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New Plunger Gun Idea

Seems Genious :o

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#1 Bishop



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Posted 27 September 2007 - 01:11 PM


It would be too hard for me to explain in words so heres a picture:
Posted Image

::Keep in mind this is all cylindrical::

So the green is your barrel, the red i guess would be a casing or housing. The black is actualy what your plunger is with the spring behind it. So the plunger is cocked at the front and is released and is pushed twords the back by the spring it pushes the air forwarward around and into the dart which is that grey block with the blue tip. The air evenly hits the dart around in a circle

A problem i can see with this is that you need a large diffrence between the barrel OD and the housing ID to get a big enough tank of air so your gun might be a little thick but i guess its a better alternative to having that ugly plunger handle sticking out the back.

So there ya go
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#2 Athune



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Posted 27 September 2007 - 01:31 PM

A bullpup design (like the SNAP 4) has the same advantages and is much simpler, but hey, build it and see how well it works.
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#3 angrscottishkid



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Posted 27 September 2007 - 02:36 PM

Cartoon's actaully made several guns like this.
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Posted 27 September 2007 - 02:39 PM

Connect the barrel to the plunger and you'll have a gun like the TEC-9 Carrtoon built. Here's the link.
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#5 Gengar003



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Posted 27 September 2007 - 03:24 PM

Ha! I thought up pretty much the same thing a couple days ago as a possible solution to ridding the Nitefinder of its cocking handle... It disturbs me how often in the past couple of days that's happened.

Do build it :blink:
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#6 AssassinNF



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Posted 27 September 2007 - 04:00 PM

That is called a reverse plunger tube. The Maverick, Crossfire, and Scout use that. It's a good Idea, but it would work much better if you moved the black part farther back, to around where the dart is. As it is now, the plunger would only move about an inch, and you wouldn't have alot of power. I doubt the dart would even leave the barrel.

This thread is much better than the other "idea" threads, because it actually has a diagram and a fairly decent explanation, but it's still just an idea thread. Now you need to actually build the thing. Good Luck.
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#7 Bishop



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Posted 27 September 2007 - 04:32 PM

Why move it further back? The plungers range of motion is that whole area all the way to the back of the gun. I guess the posission(sp?) it is now is cocked. and while its moving forward more air gets pushed and the legnth of your barrel makes the dart get pushed forward the whole duration of the air flow.

If i connected the barrel to the plunger would defeat the whole purpose and the device wouldent even work.
All you gotta do is add a trigger mechanism to release the held back plunger.

Also i dunno if the diagram was clear enough, that isnt 2 diffrent springs. Its one whole spring that is slipped over the barrel and the plunger is put in before it with orings and stuff to make it air tight.

As for building it. Pretty much my time is swamped with all my classes. Im more of an idea man at the moment. If you feel you understand the drawing fully than feel free to build it.

Edited by Bishop, 27 September 2007 - 04:33 PM.

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#8 Carbon



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Posted 27 September 2007 - 05:18 PM

Bishop, on Sep 27 2007, 04:32 PM, said:

If i connected the barrel to the plunger would defeat the whole purpose and the device wouldent even work.
All you gotta do is add a trigger mechanism to release the held back plunger.

Then the question becomes, "how do you pull back the plunger?"
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#9 AssassinNF



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Posted 27 September 2007 - 06:49 PM

Bishop, on Sep 27 2007, 04:32 PM, said:

Why move it further back? The plungers range of motion is that whole area all the way to the back of the gun. I guess the posission(sp?) it is now is cocked. and while its moving forward more air gets pushed and the legnth of your barrel makes the dart get pushed forward the whole duration of the air flow.

If i connected the barrel to the plunger would defeat the whole purpose and the device wouldent even work.
All you gotta do is add a trigger mechanism to release the held back plunger.

Also i dunno if the diagram was clear enough, that isnt 2 diffrent springs. Its one whole spring that is slipped over the barrel and the plunger is put in before it with orings and stuff to make it air tight.

As for building it. Pretty much my time is swamped with all my classes. Im more of an idea man at the moment. If you feel you understand the drawing fully than feel free to build it.

I understand it now. I didn't realize that pic had the spring compressed and that the black part isn't attached to the barrel. I thought you were designing a reverse plunger, in which the black part would be part of the barrel, and would be farther back. In that system, you'd pull the barrel forward to cock it, and then when you fired, the barrel would move backwards, and fire the dart. (This is the system that the Maverick / Crossfire use, except the plunger tube is pulled back rather then the barrel being pulled forward)

That design is actually very good, and unique, but as Carbon said, how would you cock it?
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#10 zaphodB



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Posted 27 September 2007 - 07:19 PM

Haha, if the spring is comressed in that picture, when you release it the plunger tube's going to shoot the entire barrel out of the gun. The barrel should start right at the front of the plunger tube, so that when it's released, it goes over the barrel and pushed air through.
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#11 Quilan Fett

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Posted 27 September 2007 - 08:01 PM

I have yet to see the advantage that this design has over a standard orientation (i.e. a SNAP), other than the size the barrel takes up.
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Posted 27 September 2007 - 08:23 PM

AssassinNF, on Sep 27 2007, 05:00 PM, said:

That is called a reverse plunger tube.

Not quite. Reverse plunger tubes have a cylinder sliding over the barrel, which forces air through the barrel whithout involving springs threaded around the barrel itself. This design uses a spring perched around the barrel with a neoprene-washer-like object to form a seal between the plunger tube and barrel. Look at Carrtoon's Tec-9.

Bishop, on Sep 27 2007, 05:32 PM, said:

If i connected the barrel to the plunger would defeat the whole purpose and the device wouldent even work.
All you gotta do is add a trigger mechanism to release the held back plunger.

No, the device would work fine. The barrel would be what cocks the plunger, and can be loaded simultaneously. The design of Carrtoon's Tec-9 proves that the concept operates just fine. In this case, the barrel would be a plunger rod and barrel combination.
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#13 NERF Downunder

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Posted 29 September 2007 - 04:03 AM

The only problem i see with the original design is that (correct me if i am wrong) having a washer shaped plunger head would create another area for air to escape, around the outside AND the inside of the plunger head.

If you were to create an improved seal, there would be the problem of increased friction on the chamber and the barrel, which would leave the plunger going slower.

I'm not sure if i got that right, but from what I've read (in my short time here) it seems to me that this is slightly uneconomic. A good idea, just needs fine tuning.

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#14 Lynx



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Posted 29 September 2007 - 06:10 PM

The only effective way to utilize this is a shotgun, pump action and/or BBB-esque type of weapon.

Edited by Lynx, 29 September 2007 - 06:12 PM.

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