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Member Since 20 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2011 01:39 PM

Topics I've Started

Sawn Off Db Shotgun

20 May 2009 - 07:21 PM

So for a while now ive been playing around with the idea of a sawn off double barreled shotgun. Independent firing, preferably on one trigger. Posted Image

the first idea i went through with the prototype, and wouldn't ya know, darts came out inconsistently. sometimes both fired well, sometimes one fired well and the other not so good, or sometimes only one fired and the other didn't. the seals were fine, and i think its really the slight differences in darts. because of the differences in this method, i scrapped that idea.

The second design works alot better, as i have also worked out something of a prototype for it. Because the two barrels each have their own piston and cylinder, power is always consistent. then both plungers are joined into one and extended out the rear of the gun, much like two nitefinders joined into one.

the biggest problems i have been having mostly revolve around trigger systems, and building the fram for the creation from scratch. Also, i would love to do a breech loaded design, like the double barrel buzz bee shotgun. however, just to keep it simple, muzzle loaded is fine.