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Member Since 17 May 2015
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2015 04:37 PM

Topics I've Started

Cpvc Breech Magnus

25 August 2015 - 12:08 PM

I recently did this mod after seeing the firestrike by Scaramanga and I thought I would try to make a really powerful single shot pistol. Heres how it turned out.

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It has around 7.5 inches of cpvc as the barrel

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It uses a breech to load darts (soon to be integrated stefan clip)

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And it closes using a cpvc coupler.
I added 2 reflex springs along with the stock spring and this thing is powerful. When I shoot it down my street from the edge of my driveway (about the middle of my property) it goes past my neighbors house. My estamate would be 130ft average using elite darts, I don't have any #6 stefans at the moment but when I do I'll post my results.

cpvc breech longshot

01 July 2015 - 10:55 AM

I was wondering if anyone had ever tried this before, and if so then I`d like to show my version of it. I`m not sure how to post pictures (noob) but I would like to know how many (if any) people would like a write up for it before I go spend hours of my time on one.