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Your First Nerf Gun...

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#1 Cmdrmack



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 04:27 AM

I've been feeling a bit nostalgic lately and started wondering what Nerf guns turned people on to Nerf?

Thus I lay down the question: What was your first Nerf Gun, or what gun inspired you to get into Nerfing?

As a side note, this will date a lot of us.

I remember being jealous of a cousins Ghostbusters nerf gun. The following Christmas my brother and I got a Bow and Arrow to share. After that obviously wasn't working I got a Crossbow, which was my pride and joy for many years, but has since died.
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QUOTE(Predalien_Ro @ Apr 7 2008, 10:24 PM) View Post

Oompa: FECES!? Who in their right mind would try that shit!?

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#2 badger


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Posted 27 July 2006 - 05:02 AM

Now this is a scary topic. I think I am one of the oldest members of NH, yet I've only been collecting guns since the fall of 2004. So, though I haven't had Nerf in my life as long as some of you, this will definitely be interesting.

My first Nerf gun was actually not made by Nerf, but by Buzz Bee. I was at the Rocky Horror Picture Show Convention in NYC in 2004 when some of my friends came into the convention hall shooting each other with guns they bought at the TRU down the street. I had seen some Nerf guns in the past, but never really had an interest in them until this day. After the convention was over. I went home and bought a Tek Ten.

If you want to go for my first official Nerf gun, it would have to be the RF20. I was completely amazed by a gun that could launch so many projectiles so fast, and yet was made for kids.

That was nearly two years ago. Since then, I think I have become a little touched in the head. In such a short span of time, I have amassed a collection of well over 120 different guns, including some very hard to find pieces, but I still fall back on my RF20 when I want to have some fun.
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#3 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 27 July 2006 - 08:53 AM

I'm really actually quite new to Nerf. If you want to go back to the first Nerf gun I ever touched, it would be either something that looked like the Monoblast (if my memory serves me) and/or a Sharpshooter, at my best friend's house. That was almost ten years ago, though, back when I lived in MI.

The first gun I ever owned myself was a Maverick. I remember walking through Target and seeing all the stuff they had on display, and then remembering the fun I had in MI. So, I bought a Maverick and went online (because you can find almost anything online), and figured how to get rid of the air restrictors and barrel pegs (after finding out what they were... haha), and did it.

Of course, I have since cycled through 6 Mavericks... all failed mods. Personally, I just don't think the Maverick can be made a better gun (of course, the Nite-Mav and cpt. slug's clip mod say otherwise). Since that first Maverick I have accumulated and modified quite a few guns as well as even make three homemades, and one more I'm going to finish today.
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#4 z80



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 09:35 AM

MY first nerf experience was playing at my neighbor's house with a ballzooka and a lazerfang, but that was LONG ago. My first gun for nerfing was a NF and a DTB (me and my friend split the set) the dtb is all screwed up, and I gave the NF to my friend for a nuch of things.
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#5 Quartermaster



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 09:38 AM

Wow, this is a long time ago . . . My first Nerf gun ever was the Bow and Arrow. I remember being a kid and having a target set up against the far wall in my basement and trying to be accurate with the thing. Naturally, it never really happened, because come on, it was the Bow and Arrow.
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#6 EastCoastNerfer



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 10:13 AM

My first gun was probably a Double X-bow, and let me tell you, it was the shiz at luanching mini-arrows in crazy flight paths. Then, I probably got my BBB, followed by a perceptor and a rattler (as my "old-school" guns). However, my most nostalgistic guns would have to be the 2X-bow, Secret Shot, EaB, and Manta Ray because I would always go over to my friend's house and fight with those. And the gun that got me into the NIC and "hardcore" nerfing was probably also my 2X-bow, but it might've been my BBB.
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QUOTE(Black Wrath @ Apr 20 2006, 03:39 AM) View Post

I have 1/2" ID (11/4" OD) pipe insulation sheathed over mine. It's like a condom; be safe.

#7 tcorr911



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 10:23 AM

My first gun I ever got was an Iron Raptor, but it sucked. Then I got a sm350 and had a few fights with my cousin. I only started nerfing with many other people when I got a nitefinder. Now I have 9 guns after I started nerfing in just December.
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#8 FromAbove



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 10:37 AM

Ratchet Blast for my birthday (I think I was either 10 or 11). I took off the arm guard to make it smaller and tried to remove the restrictors but it broke in the process...Even back in the day I was trying to mods things. My next gun before I got into modding was the SM5000 which I could not ever find in my basement to my dismay after I learned of its following and wickid potential.

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Connor: Oh, is that right, Rambo?
Murphy: All right, get your stupid fucking rope.

Do you mean with an integration or what? Because size doesn't have anything to do with performance...-NerfMonkey

#9 Wild Boys

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Posted 27 July 2006 - 10:43 AM

I'm probably one of the latest people to start Nerf sadly. It started in August last year when I decided to to take up Nerfing seriously for something to do in the cold months. So, I won a NIB Lock'N'Load and Secret Shot II off eBay. The Secret Shot II was faulty but the Lock'N'Load was fun. Sadly then I sort of drifted off until near mid this year when my mate got a Maverick and we started using it, I got hooked again and I am now getting more guns and plan to take it more seriously and not drift off again.

If only I started sooner. B)
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#10 elf avec gun

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Posted 27 July 2006 - 10:49 AM

My first gun was the original Secret Shot When I was five I got it for my birthday and I remember how I used to shoot it at this sliding glass door in my house until my parents threw away the darts. So I made some from rolled up paper. They shot like shit but they were enough to get my older sister pissed off enough to go and steal it out of my room and throw it out. And ever since I got back into nerf I have had in the back of my head the desire to buy a new one and that has become a reality and it arrives either today or tomarrow B) its in crappy condition but I planned to breachmod it anyways. I will see how that works out and If it works I will post something about it with some pics :D
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#11 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 27 July 2006 - 11:13 AM

Back in 96 I was given an arrowstorm for either my birthday or christmas. I had these two mega darts that I would stick tacks in the end and blast at some life size basketball players poster that pizza pizza was giving away at the time. Most of the time I would set up GI Joes on the rail overlooking the staircase. I would shoot them down from maybe 20 feet away with the arrows. It was always really cool to see all the different positions they would land in.
The following year I got a RZB Eagle eye and sawtooth. Unfortunately all these guns were sold of in a garage sale that I didnt know was going on as I was at camp. Then 4 years later I got into nerfing and went lookiing for them but couldnt find them. I am still missing that eagle eye and sawtooth. Although I must admit I hated the sawtooth even as a kid.
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
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I know its bad,
After what we had,
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#12 munson20



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 05:54 PM

Heres the story... It all started when I got the green secret shot for my 9th birthday. I loved it (I still have it in mint condition), and ever since, for christmas, I have constantly getting one or two. I just started getting into Nerf Religously like a year ago.
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#13 SG Pilot

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Posted 27 July 2006 - 06:40 PM

First gun was a Blast-A-Matic I found at a transfer station a few years ago, but I was not really into nerf. A year ago, I got into it when I bought the N-Strike Unity Power System. I loved it because of the rocket launcher (Titan) and the Scout and stuff. I like and still like how nerf has all sorts of variations of different guns.
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QUOTE(VACC @ Oct 9 2009, 04:45 AM) View Post

I know, I HATE toy guns that are made for little kids!

#14 Carrtoon



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 06:59 PM

My first time... gun, was a baby blue and pink bow and arrow. It was awesome, but I'm not sure what happened to it. The gun that got me into nerf was the maverick. My brother bought two and we shot eachother for a few minutes. I then checked the net to see if these things could be modded. Low and behold, Nerf HQ appeared. My first real nerf experience was back in January of this year. My first war is on Saturday and I'm bringing some never seen before guns. I hope to do well, but I know I'll have a blast. ;)
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#15 warx



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 07:07 PM

1) HiddenShot
2) Iron Raptor
3) Mad Hornet

No, that's not a 'Hall-of-Shame' but rather a list of my first trio of blasters, all recieved within a year of each other. The entire threesum is still in my possession as of today, collecting dust because they're either broken or just unfortunately unsatisfactory.
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#16 Shadow 92

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Posted 27 July 2006 - 07:14 PM

The first nerf guns I ever owned were the Airtech 4000, 2000, and 1000. My mom bought the 1K for my sister, the 2K for my cousin, and the 4K for me. Six, years later, all that I have left is the 4K (I didn't know you could modify nerf guns when I was 8.) Although if it was the first nerf gun I ever used, I would have to say the pulsater.
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#17 footemps



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 07:18 PM

1st: BNA
2nd: Razorbeast
3rd: Laser Fang
4th: Autogrip
5th: T3 Defender
6th: RF20
7th: Nitefinder
8th: Maverick

Guns i stole from my brother
1st: Secret Shot
2nd: Eagle Eye

Edited by footemps, 27 July 2006 - 07:19 PM.

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#18 Sage



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 11:21 PM

My first gun was a Secret Shot, but that was so long ago, and at that time, I had no desire to, nor knowledge of, modding, and was more impressed with the "secret shot" more than anything else...

I still have that gun... wow...

Anyway, the guns that got me into competitive NERF was my old school NF I bought of a fellow clansman, then re-modded the hell out of. Good times, good times...
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#19 NiteWalker



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Posted 27 July 2006 - 11:22 PM

Ooops I posted twice

Edited by NiteWalker, 29 July 2006 - 11:34 AM.

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NEW Write-up of the DTG/At3k:
Click here
Credit to Carrtoon for the mod.

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#20 Spaztic 75

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Posted 28 July 2006 - 01:19 AM

Sharpshooter I, can't even remember when my older brother and I got it. As is with all good toys, it broke from overuse. The shell still sits in the workshop.
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#21 euphemism



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Posted 28 July 2006 - 10:35 AM

An old edition NF and an N-strike set popped my nerf gun cherry.
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#22 moubeus5018



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Posted 28 July 2006 - 06:08 PM

I was never into nerf (too weak, I didnt even know about this page and couldnt mod ) so I consider the first gun I got the nf ^_^ because of my friend assassin nf. -_- :P

followed by mav, unity system, bbb, soon the magstrike, and longshot.

I dont have any siblings thus i didnt need to shoot anybody.

Edited by moubeus5018, 28 July 2006 - 06:10 PM.

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#23 NiteWalker



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Posted 29 July 2006 - 10:57 AM

My first gun was an at3k. I hated it because of the pumping though and I didn't know it's modding potential until I took it apart and forgot where everything went! Well, at least now I know better.
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NEW Write-up of the DTG/At3k:
Click here
Credit to Carrtoon for the mod.

"The mother of invention is need... Who doesn't have to pelt people with foam?"

#24 Orange



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Posted 29 July 2006 - 11:14 AM

The first Nerf gun I ever used was a friend's Sharpshooter, but the first gun I actually owned myself was a Chainblazer. I still have it, and it works great even after all these years. It's pictured here - http://www.freewebs..../nerfaction.htm
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#25 six-five-two



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Posted 29 July 2006 - 02:10 PM

Only been nerfing for less than a year.

My first gun was a Maverick, my friend had a Buzz Bee gun and showed me his, so I went out to get one.

In less than a year I made 2 homemade nerf guns, 2 mods, attempted to make stefans, attempted to make the F.A.R. (which I gave up and started to make my own version, which was never completed). I have 9 nerf guns (excluding homemades).
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