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Member Since 17 Jul 2016
Offline Last Active Aug 22 2018 02:17 PM

Topics I've Started

Been gone, fill me in on the last year(ish) of nerf

14 August 2018 - 10:42 AM

Self explanatory, I've been gone for a year (more or less) and I'm hoping I could get filled in on everything I've missed. I've been looking around a bit and I'm assuming drastic changes have happened. 


Edit: I forgot I had Rick as my pfp

Edit #2: I'm getting hit with memories of being annoying and everyone else being mature. Sorry for that

Magnetic blaster

07 May 2017 - 06:50 AM

Right, so this is an idea i've had brewing for a while now.
What somebody made a normal RBPistol and left out the spring, replacing it with:
On back of plunger head, a magnet with a hole fixed to it.
On the catch, a magnet faced so it repels the plunger magnet.
On the front bushing, another magnet attracting the plunger head magnet.
Sound good? Maybe some other angled magnets to keep it going?
Think of it like a really short, possible hyperloop.
Feedback would be good, actually thinking of making this a reality.


List of retired nerfers

09 April 2017 - 12:54 PM

We don't have a list of retired nerfers, and hopefully someone who's been around help? I just want to know the who, and if it's not personal, why. Thanks!



What are the most powerful out-of-box or slightly modded blasters?

26 February 2017 - 10:43 AM

So, I'm just wondering what are some of the best out-of-box or slightly modded blasters are in other peoples opinions.

My bet is the Faux-Bow, which I posted about a long time ago.

Let's list off the pros:

1. Plunger tube is probably bigger than a X-Bow

2. Comes with skirt seal

3. Spring is massive

4. The barrel is so easy to couple(all you have to do is cut down barrel; 1/2" CPVC has tight fit into it, and wants to pop out, but our friend hot glue can fix that; Put either 1/2" CPVC coupler onto it, or a piece of 1/2" PVC and 1/2" PVC coupler if you use 1/2" PVC barrels; Then, if you like, epoxy/epoxy putty/more hot glue)

Now cons:

1. No catch mechanism...


(This turned into a Faux-Bow review really fast..)


So yeah, explain what other blasters are really good out-of-box



What type of o-ring/other seals are good for 1 inch pvc?

30 December 2016 - 10:33 AM

Yeah, so i'm making a really odd bow type thing, and i'm wondering what has a good seal on 1-inch PVC

Note: I will try and post the final product, but I have a horrible camera

