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Member Since 26 Nov 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2010 02:33 PM

Topics I've Started

Nite Finder Air Restricter Confusion

24 September 2010 - 03:12 PM

I did a search and everyone does this differently so I'm slightly confused.

For the top piece in the image below I've seen people leave it in, drill out the middle, or drill out the whole thing. Leaving it in completely seems wrong to me. I'm basically adding a barrel like in the website below but it seems like the air restricter would block most of the air.

It seems like it would be a good idea to drill a whole through the middle and seal the holes around the edges but I haven't seen this done. Just curious why it would ever be left in completely and if it is a good idea to just drill out the whole thing? Thanks for the help.

mod http://tman89544.tripod.com/id53.html
Posted Image

Anything Better Than Nite Finder?

10 May 2009 - 04:40 PM

I haven't paid attention to nerf much lately. For a cheap gun that is easy to mod and gets good range it seems like there is the nite finder. Are there any others? I think I heard something about the later nite finders not being as good as the original? Is that true?

Also wasn't the nite finder originally released in 2003? That seems a long time for one sidearm to not have any real updates. I'm just hopeful for something new I guess.

At2k Mod Help

16 June 2005 - 12:14 AM

Ok I just bought two of these at target for only 10 dolares and now I cant find the mod I wanted to do. It was at a nerf website where it ended with .tk instead of something like .com. It was for a single barrel can anybody help. Also I hear A leak do i use plumers goop. Can I take out the liquid in the gauge thing. Sorry if these have been answered.

Nite Finder Barrel

28 November 2004 - 01:53 AM

Hi I know theres an article but I have a question. What is the best material to use for a 2 inch stefan with a bb fishing weight? Is petg the best? What do you guys think about cpvc, pvc, or brass? Is 4 inches a good length? I just want the most range so I need a good barrel. Is that a good stefan or is the weight to heavy? I searched but couldn't find good answers. I know there are a lot of nite finder mod topics but please help.