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Member Since 02 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2015 12:46 AM

Topics I've Started

Singled Magstrike

16 December 2014 - 05:20 AM

Hey all!

This is my singled Magstrike:

Posted Image

What was used:
$7 Kmart pump
Reflex IX-1 Barrel (fully drilled out)
Loads of duct tape, hot glue and superglue
1 Sewing button.

The pump was hot glued + Superglued onto the cut down old pump shaft (I used this pump because my check valve broke),
The barrel was Duct taped and hot glued onto the end of the 'piston' and it has a nice fit on most darts (whistlers tend to fall 3ft if not twisted in right) And a sewing button was hot glued onto the original air release valve.

It takes 35ish pumps for 10 - 12 shots and I am yet to do a range test (it is currently night in Australia land) (it shoots 3B arrows 25' though)

I am overall very happy with this modification!

Thanks for checking this out,

What to do with magstrike internals?

15 December 2014 - 10:48 PM


I have recently fixed up my old magstrike internals and replaced the pump, but i have no idea what to do with them other than stick a 3B rocket on to the 'barrel' and launch it 10 - 15'

By the way i don't have the shell anymore because it was cracked down the middle.


Magstrike not pumping?

10 December 2014 - 06:20 AM

Hello all,

I was recently modding my magstrike (lock removal, oprv chopped) and as i was pumping it I noticed the pump would pop out every time i pumped it, but the bladder had no visible leaks at all and the air was escaping out of the pump shaft.
I think the rubber air stopper valve at the bottom if the shaft ripped?
Not quite sure but if anyone has experience with this could you please help me out?
