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Member Since 16 May 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2012 04:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Would this mod work?

04 August 2012 - 12:21 PM

well ,it is actually true that modding a maverick as your first mod isnt the best idea.... well i was being a douchebag, and themavercik was actually my first mod. Like suggested, modd a smaller gun like a nite finder or a switch shot, it gets preety good ranges, even thought the fact that the dart fish tails.

Also my maverick, does jam so much more often with the ar removal, and it jams, like every 6 shots....

So be warned...
anyways, have fun modding!

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In Topic: N-Strike vs Vortex

12 July 2012 - 03:05 PM

I have to say I do love the Nstrike series, but i can not say much about the vortex series, I sadly do not own any vortex guns, I am waiting for the Pyragon to be released. But from the information i have previously gathered, i do like the Nstrike better.. for now.

1. Shooting range. vortex shoots prety damn far stock compared to regular n strike blasters, even compared to the New elite blaster vortex wins
2. Clip Capacity. Right now N strike has a higher clip capacity than vortex, and in coparison the vortex clips seem bulkier.
3.Modding potential. N strike wins, there are so many more mod guides, online, you can mod an N strike blaster way more than a Vortex blaster. And a big issue to me is that I have only seen one guide to make homemade vortex disc, while there are many different ways to make steafans and slugs.
4. Quantity. Nstrike wins, there are more N strike blaasters than Vortex blasters. Remeber this is Nstrike vs Vortex not the clip systems.
5. Orignality. more than anything, i think Nstrike wins because lets face it, when i type in Nerf on google, a nerf Maverick pops up, thats Nstrike alright. And i think that most of this amazing community started out with a dartblaster.

Yes i know that this is biased since i dont have a single vortex gun, nor have ever tried one, but when i get my hands on one, my opinion is most likely to change but for the time being : N strike is AWESOME!

In Topic: Question: alpha trooper

26 June 2012 - 07:37 PM

I believe he's talking about the letters on the heads of Streamlines.

Yes, thanks for clearing that up.... Anyways... don't want to be picky, but not all your friendly Nerfers are Male.... but can't blame you, most of the people on NH are guys.

In Topic: Question: alpha trooper

22 June 2012 - 09:38 PM

The alpha trooper and the raider have similar internals, except mine was the exact same opposite, when it was stock, it was chewing up darts like crazy, after i modded, it the gun worked better (raider) i guess it also depends on the darts you use (letters on the tips)the darts I originally got with my gun were crappy, the refills were better, and they were in better condition over all with the gun (even without modding)

If you plan on getting new darts, try the "T" darts, they are a lighter color than most, and i got the "T" darts with the flip clip pack, but you just need to look through some packs for different style darts.

"I have discovered through testing that "K" darts have terrible range, but "E" and "T" darts shoot MUCH Further... Also, "T" Darts have a lighter, less dense tip, versus "E" Darts, which have denser foam and a darker orange tip."

This quote is taken from urban taggers.

In Topic: Nerf Red Strike Series

21 June 2012 - 02:59 PM

I would advise you not to really play with it.... because that would equal a more of a chance to break it, don't open up the gun either.. if you are looking to get the most money out of your gun, you can sell it on eBay, BUT.. if you don't desperately need some money, you might want to wait a while before selling it... for these items, usually, the older they are, the rarer they are, the more they sell for.... unless Nerf releases another batch of red blasters....

But anyways you are extremely lucky to get a red long shot.. just remember to take care of it!