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Member Since 22 Apr 2014Offline Last Active Oct 15 2021 09:37 PM
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Topics I've Started
Where is the best place to sell my nerf collection?
10 October 2021 - 04:55 PM
If there isn't a better place, I'll just list it all on ebay.
Bullpup Bike Pump Sling Blaster Design
24 March 2017 - 08:17 PM
So I've got an idea brewing in my head.... This is what I've got so far:
Side view
(top tier windows paint skillz)
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So the idea is you take the bottom off a bike pump, replace it with a PVC end cap, followed by a series of pvc Elbows, all leading up to your barrel of choice.
You attach that to a wooden body, with the trigger up front. Then using either extension springs or heavy duty rubber as the power source.
To prime it, you step on the Foot Bar, and pull the blaster backwards. OR you point it downwards and use your foot to prime it.
The design seems simple enough. It comes with an easy, already prepared perfect seal plunger tube and plunger.
The problem I'm encountering is, how do I make the trigger catch??? Thoughts? Suggestions?
Homemade Crossbow Blaster
20 December 2016 - 05:45 AM
Okay so this project is a little weird... A while back I was given a piece of wood that looked like a rifle, so I turned it into a rubberband gun. But that wasn't powerful enough for me... So I turned it into a friggin crossbow... or slingbow... since it's technically powered by rubber... And now I've decided I want to make it shoot nerf darts. I've never made a homemade blaster from scratch, so I've got a couple questions that are out of my area of expertise.
Here are some pictures:
My plan is to mount a plunger tube where the barrel currently is. I'm thinking I'll either salvage the plunger tube from an old longshot I have, an old ball pump I have... Or I'll make one myself. Which is why I'm here.
What would you, the community, suggest I use for my plunger tube, and what would be the best plunger head I could use? If any previous homemade build threads come to mind when reading this thread, please link them to me. I'll be looking through them myself as well.
Personally I'm thinking using pvc/cpvc for the build, because in my head it seems like it would make things easier during assembly. But once again, I'm not experienced in this field so I wouldn't know. All I know is that I'm gonna try my best to overkill this build as much as physically possible.
And for a side note: If you guys have any tips for me for this build, I'd love to hear them.
Hyperfire Battery Question
17 December 2016 - 08:31 PM
I've bought a hyperfire that was 40% off recently. I've really enjoyed it, but the thing I don't like is how it requires four D batteries. So I want a lipo/rechargeable alternative that I can integrate into the blaster. I don't necessarily need a battery that increases performance, I just need something that can be recharged and has at least the same output as four D batteries.
But I am not experienced in modifying electric type blasters, and have no knowledge on battery replacements. Which I why I need the help of the community. I've already considered rechargeable D batteries, but they're expensive so I'm trying to check out my options before committing to the buy.
So to recap, I need:
- Rechargeable battery.
- At least same output as four D's.
- Compatible with stock internals
And if you know of any modification guides that involve the battery you recommend, please link me. I would appreciate it greatly.
EDIT: Would this battery work for what I'm looking for?? https://www.amazon.c...4v lipo battery
EDIT2: If I bought rechargeable D cell batteries, would I notice a difference in performance if the batteries were 1.2v instead of 1.5v?
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