The pictures are large, so I'm just going to thumbnail-link them here, click on the thumbnails for larger view.

These are the pieces needed, minus the orange thing (was going to use it for something, decided not to). I forgot to take a picture of the step where i attached that grey piece of PVC to the white, but basically all I did was dremel down the white, hammer the grey PVC onto it, and use the dremel to round off the leading edge. I don't have the diameters for the PVC on hand, but I can get people the diameters if requested here.
Anyway, the combined piece of grey and white PVC is going to be the part you see when this is done. The shorter piece of grey PVC laying below it is going to become the sliding breech cover, and the clear plastic tubing is what the dart will go in inside the larger'll make sense when you see it.

Next step is wrapping the whole piece of clear plastic tubing (except for about an inch at the end) in 3 layers of duct-tape. This is to take up the space difference between its outside diameter and the inside diameter of the rigid PVC barrel.

Next you force the tape-wrapped tubing down the PVC barrel. I had to use a hammer because of the friction, but that's the idea...nice tight fit.

Now you use a dremel to grind down the orange piece that the Titan's barrel usually screws onto so that the grey pvc fits snugly onto it. Again, needed a hammer to force it on...but it's sure not coming off. I followed up with hot glue around the edge for security, but I'm not worried. It should be noted that because I left the end of the clear tubing flush with the end of the grey "coupler", it has been forced inside the orange barrel where the Titan's air restrictor used to be.

This picture combines two steps. I ground down the inside of the piece of grey PVC to make it fit snugly over the white PVC, but loose enough to slide with some effort. Then I used a red sharpie to mark off the area to cut out for the breech.

Cutting out the slot for the breech.

Now, tricky thing. I hot glued the pieces I cut out back together so they won't fall apart. This makes it so you can actually place them back over hole before sliding back the grey PVC, making a tighter seal on the dart... that. Note: that is the glued piece back in place, before sliding the grey cover over it. You don't HAVE to keep this removable chunk of plastic, but I find that it makes the gun fire better.

And done. You slide the grey piece up the barrel, pull out the cover, slide the dart into the tube, replace the over, slide the breech down, pump, and fire. I'll have ranges tomorrow, it's currently 12:40AM and a bit dark out. The gun currently is firing the original Longshot darts (think they're called Streamlines) as well as micro stefans.
Again, can get exact diameters and lengths of pieces if anybody wants them.
Edited by MithMorchaint, 18 May 2007 - 11:49 PM.