Member Since 23 Dec 2013Offline Last Active Jan 05 2014 04:41 PM
About Me
Hello there!
Thanks for taking a look at my page, hopefully I'll be able to flesh out more details as time goes on. I'm a 25 year-old male currently living in sunny New Mexico, USA. I've got a few hobbies and one of them happens to be Nerf. (Which might explain why I'm on this forum in the first place) Anyhow, I'm pretty new to the NIC (Nerf Internet Community) and I'm enjoying learning all the ropes as fast as I can. I'm looking into modding all the Elite guns I can get my hands on and maybe even building a homemade sometime in the near future. Please feel free to PM me if you've got any advice for someone getting into these aspects of Nerfing, or whatever really. I'm super chill so no worries mate! Looking forward to getting go know all the awesome folks here on NH, see you on the field!
Community Stats
- Group FNG1
- Active Posts 1
- Profile Views 3,453
- Member Title Member
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown