Umbra Serpens
Member Since 09 Aug 2012Offline Last Active Mar 21 2013 07:16 AM
About Me
A little over two years ago, a few friends and I had an idea. We thought it would be fun to start a NERF army, something that isn't very huge in our areas. We began recruiting members from our high school, our workplaces, and online. During the first year, it was just our classmates and ourselves, and we were the Marion, IA NERF Army. After that, we became the Dart Dragon Army. We created an emblem, co-workers began to join, and I spread my Army's name to have divisions in both Tennessee, and Colorado.
Around the same time I helped start the Marion, IA NERF Army, my co-General and I founded a group called N.A.L.O. (Nerf Army Leaders Organization), which in August, 2012, got some publicity from the local newspaper and news station for its first ever NERF Megawar. As the first, not many of the armies aligned with N.A.L.O. were able to attend, and so it consisted of about 50 people total. The Dart Dragons hosted the event at our usual war site, Thomas Park. Games that were played were CTF, Team Deathmatch, Team Juggernaut, and Free For All. Naturally, the rules were set by N.A.L.O.
Both groups started out, and remain as Facebook Groups. Anyone representing their NERF army can join N.A.L.O., here's the link: N.A.L.O. (Nerf Army Leaders Organization)
Once you're a member, you'll be invited to the annual Megawar (Next one is to be in June of 2013). This group is international, but could use a lot more overseas members. Anyone of any nationality can join, provided hey have a Nerf Army to represent.
The Dart Dragon Army is always looking for more recruits within reasonable distance of Marion, Iowa. However, I am also looking to expand to have one division in each of the 50 states that is reliable, loyal, and has a source of funding for annual trips. Contact me if you're interested in having your own division in a state where I don't already have one. The only two states currently taken are Tennessee, and Colorado.
If you want to know about me personally, you can always strike up a conversation. Just please don't type in text, or 1337, or as if you're smashing your face into the keyboard. I'll just stop replying.
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 8
- Profile Views 5,900
- Member Title Member
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday May 1, 1994