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Buzzbee Mustang Six Reveiw

Reveiw on Buzzbee's newest shell gun!

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#1 Yakkers



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Posted 12 November 2006 - 06:29 PM

I was at Kmart to check if any of the new Buzzbee guns were out, and I was surprised to see the Mustang Six. I got it for $9.99. This was the one I was hoping to find, I like the shell guns. Kind of useless, but great to fool around with.

The first thing I noticed was that they redesigned the shells. The smaller end tapers off into instead of a having the lif to gri onto the spring. Upon further inspection (when they were held up to a light), I noticed that they have a spring loaded platform to give the darts a little push. I compared the two shells with the same darts, and the new ones worked a lot better.

Onto the gun. It has a button on the right side to eject the shells. You load the loaded shells into the little hole on the left, pull the lever, and add another. The release button retracts a little piece that is angled on one end to let the shells in, but not out.

When I fired, I was almost startled at the force that the little dart smacked into my window. I haven't tested ranges, but it's very powerful. Now you cock again, open the shell hatch, push the button, and the empty shell will eject and slide to the left about a 45* angle. Then you repeat until the chanber is empty Alternately, you can leave the shells in and reload from the front of the barrel.

Overall, it's not really useful in a war, since you have to worry about the shells. Although you could leave them in and use it like a maverick, so it could be nice in a war if you leave them in. The little door that clicks in and out in fron of the shell port can be annoying to open and close, but when you leave it open it swings around and just looks downright ugly. It's probably worth removing. I'm not sure about modding power, but if you were to single barrel it, it might have some real potential. It's mainly another novelty gun like the other shell guns from Buzzbee. It's really getting me thinking what Buzzbee will do with their shells next, maybe a clip fed pistol?   :-D

- Very powerful
- Easy to cock
- The option to leave the shells in
- Fun to just mess around with

- Shells usually hit you when ejecting
- Shell door gets in way
- Shells a pain to reload and insert
- Small handle


Edited by Yakkers, 12 November 2006 - 06:29 PM.

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#2 Team Slaya

Team Slaya


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Posted 13 November 2006 - 05:54 PM

Question: Can you load the darts in the side where you load the shells? Or do you really have to load it in the front? I've been wondering about that for a bit.

Forsaken came out with a mod for this a bit ago, it seemed to have some power. Nevertheless, good little review you've whipped up here.

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#3 Yakkers



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Posted 13 November 2006 - 07:21 PM

The openeing on the side can only really have the shells put in, since you'd have to put the darts in from the front of the shell.

I found that if you angle the gun a bit away from you, you can get the shell to fly out very nicely. It won't hit you if you do that :)

I've read stories of the cocking lever snapping off, I hope that doesn't happen to mine. I'll try to get a video up of how it is loaded, fired, and ejected (hopefully before something breaks). I saw the movie Forsaken angel put up, and I saw he ejected all of the shells sfter firing all of the darts. I'll do them individually in mine.
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#4 NiteWalker



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Posted 13 November 2006 - 09:15 PM

Ok, I have around two things to say to your review:
-Shells ARE NOT a problem just leave them in.
-No you can;t load them in the side... its shells.
-Another con:The gun can break very easily. Cocking handle broke on the first day and catch broke after I repaired the handle.

In all, its not very durable and I consider it worthless, but if yours is solid its pretty good.
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#5 Yakkers



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Posted 13 November 2006 - 09:59 PM

Well, in the pros and cons I didn't think about leaving them in, but once you're done you'd have to take them out. If you do leave them in, it's basically a Maverick for rate of fire and convenience.

I had no idea they broke that fast... I hope mine stays in one piece.
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#6 ambushbug



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Posted 13 November 2006 - 11:45 PM

Some of this was also articulated in a mod write-up a few months ago:

mustang six

In one person's opinion, it performs better than the Mav. But you be the judge - I just thought I'd point out the existing info.
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