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Member Since 20 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2014 05:44 PM
I'm still working on my Dalek. I'll be taking my TARDIS (and a bunch of Nerf) to Gallifrey One in LA next week. Updated 06 Feb · 0 comments

About Me

I'm a 45 year-old divorced woman, using the Tony Stark Method to get over PTSD ("build something").


I'd always wanted to mod a Nerf gun, but it wasn't until I fell in love with the Nerf Centurion that I started collecting them and after that, it was a short hop to modding them.


I'm having a lot of trouble finding people my own age to play or mod with, so I read the forums and keep an eye on the Net for new things.


Hope to see some of y'all somewhere, sometime. :)


My current Nerf Blaster collection is:


Nerf Centurion- two, one modded, one not modded. Love, love, love these.
Nerf Vulcan-- four; one stock, three modded
Spock-- Stock, unmodded other than a tripod mount.
T'Pow-- OrangeModWorks spring, AR's removed, wired to take either D'cells or 24v LiPo, custom paint
T'Pring-- OrangeModWorks Spring, AR's removed, tripod mount, 100 shot belt, custom belt hopper, wired to take either D'cells or 24v LiPo
Unnamed-- Ar's removed, wired to take either D'cells or 24v LiPo, in pieces, some paint
Nerf Maverick-- about a dozen in various stages.
Nerf Rayven-- two, custom paint, would like to sell
Nerf Rapidstrike CS-18-- one, probably my second favorite blaster out of the box. Would love to get another one.
Nerf Longstrike-- in pieces being modded
Nerf Sonic Longshot-- in pieces being modded
Nerf Vortrtex Nightron-- custom paint only
Nerf Vortex Proton-- two, one in pieces, one unmodded
Nerf Recon CS-6-- three; one stock, two AR's removed, custom paint.
Nerf Hail-fire-- unmodded
Nerf Barrel Break-- two, one painted one Sonic unmodded
Nerf Strife--one, wired to take LiPos

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  • Member Title Member
  • Age 57 years old
  • Birthday February 13, 1968

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