Protip would involve never buying a lacie.
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taita cakes
Member Since 26 Mar 2003Offline Last Active Oct 25 2008 11:48 PM
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- Active Posts 943
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- Age 35 years old
- Birthday January 16, 1989
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In Topic: Lacie External Hard Drive Questions
08 June 2008 - 08:41 AM
In Topic: Attention Newbies
30 April 2008 - 08:23 AM
Sweet, I always knew the one of the left was a magazine, now I have a second opinion.
In Topic: The Future
14 April 2008 - 05:18 AM
These days I just sit back and wait to sell the odd gun here and there to the next generation of young Australian nerfers.
Always daydreaming about my gun that I'll never make, but have pretty much mentally blueprinted over time.
Always daydreaming about my gun that I'll never make, but have pretty much mentally blueprinted over time.
In Topic: My Sister's Special Day, And A Car!
25 March 2008 - 09:35 PM
Another fun little tidbit...if you're worried about CO2 output, you're better off driving to the store than you are walking, because the energy required to make the food you need to replenish the calories you burned is so great that there is more CO2 output getting the food to you than if you just drove to the store and back and burned less calories, requiring less food.
I'm sorry but you are quite simply, a retard.
In Topic: Extra Itunes Money
24 March 2008 - 01:25 AM
Cold War Kids - We Used To Vacation
Cold War Kids - Hang Me Up To Dry
The Mess Hall - Keep Walking
Datarock - See What I Care
Hot Chip - Ready for the Floor
Foals - Hummer
Any Kasabian hit.
Oh fuck it, you get the idea.
If you want more like this, gimme a shout.
Cold War Kids - Hang Me Up To Dry
The Mess Hall - Keep Walking
Datarock - See What I Care
Hot Chip - Ready for the Floor
Foals - Hummer
Any Kasabian hit.
Oh fuck it, you get the idea.
If you want more like this, gimme a shout.
- NerfHaven
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