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Confrontation With A Tru Employee

this is beyond bizarre :)

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#1 MFRnync



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 06:47 AM

Yesterday evening I went to my loal lake Grove Toy's R" Us and picked up two longshots and a mag strike to prepare for a late night modding sesson/movie night. I grabbed what I wanted and proceeded to the register not expecting anything ut of the ordinary (who would)? I placed te items down on the counter and pulled out my debit card. Then as I handed the employee my card he stood for a second and looked down at what I was buying, letting out a long and obnoxiouly deliberate sigh as he did so. I played it off casually laughing a little bit and entered my pin wanting to get across the street to meet my friends for dinner as quickly as possible. He had just begun to grab a plastic bag when he turned to me and said, you know.... dont you thing these are a little innapropriate for someone of your age? I was stunned he would even have the nerve to inquire about a customers purchase and all I ould muster was a labored " excuse me"?. " Dont get me wrong", he said, but you look like your in your mid twenties, what are you going to do with a nerf gun? "Why dont yu go play paintball or something :blink:. I thought for a minute about weather or not I should start discussing the nerf interne t and modding community with this guy and then settled for, " Their fun to fool around with, and you can play with them indoors which is something paintbal does not alow you to do". "I still think its wierd" the guy continued and I have half a mind not to sell them to you". WTF! " I bet you and your punk friends will be cruising down the street shooting these at old ladys and kids. I was sisck of this guy and this conversation at this point so trying not to loose my temper I simply signed the elctronic reciept and said " you can think whatever you like but I have a ight to buy these and being rude to a customer is probably not something your manager would appreciate". He shook his head, bagged the items and I walked out angry and confused.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#2 Ender



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 07:44 AM

I reading this my immediate reaction was you should have talked to this guy’s supervisor and raised hell about the treatment that you received. Who knows you might have got a gift card or something for your emotional distress. He was out of line and in a retail industry that is a big no no, thats a funny word huh no no. However, if the guy had been fired I would have felt bad, and this statement is not knocking tru but I imagine if someone with that kind of attitude is working there it is probably because they need the work. I think you handled it better than me, I would have gone off on him when he mentioned the little old lady thing.
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#3 nerfer34



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 07:57 AM

Yea I believe this, there are some crazy weird people out there. I would hhave just told the guy to shut up and bag my items. But you did a pretty good job with this. How old was the guy? Did he have any mental issues or anything?
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#4 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 24 August 2006 - 08:49 AM

I don't get that kind of flack because well I'm big and intimidating. However, If I did I would have raised a huge scene. I am not shy either, so I would have lost it on the guy. If he was a thin dude I would have sighed and calmly reminded him that I could break/throw him. But yeah you should have complained. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. You would have gotten a discount on your purchases or something if you complained, just like the other guy said. This guy probably hates his life and you were probably not the first person in your 20's to buy nerf stuff that day.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 24 August 2006 - 09:05 AM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
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#5 joeyaglr444



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 09:06 AM

Cant beleieve that guy had the nerf to do something like that. God you should go back and pop him in the head with a titan.
Im 15 goin 16 so i sorta pull off the young enough to buy a nerf gun thing.
I think i woulda popped at him myself well handled.
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#6 ompa



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 09:42 AM

Every time I buy a nerf gun they always ask for a gift receipt... It's kind of entertaining, as everyone assumes I'm buying it for a kid or something. I always say no and smile at them, and I get this funny look as I walk out of the store. It's great. I want to hear Talio's stories about buying nerf guns. Or OMC's. They've got to be amusing.

Funny thing is, no matter how wierd the things I end up buying, nobody assumes that I'm going to be doing anything bad with them; maybe it's because I'm an asian kid with glasses. I guess they must figure "Oh he's asian. He's too smart to do stupid things." I say that because I've actually had people go up to me and say, "Hey, you're Asian. You must be smart. Can you help me with this?".

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#7 cxwq



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 12:59 PM

Try checking out with about 25 at3ks and max shots and see how funny they look at you. It was two carts full.

As I'm now in my 30's, I assume most clerks think I'm buying for my kids but if someone gave me that kind of shit I would most definitely speak with the store manager about his/her insolent little employee.
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#8 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 24 August 2006 - 01:09 PM

So, why were you buying two carts full of guns again? And... which store were you at that had two cart-fulls of guns?

I've never gotten any weird looks. I guess they assume, "Just another crazy teenager...."
Somebody has to buy them, I guess.
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#9 MFRnync



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 02:33 PM

First of all I apolagize for the extremley poor grammar in my last post. It was early in the morning and I had just stepped out of the shower and was in the process of getting ready for work. In retrospect I could have gotten into a confrontation with the employee, involved the management etc. Than again, what would that have really done? I doubt they would have fired the guy because of it and I would have felt bad about it if they had. As nasty as he was I bet it was something outside work that was eating at him and Ill just be sure to avoid him in the future
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#10 NinjZ



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:58 PM

So, why were you buying two carts full of guns again? And... which store were you at that had two cart-fulls of guns?

Stocking up :P .

I love how he assumes close mindedly that you were buying them for yourself. You could have been getting them as presents. I would have asked to speak to the manager.

Edited by NinjZ, 24 August 2006 - 05:58 PM.

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#11 PiMpDaDdY



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 06:35 PM

I'm 14 and I got that same remark from a TRU employee. I know for sure that I don't look like I'm in my twenties. When I heard that I flipped out. The manager came out and asked what was going on and I told him what the guy said they game me a 35% discount and a $25 dollar gift card. So I don't know if it's just TRU is hiring jerk offs to work or what but at least you didn't break his nose or anything.

Edited by PiMpDaDdY, 24 August 2006 - 06:35 PM.

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I only ask because I'm thinking of trying these and it would suck if the balls got all covered with hairs after a while.

#12 MFRnync



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 08:09 PM

The ironic thing about the whole situation is that I am not in my twenties, I am two weeks away from being eighteen , but, I'm a BIG guy both height and husk wise :P . To give you a general idea Im 6'2 AND 308 lb's, so people tend to misjudge my age from time to time. By all means I could have knocked this guy well into last wek with one punch, but, I'm not about to start a physical altercaion I know I would win over the poor attitude of some mimimum wage shmuck. I am going to file a formal complaint with the store manager over the phone tommorow, possiby n person if I decide to go back and pick up a few more guns.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#13 LastManAlive



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 09:02 PM

I have had an incident at TRU myself. Same thing, but I had an old lady talk to me. She picked the LBB box up, said, this says for ages 8 only, take it back, put it on the shelf, and get something more suitable for your age. I almost got agressive, but I decided to mess with her. So I returned the gun to the shelf, picked another LBB up, and placed it on the counter. She picked it up, placed it behind her counter (obviously refusing to ring it up for me) and asked said "oh I guess you are buying a gift card?" "I said oh I guess I am stupid." And went back to the shelf and picked up another LBB. I returned to the line with 3 other people in front of me. She then started to tell me to put it back. I ignored her and shugged at the customers in front of me. I decided to see what she was going to do this time, so I turned my camera phone on and closed the flip on it and put it in my cellphone holster and pointed the holster towards her. It then was my turn, so I placed my item to be rung up, and she placed it behind her counter again and said "well stupid, go get something that is suited for your age." I almost had it that time, but I remained calm and decide to get someone to see this. So, I picked up a LBB, RF20, unity set, and whatever else I could carry, and drug it to the register. She placed everyone behind the counter until she almost had nowhere to go. I repeated this over and over until someone asked why she was placing them behind the register. I told them that she refused to let me purchase something meant ofr a younger audiance. The customer asked if I needed help with this, and I said, no I have an idea. I repeated this, grabbing something and she stashes it behind her counter for mroe than 45 minutes, and by then, I decided that I had better get to her really good. I picked up 2 year olds items. She did the same thing to me, and finally I finnally picked a Teen rated video game up and placed it down. She said "thats more like it retard." I then said, "Hold on I have something else to get." I picked up a LBB, like I had wanted in the frist place, and placed it at the register. "She picked the item up, and threw it at me, knocking my glasses off, and bending them horribly. I was more than irrate, mad, or angry. I was going to get furious now. I showed my ass by stepping up on the counter, and yelling, "when I place something on the counter, I wish to purchse it! And unless by law, I am not suited via age to purchase it, then I SHALL get something else, OR LEAVE!" This got someone out, and they started to see what the problem was. The old lady replied "He is NOT respecting an elderly person." I then said, "now for my side of the story, and this includes a video." I said, "This elderly person does not get respect form me, because I have been DISrepected on MY age first. I wish to show you something that should get her in more trouble than being fired!" I got my phone out, let it process the footage taken, and showed the video to him. At 51 minutes long, he said that he would take this in a seperate room with me. After having to pause the video 3 times to tell me mom where I was, the manager finally saw the whole thing, called the nursing home on the list of contacts, and told them that the old lady may possibly be placed with charges. She was then fired on the spot, and she called out to me that I can have all my f***ing toys and that I could rot and die in a mentally challenged asyllim. She was escorted out my police to a care taker and the manager asked if there was anything that he could ever do to releive this frustratoin at the store. I told him, just let me check out what I wanted. He saw the pile of guns and the video game, and asked what I intended to buy. I placed a LBB on the counter, and he bagged that and the video game for me, and started filling a gift card out for 100 dollars. He told me to have a nice day and I was off.
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#14 NiteWalker



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 09:21 PM

Ok, I'm not sure I beleive that... I have never seen an old lady calling someone a retard, stupid or swear(unless its in a movie). Also, cellphones don't record videos for an hour because of the lack of memory(maybe im wrong, but I don't know every brand of cellphone). IF it was true, then the lady has problems... Oh, and did they pay for the glasses(again if this it true)?

Edit- I've heard old ladies scream before, but not say retard which I imagine is more for younger people.

Edited by NiteWalker, 24 August 2006 - 09:26 PM.

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#15 ompa



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 09:24 PM

Depends on the phone. I'm sure there are some expensive-as-hell phones that have that capability. I know that there is at least one phone out there with a 4gb hard drive built right in.

Fake or not, I could see it happening, as I've had old ladies yell at me. Mainly asking for checks when I keep telling them I have no access to the program that cuts checks, nor can I sign them. But they yell at me and call me stupid anyways. Even if you made it up, it's still funny.

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#16 echo104b



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 09:35 PM

I've gotten 3 Employees fired from Toys R Us in one run for this very Reason. it was a few months ago. i was purchasing 3 Mavericks and 2 NF's. The cashier started ringing them and asked me if they were for my son. I simply said "ha. me? Married and with children? i'm only 20. These are for me"

"These are for little kids" he responded

"So? Whats your point?"

"Seems kind of immature to me. Playing with Narf guns when you should be going to college" yes... he said "Narf"

"Doesnt matter to me. and i'd like to speak with your supervisor"

he called him over and the whole process repeated itself.

I paid and went over to the CS Desk to file a complaint. The process repeated itself. SO i asked to see the manager.

he was the only one who did not insult me for my purchases. instead, he called the 3 other employees over and spoke with them while i was there. They did not drop the subject. Their defence was that it doesnt make sense for someone my age to be playing nerf

he asked all 3 of them for their badges and told them to never come back. He fired them all right there at once. He also gave me money for my purchases. i got the guns for free. I asked if i could go back and get a few more things. he laughed and said "Nice try" i laughed back and as i was walking out he said "have fun at the war!"

it was awesome.
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#17 cowboybibby



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 09:49 PM

he was probably a fag, or a scientologist or both
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#18 MFRnync



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 09:53 PM

Well, I'm not to sure I bielive all of last man alives story but hey, at least someone has dealt with a simmilar situation. Btw, I recieved a free $75 dollar gift card after making a complaint over the phone tonight. I guess it pays to shitty service at tru :P.
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#19 Pineapple


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 12:08 AM


If you have such an expensive (by ompa's description of the amount of video storage your cellphone must have) phone that takes and processes pictures and video....

...would you please post some pictures and video of your weaponry, your amazing modified blasters, the airsoft Barrett loser rifle you have, some footage of your ultimate wars, your flashbangs, and all the other claims you make.

We get lots of very wordy descriptives, lots of pretty big claims, and lots of things that most of the community hasn't heard of before. You know what they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Videos even more.

I've never heard of such outrageous behavior in a store, I'm surprised that store security didn't take YOU away for odd behavior. Dancing on the counter and yelling? Because you can't get a Nerf blaster? There must've been someone else you could have gone to instead of carrying on like that.

With all these claims of horrible sales clerks in our nation's toy stores, sometimes I wish I could hear the other side of the story, from behind the counter. Hmmm.

Sometimes the way some of you behave on the forum boards, I would tend to side with the counter people. And in case anyone thinks of knocking me into next week...though I'm 5'7", 170, whenever I hit the city, I carry either pepper spray or an ASP baton. And I know how to use them. Well.

I don't know if it's because I'm old, bigger than average, or just have a ring on my finger, but I've NEVER been harassed like that, at any store. I've even gone to the counter with Barbie dolls, My Little Ponies, and a Cinderella outfit with light-up tiara. I asked one young and attractive counter girl, "Do you think this fits me?" She thought it was hilarious. :lol:

Main thing, MFR, is that you were heard as a customer, you assured that the particular employee cannot harass other customers the way he did you, and you got yourself a little reward in the process. Personally, as a former employer of people, I wouldn't tolerate any kind of behavior that would cause a customer discomfort. That is a sure fire way to lose business. So, good job, mate.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#20 cxwq



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 01:06 AM

I <3 Piney.
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#21 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 02:36 AM

As redonkulous as these situations sound, I believe them.

My local TRU has been closed for a while now, but I never had trouble with the employees there. Frankly, in my location, nobody gives a shit what you buy. This can be good and bad.

I would have flipped shit if I would've been in this situation. As an employee at a local golf course, I know that the behavior displayed here would most often get someone fired. Service is expected to be provided without any intervention. Of course if a buddy makes fun of you for a purchase, that's a whole different story. But really, there were some serious problems going on here.
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#22 One Man Clan

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Posted 25 August 2006 - 05:46 AM

Never had any issues. Sorry to dissappoint ompa. The only reaction I ever get is something like, "somebody's going to have some fun" after I bought like 10 old school NF's at my local Sears Essentials.

I worked retail all of my life until after college. I did got a coworker of mine fired w/o a manager getting involved. I don't remember wht he said to a customer, I just remember I jumped in to smooth it over, even though I had no authority to do so. The customer never said anything to my manger, but he was one of my regulars who I liked, so I went to the boss myself.

When you are working, you are on company time and must follow their rules. As many douche bags as you may get, it's what you have to do. That's why I always tip well at restaurants, not to mention I don't want anyone to spit in my food. Give respect and you will get it.

As far as the age comments go (sans last man) those employees were completely out of line. There are NO laws forbidding you for buying something meant for younger kids. Now that I think about it, I used to get the WEIRDEST looks buying pokemon cards back in the day when I was well above the "recommended age." Buying them outside of my local comic shop that is. Ah, the good old days.
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#23 Lancaster



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 06:54 AM

I always try to leave big tips. I went to Golden Corral ( :lol: I know) for a friend's birthday, and the first thing I did was spill my Dr. Pepper all over the place. Next, a friend dropped his plate, shattering it. This same guy was picking the stuff up the whole time. I kept apologizing as he cleaned everything up. He kept the best attitude. When it came time to throw down a tip, it just so happened that every one of us has only one ten dollar bill each. We did the only thing possibe, we all put in $10. You should have seen his face when he got a $60 tip! We watched through the glass of another area of the resturant.

Doing that sort of thing makes you feel really good. ^_^
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#24 MFRnync



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 08:18 AM

Thanks Piney :lol: , I can certainly understand skepticism over weather some behavior exhibited by the cusomer brought on the out of line reactons of the employee's, but, I assure you I did nothing but attempt to pay for the items I wanted and kept my cool throughout
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carpe scrotum- grab life by the balls, sustaining member of the always outnumbered but never outgunned toy gun modifiers guild.

#25 z80



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 11:13 AM

Trust me, there are some fucked up people in retail, one time in a video game store, this guys starting like yelling at me and my friend, "Oh link, stop jacking off on the carpet!" I always hated that store....
Nerf has never really been a problem, though we've gotten some weird looks, especially the time right before we started when we had like ten people in target buying guns.
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