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Member Since 22 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 15 2021 09:37 PM

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In Topic: Homemade Crossbow Blaster

23 December 2016 - 10:01 PM

In addition to the aabow links above, check out the Mark 8.  You may want to upgrade to latex tubing if the bow part can handle the stress.  Also, I appreciate the poetry of this thing being on a cinderblock like an old rusty car. 


I was actually looking at the mark 8 thinking the exact same thing. And that's also why I'm here, my bow can handle the stress but I need to know what type of material to use for the plunger tube and what plunger head I could use for it. If Latex Tubing is an upgrade, I'll definitely be looking into it.


On another note: what is the name of that spring that most nerfers use.. It's called something like a K28 or something, I can't remember.

In Topic: Homemade Crossbow Blaster

20 December 2016 - 04:47 PM

Do you know if there is a point where a PVC plunger tube gets so large that it risks being being too fragile to handle the stress?

In Topic: Hyperfire Battery Question

20 December 2016 - 12:19 AM

Don't buy normal rechargeable batteries. Your performance will suck. The easiest thing for you to do is but a set of Efest IMR batteries, a couple dummy batteries, and AA to D converters. Then run 2 IMR and 2 dummies. The IMR batteries are rechargeable but are 3.7V each so they'll give you a nice little boost in performance.


Great idea! I own a set of four AA trustfires, would that work for the method you're describing? 


EDIT: disregard that question. I've learned that the answer is NO from another thread