materials needed:
plastic sheet
nail( does not need to be specific size)
cpvc or other barrel material
a relativly small spring
Okay so lets start. First you need to cut a square shaped piece of plastic sheet, 6x6cm.

Then you need to make a round piece, 6cm in diameter. Or you can cheat like i did and take a round thing either from a another turret or any other round flat plastic thing you can find.

Since i cheated i used the back piece of a tek6 turret.
Then one 1x1 cm plastic piece. It does not have to be exact at all.

Then saw your barrel material in six piece. You have to deicid your self how long your barrels shoud be.
(depending on your gun)
Now drill a really small (1mm or so) hole in the middle of the round piece. And then six more holes (bigger ones 2-3mm) for the barrels. Make sure the barrel holes are at a equal distance from the middle hole. Lets call the distance between the middle hole and the barrel holes X.
Then drill a 1mm hole in the middle of the big square thing. Then drill a 2-3mm hole X away from the middle hole.
Last piece to drill, just drill a 1mm hole in the small square piece.
Put the nail trought the small square.

like this
And then add the spring

like this
Then glue the four of the barrels to the round piece. Put a big fat lump of hot glue in the middle that covers the hole in the middle. Then glue the rest of the barrels in place. Should look something like this.

Put the turret thing uppsidedown and place the square thing on top of it. Like this.

Then put the spring thing on top of it and showe the nail trough the hole in the square thing into the glue on the other side either with brute force or by heating the nail first and then push.

And then you have it your very own homemade turret. Now all you have to do is to attach it to a gun of your choice and be happy

Edited by anders, 04 February 2007 - 03:15 PM.