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Shotgun Titan With "shells"

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#1 Gengar003



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Posted 23 May 2007 - 08:35 PM

This is what you'll be making:

Posted Image

A Titan with a 3/4" threaded coupler on the end that can accept any kind of barrel you can dream up while still maintaining its ability to fire the stock missle. This writeup will guide you through the Titan's barrel modification and the creation of its shotgun "shells."

First, get ur toolz.
Posted Image
  • Two 3/4" SCH40 PVC Female Adapters
  • 1 1/4" SCH40 PVC Slip Coupler (As many as you want shells)
  • 3/4" x 1" SCH40 PVC Male Adapter
  • 1 1/4" x 1" SCH40 PVC Bushing (At least one. If you get more, you can use them as shell holders on your Titan)
  • 3/4" wide x 5" long SCH80 PVC threaded nipple
  • Razor blade
  • Sharpie Marker (optional)
  • Electrical Tape
  • Epoxy
  • Foam Backer Rod
  • Hacksaw (or pipecutters)
  • 1/2" CPVC
  • Titan
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Scissors (optional)
  • Ruler
Now we will prepare the Titan's barrel to receive attachments. Cut off the air restrictors (Hacksaw off the end of the stock barrel, and dremel or pry out the air restrictors at the base of the barrel. You may have to open it up to get the stock barrel off. Find some other writeup for instructions if you really need them.) and make sure that the stock barrel is the same width all the way down - if you cut too close to the tip, there will be a bit of the air restrictor plastic left over inside, and it will be too narrow. You don't want that.

Posted Image

Now get one of your 3/4" Female Adapters, and cut off the threaded part, in front of the hexagonal part, so you're left with a threaded ring.

Posted Image

Wrap a bit of electrical tape around one end of the PVC nipple, and stick it in the UNTHREADED end of the OTHER female adapter, so it's tight. Screw the ring you cut off onto the other end. It should look like this:

Posted Image

Now wrap enough electrical tape around the base of the whole adapter, and the ring you cut off so that it's tight in the Titan's barrel, and jam it down so the whole bushing's threaded part is facing out. (The ring you cut goes in the BACK of the barrel).

Now we'll make the Titan's Shotgun shell barrel attachment.

Posted Image

So take the 3/4" x 1" Male adapter, and epoxy the 1 1/4" x 1" Bushing to it, so that one end is a small 3/4" threaded part sticking out, and the other is a round piece (you want the hexagonal part of the bushing toward the BACK.)

While that's setting and curing, we'll make a shell.

Posted Image

Cut four 1/2" CPVC barrels. I used 3"; four would also work. Keep in mind that they're going to be part of your shell, so if they get too long, it will be awkward. Hot glue the barrels together into a square formation making sure that at least one side has all the barrels the same length. (That is, they're not sticking out or in; they're completely flush.)

Now hot glue a 2" length of 1/2" wide FBR to each crack between barrels, to make something that looks like this:

Posted Image

Now, if you've bought more than one Bushing, you're set; grab one. If not, wait until the barrel attachment dries.

Stick a 1 1/4" coupler on the bushing/barrel attachment until it is quite snug. Now stick the CPVC/Foam thing you just made down the end of that coupler until it hits the bushing. This way, you won't stick the barrel assembly so far down the coupler that your shells fall off. It should look like this:

Posted Image

Trim away the excess foam with your razor blade.

Now, take your hot glue gun and seal up the front and back of the shell.

Once that dries, and your barrel attachment's epoxy is completely cured, screw the attachment into the Titan's barrel, and slip a shell over the end. It should look like this:

Posted Image

If you have extra bushings, mount the hexagonal side somewhere on your titan, and stick extra shells on them. That way, you can load a bunch of shells and have them in easy reach, and store used shells as well, instead of letting them hit the ground or fumbling with pockets.

Pictures: (1) (2) (3)

Furthermore, the stock missile will still fit over the barrel, and any kind of barrel you can think of (breech-loading, like in the first picture, clipped, RCSB'd, etc) can be attached and used, so long as one end has male 3/4" threads on it.

Edited by Gengar003, 24 May 2007 - 06:44 PM.

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#2 rebsol



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Posted 23 May 2007 - 08:42 PM

Nice writeup. I am planning on doing that to my soon-to-come titan. The only thing I might do different would maybe do jakethesnakes version. But good writeup nonetheless and a nice mod. :w00t:
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#3 nerfboi



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Posted 23 May 2007 - 08:51 PM

Thank you Gengar!!! I've been waiting for some kind of explaination on how to make em. Nice job man.
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#4 bobafan



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Posted 23 May 2007 - 10:35 PM

Nice job, but I think the priming time kinda makes this matter less.
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thaygor: all i remimber is pumping it hard and shooting than trying to pump again


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#5 Thom



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Posted 24 May 2007 - 12:11 AM

That's excellent; I hope it makes it into the directory.
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#6 zoob



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Posted 24 May 2007 - 09:04 AM

Nice mod. The mod was great but even better the directions, a retarted donkey could of done this mod.

Great job and now I can look forward to some retarted donkies at the next nerf war.

#7 Cennipe



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Posted 24 May 2007 - 01:51 PM

That's awsome, You stole my shell idea though. I had the exact same idea for a shell a few weeks back. Good job.
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#8 PointBlank



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Posted 24 May 2007 - 05:43 PM

Sweet! Yet another great mod from Gengar003
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#9 Gengar003



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Posted 24 May 2007 - 06:47 PM

bobafan, on May 23 2007, 10:35 PM, said:

Nice job, but I think the priming time kinda makes this matter less.

Au contraire - maybe if it were a singled Titan. If you've ever tried to shotgun-load a barrel, or load an RF20 or Magstrike in the heat of battle (and if you haven't, just pretend), you know how much that sucks. The last thing you want is to take forever priming, then take forever to load. This modification alleviates the load time.

I took my own advice and followed my suggestion in the penultimate paragraph - I got some more 1 1/4" bushings, attached them (with epoxy) to the Titan, and used 'em as shell holders.

I have a name for it now. The Valkryie. :D

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It's rather heavy with all the shells on there. That's fine for me, since I'm large and strong, but smaller people (Titan duh) and medium-sized/strength people would probably find it difficult and unwieldly.

And Cennipe, My titan's had this attachment + shells since December of last year... :blink:

Edited by Gengar003, 24 May 2007 - 07:26 PM.

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#10 nerfboi



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Posted 25 May 2007 - 06:43 PM

Hey, is it possible to just non-threaded fittings? Cause I already modded mine with a coupler and I just stick the barrel into the coupler. Could I just buy a 1 1/4" reducer to 1/2 PVC?
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#11 bobafan



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Posted 25 May 2007 - 10:43 PM



Nice job, but I think the priming time kinda makes this matter less.

Au contraire - maybe if it were a singled Titan. If you've ever tried to shotgun-load a barrel, or load an RF20 or Magstrike in the heat of battle (and if you haven't, just pretend), you know how much that sucks. The last thing you want is to take forever priming, then take forever to load. This modification alleviates the load time.

What I'm getting at is that you would probably be in a semi-sheltered place already so 3 more seconds won't matter much.

I like the name. Norse dieties who chose which warriors were to die and join the Army of the Dead to aid Odin in Ragnarok. Rode wolves.


Oh, nerfboi, if you don't have threads, it is more likely that the whole shell will fly off.
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thaygor: all i remimber is pumping it hard and shooting than trying to pump again


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<death09>yeah.i sent them to her dad

#12 Gengar003



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Posted 25 May 2007 - 11:37 PM

As bobafan said, the threads are (with the Titan) fairly necessary to keep the shells/barrel assembly from flying off. If I pump the Valkryie 30 times, it will fire the PVC shells as well as the darts, because there's so much pressure. If the attachment weren't threaded, it'd go, too.

In short: Yes, it's possible, but I don't reccommend it.

This Titan's a shotgun - not meant for ranged combat. All the times my friends and I've used it, it's been in a close-quarters confrontation.

The "way you use" the shells is, after firing, pop a new one on and begin pumping. That will keep people at bay while you pump - As you pump, the "danger zone" around you widens, so as soon as the shell's on (titan loaded) and you're pumping, you're a threat.

If you're loading darts, though, you're harmless, no matter what you're loading or if your gun's already primed.

The shells aren't really designed to make you a rapid-fire fountain of foam death - they're designed to minimize the vulnerable period between firing once and being ready to fire again.

Edited by Gengar003, 25 May 2007 - 11:52 PM.

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#13 nerfboi



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Posted 26 May 2007 - 12:10 AM

I actually just finished it. I just used a 1 1/4 busshing that reduces down to 1/2 PVC. Then I went cheap and just used hoy glue to glued an 8" piece of PVC to the bushing. so I can remove it and change it between mty Mega barrel and my Micro barrel. I got 2 more 1 1/4 couplers left but I need to buy more CPVC. Thanks again for the write up. And good job.
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#14 OfAllTheNerf



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Posted 26 May 2007 - 12:10 PM

Very nice Gengar.

I love how you make shell-holders.

Have you tried using it in a war? I'd love to know how it goes.
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#15 Gengar003



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Posted 26 May 2007 - 03:19 PM

It's been used in three or four wars, I believe, but none since it got the shell-holders added. I have a feeling it will be much more formiddable now.

In its battles, it has almost always successfully hit its target with the spray, and has caused several vulgar words to be shouted loudly.

I personally didn't like it that much because I had to stuff my pockets full of shells, and fumble with them to reload. Solved! Plus, it looks intimidating.

Edited by Gengar003, 26 May 2007 - 03:24 PM.

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#16 SirBlastalot



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Posted 27 May 2007 - 07:43 PM

Looks great! This is one of the more ingenious mods I've seen. Would you possibly be able to post some video of this in action?
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#17 Spectre666



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Posted 28 May 2007 - 01:16 AM

I've been trying to find a way to create switchable barrels, and create a shotgun mod, and now you've shown me how. Thanks a whole lot.
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#18 Guest_yourface_*

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Posted 06 June 2007 - 10:17 AM

Great mod! I just have one question: what are the ranges? Does each dart just go a quarter of a single dart's range?
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#19 Gengar003



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Posted 06 June 2007 - 06:26 PM


Each dart goes around 40'. More if I pump more, but not much more - the barrel lengths I'm using (3") cap the range at about that - and that's about what I want.

With PETG or brass, the range would be greatly improved. (But still yes, about 1/4 singled range, since it's got to propel four darts).
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#20 Cmdrmack



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Posted 06 June 2007 - 06:54 PM

It's really kind of ugly...

I like it.

Titans are great guns because of their huge amount of power. One can do almost anything with it. I think this and the Mongo Titan are my favorites thus far. Although I'd rather have this one than the Mongo in a war.
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QUOTE(Predalien_Ro @ Apr 7 2008, 10:24 PM) View Post

Oompa: FECES!? Who in their right mind would try that shit!?

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#21 mp130



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Posted 06 June 2007 - 07:03 PM

If you cut down the stock barrel more, you could probably get some more range out of it. Because with that giant barrel, you get a massive amount of dead air space.
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QUOTE(DJRayza @ May 2 2007, 04:31 PM) View Post
the range is to that of a midget hurling a small cow

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