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Member Since 20 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2011 01:39 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

15 November 2010 - 08:27 PM

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Nothing special here, grabbed a can of paint, roll of masking tape and a sharpie one weekend and knocked these suckers out. I'm actually quite pleased with the way Vinyl Dye spray paint came out. Bonded well, dried in less then 5 minutes, and is durable as hell. Some minor imperfections but hey works for me.

In Topic: N-strike Spectre Rev-5

01 September 2010 - 12:42 AM

I can't guarantee any of this, but from what ive heard, the spectre rotates the barrel when you prime it. On top of that the plunger is indeed reversed but also larger with a better seal. This is just bits of info ive picked up all around the net, as ive been very interested in finding out more about this blaster. Indeed it is aiming to be a replacement for a maverick which im open to because imo, mavericks are just a let down. ill take one less round for some performance upgrades any day.

In Topic: Sawn Off Db Shotgun

20 May 2009 - 11:16 PM

Here you go.

you guys are making me loose faith here. not a mod. from scratch. HOME. MADE.

In Topic: What Kind Of Rifle Would You Want Made Into A Nerf Rifle

20 May 2009 - 09:18 PM

Make a xm8 rifle its suppose to replace the m-16. These are its versions. Sorry not sure hot to resize.Posted Image

sorry dude, xm8 has basically been canceled. it never got out of the experimentals, indicated by the (x)m8

In Topic: Sawn Off Db Shotgun

20 May 2009 - 07:59 PM

Whats the gun's method of propulsion?

as for that, basic spring powered. I want it like most where you just pull the plunger rod straight out the back liek a night finder or lockn'load