This will be split into three catogories.
I. Gun Suggestions
II. Mod Suggestions/ Help
III. Where you can get guns *YMMV*
I. Gun Suggestions
Looking for a certain type of gun for you nerfing style?
Say you want currently out guns (check Section III.), but your not sure what one, get a Nitefinder!
Its cheap, fun, easy to mod, and pretty dang comfy to holster and hold!
A lot of nerfers carry a sidearm, and a primary. Some don't and do whatever, its your gun, its your choice.
Don't be discouraged to carry a a not so good sidearm, and a terrible primary, if it works for you, than go right ahead!
But don't be a noob .
I've listed some combos and types of guns and styles of plays for you to pick your arsenal, your way (think Burger King- Have it you way!)
Also, a great Article is located here . I suggest you read it after this.
Just read this .
A loser usually wants a good, hard, tough, good range gun with a good ROF (Rate of Fire) sidearm.
Primary~ A Big Bad Bow (BBB) works well. A simple barrel mod and spring replacement works great (mine goes maybe 75-80 EASY)! Crossbows, Longshots ,
Sidearm~ Maverick, NiteFinder, Lock'N'Load, maybe even an Airtech2/3000!
-Remember, a sidearm doesn't nessaseraly need to be a pistol.
"Gunner/ Rusher"
A Gunner usually supports thier teamates by firing when they do something else, or a Rusher goes in enemy territory and takes out the enemies messing up plans and such.
Primary~ RapidFire 20, Magstrike, Chainblazer, Razorbeast, Rototrack, anything with high ROF and ok distance and etc...
Sidearm~ Maverick, Manta Ray (shield bonus!!!), Tek4/ 6/ 10, etc...
"A Norm, or a Soldier"
A Soldier is just the normal nerfer, while the asshole takes out other targets, and the Rusher/ Gunner(s) do thier thing, a Norm just cleans out the rest and such.
Primary~ Pretty much anything, I mean, you want good range, but something that works with you, be it a clip, a breech, or whatever.
Sidearm~ I say a Tech Target, NiteFinder, Crossfire, Maverick, Manta Ray, Warthog, Splitfire and etc... Remember- Ok range and a good way to backup your primary.
If you STILL don't know what to get, you will go here . This thread (made by Penquin807), is an ever-growing thread of gun suggestions. You should click the link

On to Section II.!
II. Mod Suggestions/ Help
You got your new gun and played with it, but you were TOTALLY bummed about the stock ranges!
So you hop on to Nerfhaven!
You read all these fancy unknown words, Eh?
Here some definitions.
PVC- A type of tubing thats good for stock micros/ taggers/ megas and bigger.
CPVC- Great for 1/2 Stefans, stocks, and pretty much all 1/2 in. diameter darts! (read next Def.)
Stefan - A cheap, homemade alternative to buying expensive Nerf darts. Made by a Canadian nerfer named Stefan. they are usually .7 cents and maybe lower.
PETG- A clear plastic tubing that fits stocks, and most Stefans that are 1/2 in. One Man Clan, Viper (not sure if he still does), and Cxwq sells it.
Brass- A great barrel material because of its telescoping, multiple sizes. Brass and PETG are the "ideal" barrel materials. Its known for its great low-friction attributes.
CDST- Its just a dart tag dart, Stefanized.
asshole Dart- Its any stock dart, Stefanized.
Micro- The most popular, most common dart today. Made of 1.2 in. foam
Mega- A bigger caliber dart than a micro, its 5/8 in. diameter packs a punch!
Mongo- Made by Forsaken Angel- They are made of Arrows or 1 in. foam. Very powerful in a Airtech 2/3k, Titan, Lanard Blast Bazzoka, or BuzzBee Big Blast.
Epoxy - A very strong adhesive chemical Reacting glue.
Plumbers Goop- A sticky goopy goop that sticks to almost anything very well.
For almost every other abbreviation, look at this post.
Skitzo made a Spreadsheet with mods, and some ranges. Very cool, look at it!
Super Charge your Nerf guns, whats the risk , or find out whats too much .
On to the good part...
III. Where you can get guns *YMMV*
Look here for current available guns.
Check Wal-mart, Target, K-B Toys, Toys'R'Us, and toy stores.
Check websites.
For old guns- Ebay, New/ Mid-new guns- Amazon, and Nerfhaven for everything- Of course!
Kohls used to have Airtech2000's but have recently stopped supplying/ distribitioning.
Ebay is a god-given gift for all Nerfers- Collectors and Current alike!
Heres the Ebay Search thread . Click it if you want to narrow your search results to only Nerf.
Thrift stores.
Garage sales.
Yard Sales.
Flea Markets.
Be creative a little, think of friends who outgrown them, neighbors, any others...
That about wraps up my post.
Thank you for the SEARCH function (use it).
Thank you for Cxwq (for NH).
Badger- for guiding me, I should of listened to you more.
Pineapple- For giving me a chance
And Others.
Hope this helps everyone and clears up most over answered questions in the forums and such.
If you feel anything is missing, need revision, or needs advising or anything, feel free to PM me.
I will also edit over time... A lot.
Thanks for reading,
Edited by keef, 16 August 2007 - 06:02 PM.