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Member Since 19 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2020 11:06 PM

Topics I've Started

[Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!

27 September 2012 - 08:49 PM

Hello Nerf Warriors! I am a long time lurker, first time posting.

I am looking to schedule a fun Nerf war in Roseville California. I'm posting this to see who would be interested if I do plan it. Please leave a comment below saying if you are interested.

This is my first hosted war, so if any experienced Nerfers or hosts would like to help me plan the finer details please mention that.

There are several games I'd be interested in playing, depending on how many players we have:

Capture The Cones
Team Deathmatch
Free For All
Melee Foam Battle
Awful Battle (crappy guns FTW!)
Grifball (Nerf Foam Rugby, inspired by Halo)

Please let me know if you have any other game ideas, or which of those games you are most interested in.

Ideally, this will happen in November or December depending on weather. There is a large field near my house I have selected for the location. The fall-back location (in case of mud, etc) will be a park (Maidu Park) a couple blocks away. Specific rules will be outlined in the official event post after I get an idea when people are available.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions. Hoping for at least 10-15 attendees. This will be perfect for first-time nerf war players!