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Rapidstrike Gunner

Member Since 01 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 25 2018 05:14 PM

#362601 New Fang Revamped Motors

Posted by Rapidstrike Gunner on 20 February 2018 - 12:47 PM

How did you spend $200 on a Stryfe and NOT have any LiPo gear?


You might be able to get away with a NIMH or NICD pack, but NOT IMR's. Bert81 gave a very generous discharge estimation. You should probably assume that IMR's discharge 3-6 amps.


Also, using 3 IMR's would be overvolting the motors, which would cause them to run at 50K RPM, which unless you have a high crush cage, isn't optimal for performance.


If the entry cost of LiPo tech is discouraging you, the Turnigy E3 costs around $10 and can balance charge 2s and 3s batteries.

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#344374 MEGA Cycloneshock Review

Posted by Rapidstrike Gunner on 18 January 2015 - 05:30 PM

Hey guys. I found a review of the Mega Cycloneshock on Blasterlabs .

That's nice.


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#344216 Holsters

Posted by Rapidstrike Gunner on 12 January 2015 - 08:18 PM

How did I miss ? They're pretty spectacular.

Yeah they are.
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#343888 New Nerf Guns for 2015

Posted by Rapidstrike Gunner on 04 January 2015 - 09:58 AM

Of the new Nerf Blasters, which one do you want. Crossbolt (not released) ,Slingstrike, Flipfury,Demolisher,Cam ECS-12,Sharpfire,Cycloneshock,Bigshock? I'm posting this because I'm curios about people's choices.
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