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Broadsword vltor

Member Since 10 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 11 2013 05:04 AM

About Me

Here’s a page a mate of mine wrote about for when we have NERF wars.


Samza “The Ranger” is a NERF enthusiast in Australia. Samza gained his nickname “The Ranger” for the way he acts in battle and the deadly tactics he uses, much like that of a commando’s in the Ranger corps. His name is also a reflection of the connection he has with the Australian bush. Samza’s tactics and load-out vary from game to game, however he will most often be seen taking a leadership/marksman role. Outside of Nerf Samza swims 6 times a week, runs twice a week and rides his bike to school every day, he can also do 100+ push-ups and his limit is ever increasing.
Outside of the battlefield Samza is reserved but kind and friendly, At times he can sometimes be seen being an idiot but when things need doing he slips back into a more serious role. He has a very rigid set of values that he will always stick to even if it means sacrificing himself for the sake of the mission. He also has an interesting sense of humour and will always manage to find the dirty side of anything anyone says just for the sake of a laugh.
When in battle Samza becomes a complete different person, having the focus and determination of an eagle, being a natural leader he thinks fast, comes up with some tactics and then organises everyone into a well-oiled machine. In battle his is extremely honourably and will always go out when hit.
Samza’s load out is reflective of his versatile fighting style and tactics, preferring to have minimal bulk and rattling to increase mobility and stealth. Samza will usually carry at least 1 long range gun on him for when he needs to engage at longer ranges.
Samza can be seen using a small group of weapons each for a different situation.
Primary- Elite Alpha Trooper, Stryfe with Stock and Barrel, heavily modded retaliator, Z-curve Bow
Secondary- Strongarm, stryfe (pistol), Nite Finder, sidestrike(when released)
Tertary- Dual Triads in Underarm holsters
Samza’s loadout varies for many different situations, In Hvz he will normally carry a retaliator strapped to his backpack, an EAT as his Primary, a stryfe in a dropleg holster as his secondary, dual triads in underarm holsters, and an NF in a holster on the back of his belt.
Samza rarely wears a tac vest, believing that they are too cumbersome and restrictive for his style of fighting, instead he carries his clips in a bag on a sling over his shoulder, and a chest rig to hold his triads.
Samza is a very versatile fighter and can adapt to almost any situation and use the terrain to his advantage. He has put himself in the class of the Ranger, similar to the rangers from The Rangers Apprentice, he will use a long range weapon to get enemies from afar and then switch to a rapid-fire weapon when the enemies get too close. Being an outdoorsman and avid hunter he has excellent stealth and knows his way around the bush extremely well. He is also extremely fit allowing him to fight for long periods of time without rest or food. Samza is a marksman and specialises in long range dispatching of enemies using a modified NF and most recently a Heavily Modified Retaliator.
Strength- 5.5/10, Samza does not lift weights, preferring to do own body weight exercises to increase his muscular endurance.
Reflexes- 5/10 Samza’s reflexes are about average if not above that for someone his age
Agility- 7/10 being relatively less bulky and have good upper body strength, Samza can traverse most objects relatively easily
Stamina/Endurance- 8/10 Samza is extremely Fit and is mentally driven to ignore the pain and keep going
Speed- 5/10 Samza does not sprint as he has a hip injury which is exacerbated when put under extreme stress, his maximum speed in NERF wars is that of an extremely fast jog, he can run faster but would injure himself if he tried (as he has an many occasions)
Stealth- 8/10 When wearing appropriate clothing Samza is almost invisible to the untrained eye. This skilled he learnt whilst stalking rabbits in the forest near his home. In Nerf wars Samza uses his stealth to launch surprise attacks on the enemy.
Accuracy – 8/10 Samza is extremely accurate with very little practice, his is good at snap shooting but is better at hitting people from long range when he know the performance of his gun (or Bow) Anyone who falls within his sights for long enough rarely makes out of the game, Samza’s accuracy is only limited by that of his gun.

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