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Member Since 07 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active May 18 2017 07:24 PM

Topics I've Started

Nerf Vulcan Modification (Help)

06 May 2017 - 02:05 PM

So I'm modifying a Nerf Vulcan to increase its fire-rate and all of that good fun. but I am running into a serious problem that I am having trouble fixing and I am getting concerned that I might render my gun useless if I don't do this properly.


I'm about half-way into completing the modification and I've now reached the slip clutch. This little gizmo is responsible for rotating the belt feed to ensure that the next dart feeds in, however it is has a safety in it to prevent it from "Force Feeding" and damaging itself. Whenever it tries to feed and too much force is applied to it, it "Slips" and does not feed instead.


For anyone that's ever done anything with the vulcan or havok fire (even the old maverick) this is really bad.


My problem is I need to disassemble it and I can't find a way in. The only method I know how to get in is to pry off the T shaped end cap (Part 1 in the picture), but it simply WILL NOT MOVE. It feels like its glued.


Any suggestions?


For reference here is the diagram of the part in question.



Nerf at Night (Sav, Ga, 03/06)

22 February 2017 - 12:24 PM

Hello everyone, I'm the president of the Armstrong Gamers Guild. I've noticed that NERF in the Savannah area seems to be for the most part non-existent. However our club here on campus has slowly but surely gotten more and more interested in the game.


I'm aware that many people who might be interested by reading this post may not be students. All you need to be concerned about is getting a parking pass from me or my officers when you park. Beyond that all of the below rules apply.


Our exact address is Savannah Ga Arts Dr. (or just look for the Armstrong campus on google maps.) This is the first NERF contest we've run and we are hoping to get some good feed-back and turn out.



Can we post P2P events?

22 February 2017 - 09:59 AM

Hello, I'm rather new around these parts but I have an event for my college in which players will pay (a small amount) to participate. Am I allowed to advertise this event here in the standard NERF-wars board?

Stryfe Motors & Voltage

26 January 2017 - 06:03 PM

Hello everyone. So I'm posting because I've run into a problem that I'm sure most other Modders will eventually run into at one point or another. So I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and make a helpful post for both me and others.


A month ago I changed out my Stryfe motors for these https://www.pololu.com/product/611known as the Solarbotics RM2

Today I received some batteries I ordered from wish (I'm sure you know where this is going by now) and installed them. (4 of them)


Here is the motors reference information.

Name: Solarbotics RM2

Form Factor: 130mm

Volts tolerance:9v max

Max amps draw: 300mA


Here is the batteries reference information.

Name: UltraFire 14500 Rechagable Lithium AA Battery 1200mAh 3.7V

Form Factor: AA

Amps: 1200mAh

Volts: 3.7v


I got them running for about a total of 15 seconds before smoke started coming from the motor cage and it stopped functioning entirely.


I'm not 100% sure why they failed. But my first guess would be that I didn't realize that batteries in a series increase voltage. So 3.7v x 4 batteries = 14.8v (right?).

Assuming the above statement is correct I over volted the crap out of them and it caused the internals to fry.


So i guess I'm asking if someone can confirm or explain what I did wrong here. I'm sure its the voltage. Also funny story, the stock switch didn't fry.



Thanks to the posts below we figured out that because of my lithium Ion ultrafire's I did indeed fry the hell out of my motors. :wacko:


2nd we determined that the best motors for my setup (ideally running from a 3s Lipo) are MTB Rhino Motors http://www.containme...op/mtb/mtb-001/


3rd I intend to order and install these to see how things go. I don't know if I'll need anything else to work with them as my wiring is much thicker but we'll find out.

Cs-6 Magazine feeding/priming issue

27 December 2016 - 05:58 AM

Hello again. I was preparing to deliver a modded CS-6 to my friend for christmas the other day and decided to perform a test fire with it. I inserted a mag I normally use for my Longshot (zombie strike) and went to prime it but the forward priming motion was getting "stuck" and refused to slide forward.


At first I thought the blaster was damaged somehow in storage but I remembered that the blaster came with its own 6 round mag as well.


I inserted that mag and it fired just fine with only the occasional jam from darts getting lodged in the bolt. I searched to try and find information about this unique kind of jamming but searching anything with "Nerf" and "prime" led me to amazon for the most part and searching "Nerf Magazine Jam" lead me to tutorials on how to fix the mag spring.


Does anyone know what might be causing this phenomena?



long-strike white with a fresh orange works immortal mod installed 7kg spring all parts used.

No abnormal behavior from the blaster that I am aware of besides this and the dart lodging jams.

Longshot magazine is a see through mag (one side) that holds 6 rounds, it came with my elite model stryfe.

Longstrike magazine is a solid mag (no see-through plastic) that holds 6 rounds



the elite model mag causes the forward prime motion to jam.

the solid mag allows a smooth priming motion.

This issue started after taking the blaster out of my car trunk where it stayed for 3 weeks. It was wrapped in a towel for protection during this time.