Hey Badger. Something in your first post caught my attention and I wanted to discuss. You stated that hot glue wouldn't be a good thing to use in this application. And tho by rule I do aggree with you 100% working with wires should always be done properly with the correct tools. I'm thinking that hot glue could possibly be a viable tool in a pinch. Tho I'm not familar with hot glues resistance to the actual electrical current (I'm gonna look for my fluke and checking this when I get a chance). So long as the joint itself doesn't heat up too much Id think that it should work in low current applications. A nice TIGHT wrapping of the bare wires toghether would be just as good as a wire nut. A couple wraps of etape to keep it from shorting on anything and then a gratious ammount of hot glue to hold it all in place. This MIGHT just work if there is no other options and the job can't be put off.
Tho for anyone that finds themself working with wiring a lot I would highly reccomend dropping the cash on a decent butane soldering iron and some heat shrink tubing. The heat vent of the iron works great on the HS tubing.
Why are you posting bad info? hot glue is not a good idea, considering hotglue can become soft at temps around what a hair dryer can provide. This will simply lead to problems later. if you are looking for a temp fix, use etape. Just because a person is in a pinch isn't an excuse to do things poorly. why don't you tell him to just hold the wires with his fingers if he doesn't have tape? i'm not a mod, but please don't post crap.