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Missing Splitfire

East Coast

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#1 Crankymonky


    It's The Dean!

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Posted 22 April 2007 - 06:00 PM

As some people may know, I lost THIRST's splitfire at ECNO '07.

One side is still opaque green, the other was painted black on the inside, giving a greenish-black color. The side ammo holders have been cut off. There is a bike tube on the handle as well. They are CPVC barrels that are inside copper barrels to secure them.
Here are a few pictures of it.

Posted Image
It's the splitfire underneath the crossbow on the far left.

Posted Image
Again, It is the splitfire under the crossbow.

If anyone has better pictures of the splitfire, that would also be really cool.

I would really appreciate it if someone would be honest about the gun, whether they accidently took it, I accidently put it in your bag, or you had sick and cruel intentions of taking it the whole day.


Edited by Crankymonky, 22 April 2007 - 06:03 PM.

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#2 Crankymonky


    It's The Dean!

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Posted 29 May 2007 - 01:34 AM

Hey, this is just a bump.

Wondering if anyone happened to have found it recently when preparing for LCM tune-up or the upcoming DCNO.

It would be great to get by/at DCNO on June 16th. If everyone took another look, It would be much appreciated.
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