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Lanard Triple Shot

It's a Write-Up

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#1 Lukeinator



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Posted 17 March 2007 - 12:50 AM

I've been in to Nerf for 2 years now. I've been a member of NH for almost 2 years.

During those almost 2 years, I have filled the boards with dumb noobish questions, and contributed almost nothing.

Today that changes.

I give you my first mod write-up.

The Lanard "Really Shitty When it's Stock" Triple Shot.

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I picked this spring gun up during a trip to Value Village for $2 CAD, it even came with one of the stock megas. So naturally, the first thing I did with it was perform a stock range test. This is where it got its nickname. Cock the gun, pull the trigger, watch the dart flail through the air and land 5' in fron of you. By now I'm pumped because I might be able to turn the Lanard "Really Shitty When it's Stock" Triple Shot in to the Lanard "Not so shitty when it's modded" Triple Shot.

Let's get started.

For this mod, you will need:

-Phillips Scrwdriver
-Dremel with grinding attachment
-9" of 17/32 Brass Tubing

First thing we do is take out all the screws. Take them out, but don't try to pull the gun open, it's closed internally somewhere and I didn't feel like breaking anything. Besides, the only thing we'll be working on is the turret. All the air restrictors are in the turret, and we're not doing a spring swap. Pry the front of the gun open just enough to pull out the turret, let the gun snap shut, and put it aside. We won't be needing it until the end.

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Here's what we'll be working on today.

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See those three screws? Take them out, but don't lose them.

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Now you should be able to take the red "cap" off. Do that now.
Next you need to snap the yellow "barrels off. You can get rid of the barrels, but we'll be needing the rest of the turret later.

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Now Dremel/Sand/Grind the yellow barrel stubs down.

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Now slap you barrels on there over top of what's left of the stubs. I used 3" of 17/32" brass for my barrels. They fit my darts great for spring guns. Glue/Goop/Epoxy them to make a good seal.

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See this red turret cap?

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Make it look like this with a dremel. The holes should be big enough for you barrels to fit through, but small enough to still support your barrels. Now re-assemble the turret (don't forget the screws!!!) and put a bead of glue around each barrel where it pokes out of the red "cap" to keep them straight and attached.

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Now re-assemble the gun. Put the turret back in the same way you got it out, by prying the front of the gun open just a little bit. Screw the gun back together.

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Here's what the front of your gun should look like.

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Here's the finished product.

It snowed and was generally shitty the day after I finished this mod (last November), so no definite ranges yet. From some testing inside my house, it looks as if it will be good for about 45' to 50'. Darts used were 2" stefans with 1/4" slingshot ammo. I'll have them up as soon as possible.

I thoroughly enjoyed making this gun "not so shitty", and I hope my write-up is helpful to others.

We don't have a mod for this gun in the directory so maybe Forsaken_Angel24 could add it. That'd be cool.

Any comments on how i could improve my next write-up would be greatly appreciated.

Now go shoot foamy things at people.

Edited by Lukeinator, 17 March 2007 - 12:50 AM.

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#2 Dangaard



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Posted 17 March 2007 - 05:51 AM

Nice job, I'd go for a spring replacement, its sometimes difficult to do with some of the more finicky guns. What you have there, I think it has potential.
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#3 nerfboi



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Posted 17 March 2007 - 08:43 AM

Very nice and clean mod you have there. I've never seen this gun be modded. Oncr again, great job.
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#4 navy seal

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Posted 17 March 2007 - 08:48 AM

Very nice mod. You should get this added to the mod directory.
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#5 RaZeR ShArP



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Posted 17 March 2007 - 10:48 AM

If you have a maxshot, can you post a pic of it with the triple shot for size comparason?

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"If only you could upgrade to a bigger one. Double the length and watch as others cower in fear of your balls." -Shadow Hunter Alpha

"I had just used some silicone spray on the plunger, and saw a nice increase in range. So I told my wife that lubing up makes my balls shoot further." -Carbon

#6 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 17 March 2007 - 11:09 AM

If I remember right this thing is around the size of a first shot but fired smaller arrows.

The reason I think why you werent able to get the gun open is because of a beefy screw under the purple nub under the cocking lever. You need a flat head screw driver or something of the like to pry out the nub.

Nice write up. I always love it when I see a new write up that nobody has done before. I was more excited to see this than then the past 5 nitefinder write ups. With the exception of Kbarkers because that thing was pretty cool.

Always have internal pics. I know you said you couldnt get the gun open but try your best to figure out why, then overcome that obstacle and get her shell off to show the rest of the community how her guts work.

Your contribution has been added to the directory.
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#7 Retiate



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Posted 17 March 2007 - 12:21 PM

That's a pretty cool mod, nice job on the first write up. I always enjoy seeing people mod less-known guns, or ones that are titled as horrible. Does the lever rotate the turret, or is it manual rotate?
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#8 Lukeinator



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Posted 17 March 2007 - 12:58 PM


That would make sense. The purple nub seemed to be what was holding it together. I'll head to the garage and give it a shot.


It is about the size of the first shot, like FA24 said. It just shoots megas instead of arrows.


The lever rotates the turret and cocks the gun at the same time. It's got the saftey in it just like the Maxshot, so the gun can't fire unless the lever is all the way down. I think I'll leave the saftey in because I hate having the lever snap down on my finger when I fire it as it does whith my friends Maxshot.
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#9 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 18 March 2007 - 11:34 PM

Lukeinator, on Mar 17 2007, 02:58 PM, said:

It is about the size of the first shot, like FA24 said. It just shoots megas instead of arrows.

Oh I think you misunderstood what I wrote. This thing came with three small arrows new in the box. I am sure megas could fit over the rods but the gun did in fact come with small arrows.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 18 March 2007 - 11:35 PM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
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#10 Lukeinator



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Posted 18 March 2007 - 11:37 PM

Forsaken_angel24, on Mar 18 2007, 08:34 PM, said:

Lukeinator, on Mar 17 2007, 02:58 PM, said:

It is about the size of the first shot, like FA24 said. It just shoots megas instead of arrows.

Oh I think you misunderstood what I wrote. This thing came with three small arrows new in the box. I am sure megas could fit over the rods but the gun did in fact come with small arrows.

I did get it at Value Village, so I'm sure you're right.

But, it is about the size of a First Shot.
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#11 RaZeR ShArP



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Posted 19 March 2007 - 06:21 AM

For a turreted first shot (what it seems like), not too bad.

In fact, good job.

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"If only you could upgrade to a bigger one. Double the length and watch as others cower in fear of your balls." -Shadow Hunter Alpha

"I had just used some silicone spray on the plunger, and saw a nice increase in range. So I told my wife that lubing up makes my balls shoot further." -Carbon

#12 ShadowSniper



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Posted 21 March 2007 - 09:04 PM

Nice write up, I like how you got good, clean pictures. Whats funny though is that in my absence I havent even heard of this gun. ^_^
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#13 used man

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Posted 11 May 2007 - 10:51 PM


I always enjoy seeing people mod less-known guns, or ones that are titled as horrible.

i wonder if the perceptor could be made better?
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#14 z80



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Posted 12 May 2007 - 07:20 AM

used man, on May 11 2007, 07:51 PM, said:


I always enjoy seeing people mod less-known guns, or ones that are titled as horrible.

i wonder if the perceptor could be made better?

Please refrain in posting in topics over a week old, *especially* if they have almost nothing to do with the origional topic, like your's.
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