Intro: How it Began
Our first Nerf war was a lot of fun, it started out as Ultimate Frisbee but never really got a game going and eventually just sat in a circle throwing the Frisbees at each other talking about what else we could do. Ideas included another pirate war (like a Nerf war but instead of guns using 2' "Bushido" sticks) a battle using marshmallow blowguns, capture the flag, airsofting, and of course a Nerf war. At first the major opposition to a Nerf war was the cost for everyone to go out and buy a Nerf gun, but when I explained that you could get a capable Nerf gun for under $10 and that even the expensive ones were only like $30, and I assured them that my gun was not crazily modified (at the previously mentioned pirate battle I brought my own foam swords that were significantly better than the ones they had) we agreed to meet at a local Ruby's at 7 to give people the chance to buy their guns and for some of our other friends to get off work and such.
The Set Up
Our arsenal consisted mostly of 4 Mavericks, 2 Fireflys, and 1 Longshot, all were completely stock except that my firefly had the air restricters removed, oh and we also had a reactor on standby that never got used. our ammo were just the stock suction cup darts and shorted dart taggers (shortened so they would fit in the firefly). We played single hit elimination until one team was completely eliminated, the teams were 3 on 4 with one person alternating each round. The battlefield was a small park with a wide variety of terrain two sections of playground equipment separated by a bridge, a pretty steep hill with grass on one side and plants and bushes on the other, and surrounded by gazebos and a garden/fountain type area. It's a really cool area because of the wide variety of terrain but it's also kinda hard to explain, I'll try to get pics up at some point.
The War
We had a lot of fun lost some ammo, had some great battles and skirmishes, experienced a lot of misfires/jams, but mostly had a lot of fun. All our guns had about the same range and all had multiple shots at about the same rate of fire which made encounters very exciting and a lot of fun. Everyone that participated seemed to look forward to another war, so hopefully we'll have another next week after some time to get more ammo and try and make our guns more reliable.

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Posted 06 May 2007 - 04:36 PM
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