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Member Since 10 Feb 2020
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Resistors and thermistors?

10 February 2020 - 12:16 AM

So I just got into the modding hobby a week or two ago, with a second-hand blaster I got for less than 13 bucks. It was a barricade, old gun, some of the first flywheels if I'm not mistaken from nerf, at least that I'm aware of. 

So of course there are physical mods and mechanical ones, but I wanted to learn how to dabble in electric circuiting so I learned how to solder.


I saw that there was a thermistor on top of the battery case on a circuit board, so I bypassed that and connected the wire straight onto the lead.

I also saw two resistors on the motors, cut the wires off and connected the wires directly to the motors.


It now runs pretty damn hard, by my estimates it's about equivalent to a retaliator modded 7kg spring? (Wish I had a chronograph)


But yeah, I was curious right, why are these resistors here? Is it normal for modders to bypass them? Are there any ill effects from bypassing these resistors?