Only one recap post? Let's fix that.
+ Territories was tons of fun as always (and we did it twice! woooo)
+ Started cold and warmed up. You can see my clothing change throughout the day in the COSTCOH album as it got warmer.
+ My old faithful Doomsayer performed great.
+ Had a lot of fun with a Destiny, a Double Dealer, and Dual Superdrums. Screw all your newfangled homemades XD
+ Got in lots of blowgun time as well
+ Met up with lots of old friends and made some new ones (Vernard is such a fabulous person). Saw several people I hadn't seen in like 6 years.
+ The Raffle! I gots me a sonic green Vulcan.
+ Nice meal at Olive Garden complete with tons of awful jokes.
-/+ I gave one guy an old Buzzbee doubleshot, which immediately shattered into several pieces in his hands as he primed it. Was a hilarious "holy shit" moment.
- About 9 hours of driving total (worth it but still)
- Freeze tag in that format just didn't work with such low ROF.
- My Clip-fed PAS does not like the cold. Darts had shrunk enough to fall out of the 9/16" barrel on me.
- None of my guns performed worth a shit with my Artifact darts (and I brought 4000 of them!) I ended up basically playing superstock all day. Will bring slugs next time.
- People completely ignored the first dart-sweep. Ended up with a half-dozen people (out of 25) doing all the work.
- Needs mobstacles! Trees aren't enough!
- I ate a face-full of FDL-2. That thing is crazy.
COSTCOH 3 was fucking fantastic and made me glad I'm back. Thank you Chicken for hosting it! See you all in January (hopefully)!