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Member Since 16 May 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2012 04:06 PM

Topics I've Started

Nerf elite series : the list so far

16 August 2012 - 02:33 PM

You guys probably all know about the new Nerf elite series, while some products have not been relased, Nerf has droped multiple clues of what's to be released.

I made a graph, and I have picture of it, tried to copy the actual graph... but the format got messed up when I tried to copy it on to NH.. Hopefully you guys can see it..

The picture:

The messed up version:
Name: Relevent to: Released info Extra:
Retaliator: Recon: Realsed
Rampage: Raider: Realsed
Hailfire: Stampede/Vulcan: Realsed
Stockade: Barricade: Realsed in UK
Strongarm: Maverick/Spectre: NA Was sold on ebay for $1125.01, and apparently has slamfire.
Unknown: Jolt: NA Seen on side box of Rampage
Firestrike: Nite Finder: NA Seen on side box of Rampage

If I missed anything please comment, I will fix this graph.. Also, there is some talk about the a New Nerf Elite Lonstrike, but there is no proof what so ever ( unless a "my dad works at Nerf and he told me" counts)


Speculation threads are not allowed, especially not about unreleased blasters. Not to mention that this post just generally sucks.

Foam & plunger tubes

09 June 2012 - 09:51 PM

After surfing around the web i finally figured out where to buy some craft foam to cushion the plunger tube. But it is nonadhesive, how do you usually attach that piece of foam onto a plunger tube?



27 May 2012 - 01:52 PM

Hey guys, I am new to modding, but i know the basics, taking Ar's out, taping those air holes on the plunger tubes, and I know theres lots more out there I can do. I allready did my basic mods for my Maverick, but i want a spring replacement, and i don't know what kind to get... what kind of springs are out there? What would be good for a Maverick? what are the types of springs which are usable for Nerf guns?
