2009 10:06 PM