Hi. I've finally gotten around to gutting the AT3k, and I am extremely fascinated by the liquitron guage that tells you the capacity of your tank. I was wondering about three things:
a ) I want to replace the pump because the stock one is downright awful. What's a good one to use for the AT3k?
b ) Should I replace the at3k tank?
c ) If I do either of these replacements, do I have to cut out the guage for fear of it exploding, or is it possible to mod it in a way that preserves it?
- NerfHaven
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: Keola88
Member Since 26 Apr 2008Offline Last Active Jun 26 2015 08:23 PM
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Topics I've Started
Modding the AT3k
24 January 2014 - 08:58 PM
Stampede voltage upgrade issue
02 August 2013 - 06:17 PM
I recently modified my Stampede for a small amount of size reduction and a voltage upgrade. It's currently running around 16.8v. When I first put it back together, it bump fired quite a bit. Bump firing means that it continues to fire even after I let go of the trigger. I opened 'er back up, and went to this thread here: http://oznerf.forumo...t-your-cure-now
I did what they said, I increased the strength of the spring for the switch under the orange cover next to the white piece. I also attached a spring to the same white piece and stretched it to a place to secure it, to give it more resistance overall. Yet it still bump fires. I really need some help, and I cannot figure this out. Anyone with any ideas? Thanks in advance!
I did not bypass any switches at all in this blaster. Yet.
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I did what they said, I increased the strength of the spring for the switch under the orange cover next to the white piece. I also attached a spring to the same white piece and stretched it to a place to secure it, to give it more resistance overall. Yet it still bump fires. I really need some help, and I cannot figure this out. Anyone with any ideas? Thanks in advance!
I did not bypass any switches at all in this blaster. Yet.
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Any nerfers in Alabama?
30 July 2013 - 01:54 AM
Just wondering, because my group and I are lonely. We need some new faces.
Question About Modded Recon
25 March 2011 - 09:13 PM
I modded my nerf Recon a long while back, and I have been concerned with the plunger making a very loud noise as it collides at the other end of the plunger tube. Is this a problem at all? I don't want to ruin the gun. I'm thinking it may be, but I don't have much modding experience, so I thought I might ask around.
- NerfHaven
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: Keola88
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