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Member Since 19 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2020 11:06 PM

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In Topic: [Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!

14 December 2012 - 08:17 PM

hello nerfers. My war is tomorrow the 15th. It starts at 3pm. If you want to come and have some fun playing nerf games then come.And if you think it will be lame then don't come. I don't give a sh**.If you want to come send me a message and I will give you my phone number to work out the details. I will be online for the rest of the night and tomorrow. so send me a message if you want to come. =)

In Topic: [Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!

13 November 2012 - 04:50 PM

yes i will allow homemade darts. i have 4 people so far. We are having it at the creek. there lots of trees and hiding place. and its cheap. i dont have money to have it at the park.

In Topic: [Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!

25 October 2012 - 05:36 PM

Hello Nerfers. Thank You for the comments,and suggestions. I have thought about all respones, and I am releasing all bans. I will never allow a single barrel titan. All guns are allowed, except the titan, The exception will be missle, shotgun burst,and 21 rcv. The catergory is as follows. Awful guns, awful games. Grif ball is melee. Cones, hand held pistol. Free for all is primary and secondary guns. All information on rules at games will be explained at the war event. The war event is on saturday december 15th, 1:00pm. The location is as follows. 1201 Samoa way,Roseville CA.The cross sreet is N.Cirby way. This will be the meetimg place. There will be a alternate location, in the event that the war location,is subject to weather conditions. There will be a breaks, and feel free to bring your own snacks. And dress for the occasion.I will provide stock guns and armmo. I am allowing the age group to be 13 and older. I am hoping to have 5 or more people at this event. What I am aiming for, to get out of this event, is to make new friends,test new guns and have a good time. Any and all questions can be directed to my cell (PM me for number) Thank you very much and have a great day!

In Topic: [Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!

10 October 2012 - 08:11 PM

Yes I will lower the age to 13yrs, and above. As for the weapons I will not allow snap guns, snap bows. I will allow any modded toy guns, like nerf, buzzby, airzone, and any particular brands that are modded,.Also I will allow titans. Any questions about guns, I will be more than happy to answer. In response to the event. I am not doing this on the fly. I am thinking about all areas of this event. Thats why I am waiting for some time to arrange this event. Yes when the time comes closer to this event, I will give my number out. The guns you will need are pistol, a awful gun that shoots fifteen feet or less. A primary and a secondary, and a melee weapon, nerf of some kind.I would like 10 or more people for this event.

In Topic: [Northern CA] Planning a Nerf War!

10 October 2012 - 07:32 PM

Exactly, and from most of your posts, it really just seems like you're doing this on-the-fly. I planned for about a month or two before I hosted my first BANO.
As for homemades being banned, that's silly, and there's no reason to do that. You can set regulations like that, and keep them like they are, without listening to anyone's suggestions of course, since it IS your war, but if you do that less people will be inclined to show up.