I wouldn't try doing a staggered magazine. The reason I didn't mention it before was that it isn't an option without shells, because the darts may get deformed by the force of the magazine spring, eventually causing them to strech and try to occupy the dead space in the magazine. This risk could be reduced by using a weaker spring, but I would make sure you know the maximum amount of darts the magazine can hold before this happens at a scale that would render the magazine useless.
Also, you guys don't have to change anything in boltsniper's name. The censor only seeks out the word snįper by itself.
I never intended to do a staggered magazine at any point in this project, it's too much work for too little gain. With a fairly small 10 inch clip(well small for being on the top of a gun) thats at least 20 darts right there, no need to double stack for any reason at all. That rotation ramp is still getting the best of me, the little bugger just won't work right. I have a feeling I'm getting closer but nothing fully functional yet so far. This might end up using shells if foam doesn't move through the ramp well enough. Good views of the rotation ramp of the magazine are incredibly hard to find, let alone exploded views of the clip, so that's making this 100 times as hard as it should be.
Edited by Fleeting Æther, 08 August 2007 - 12:31 AM.