Thank you for the feedback on modifying the triad. I got myself some stainless steel and some PVC barrel and will glue 3 of them together (triad configuration) and fit them as replacement for the original mega-barrel on a BigShock. I am counting on more plunger volume and less dead space (no AR system) to give it a little better performance. Will keep you updated on my progress...
How did you disable the smart AR? Drill it out?
You can use pliers, a drill, an exacto knife, or whatever you can think of that can fit in there, destroy the plastic piece, and leave the shell in tact.. The smart AR system is pretty simple once you get it out of the blaster and get a chance to look at it, you can learn how it functions just with your eyes.
In short, the easiest way to convert it from firing one shot to firing 3 is to take out the air restrictor pegs AND the orange cylinder they are part of. Underneath that orange cylinder is a tiny spring, just like other air restrictors. You just need to remove the orange piece and the spring, in any way you can, without damaging the shell of the Smart AR system itself, as the shell is what allows the air to flow to all 3 barrels. Do this same process for the other 2 barrels. After that all you have to do is reassemble it and the air pressure is sent to all 3 barrels instead of one at a time.
I hadn't thought of using the bigshock as a sort of ready-to-go upgraded jolt and converting it to shoot 3, although i'm not certain how much stronger the stock bigshock spring will be compared to the stock triad spring. Mega darts get greater range due to their weight and aerodynamics, so the big shock in reality is probably just... another jolt.... with the same spring and everything, but with a different barrel size. I'll have to try the same thing myself one day and compare the two.