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Dual Or Not?

the argument of the pistol fanatics

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#26 Falcon


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Posted 01 June 2006 - 04:50 PM

Reload time was frustrating?

Buddy, all you have to do is push in a dart, and cock the thing. And then do it again.

And if you're tapping most people (and then you pop a dart at the occasional opponent who gets their gun up in time to aim at you before you tap them) you shouldn't need to reload them all that often.

And in answer to somebody else's question (I'm sure he'll eventually make his way back to the thbread, but I make no promises) earlier, he isn't actually all that stealthy a player. He can be when he wants to (as should ANYONE be able to) but he's out at the front lines more often than not. You can't be stealthy and constantly moving at high speeds at the same time. You just have to know when to rush. Just because your opponent is standing there with a brassed maxshot doesn't mean you shouldn't rush them.

If that is the case, if they look away for even half a second to see what's going on around the other side of the tree they're hiding behind, you can (usually) close the distance between the two of you by at least 1/2, and then when they turn back towards you, they see you, it registers that they should shoot, and then human reaction time takes over. By then, you should be more than able to either slide and shoot them, or have tapped them and be on your way, using your momentum to break straight through the enemy lines, tapping as you go, and pop off a shot or two/chuck a NF and grab a pocketed one, etc. on your way to the flag or through the other team.
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#27 Nero121



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Posted 01 June 2006 - 05:29 PM

It's just annoying trying to load a dart while holding a NF.
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#28 murakumo32



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Posted 01 June 2006 - 06:20 PM

If your hands are big enough, you can hold 2 NFs in one hand and reload with the other. It gets quite easy after you run around practicing for a while. Also, if your fingers are long enough, you could usually use your middle finger and your thumb to insert a dart into the barrelof the gun in the opposite hand. In addition to carrying 2 NFs, I also carry 2-3 darts in my hand with the guns. This makes reloading quick and painless (unless I get shot).

In order to effectively reload with duals, you need to be in a calm state of mind, you need to know what you are doing, and you need full body control. Block out everything around you for the 1.5 seconds you spend reloading your gun and it will feel like you just took a whole day to place a dart perfectly into your barrel. If you panick, you may drop a dart, miss the barrel on insertion, or get hit. Be calm, settle down, flow like water down a stream and when you are good to go, crash down with unparalleled force onto your opponent. Just like water.
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#29 AnyaSeijin



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Posted 01 June 2006 - 09:17 PM

Thanks Falcon for covering my butt. I'll give a bit more detailed answer now.

Nero, I'll try and get Falcon to film a clip about reloading for you. Maybe at the end of the Geddon video this year. Its not that hard.

Now, on to the rest. Holsters? Who needs 'em? Yeah, VACC has that idea hooked on his X-bow, but he rarely used it when I saw him. I mean. I use a rifle-style gun once in awhile, but I don't prefer to holster to it. I tried it once recently, got finished, looked at my gun, and decided it was as bulky as hell.

Reload Tips -
  • Tap MOST of your oppenents. If you don't NEED to shoot them, don't.
  • Like in the video clip, have more than TWO guns.
  • ONLY Shoot if you CAN.
    - I.e. Don't try too hard. Just take what you can get.
  • When I run out of ammo. I simply leave the battle at hand, get some, than come back.
Seriously, theres no real trick to reloading any quicker. I mean, I do put one gun under my arm once in awhile, but it stil takes me alot of time to reload.

Stealth - Best question yet. Falcon has yet to see how stealthy I can be. But, come the NIGHT before Geddon, he'll know.
I'll put it really simple. If I want you to know I'm there, you'll know. If I don't want you to know I'm there, you won't. Kinda odd? Sounds simple but lets give it some application.
There are times (Last YANO I was known for this) where I will make myself known (I ran around corners screaming at the top of my lungs.) And everyone and the people across the street know I'm coming. There are also times where I made a mad spirnt around two buildings just to come up behind Cx and tap him. ALL H2H kills with pistols, REQUIRE stealth. I have the highest H2h kill count average out of any person I've heard of, and played against. I think it was a few YANOs back I had 22 for the whole day.

See I think the conclusion is, that in all with Duel pistols, stealth is always a better way to go. I mean, I can run around corners screaming, walk towards people saying nothing just holding my guns up, and people fear me; because they know that I'm good enough to possibly take them. I honestly work more off intimidation, than any other thing in Nerf. I don't need a crazy insane modded gun, I can simply put fear into a person by acting like they have something to fear. Hell, my guns aren't even loaded all the time, I don't have some crazy modded NFs, infact, most of the mods are my NFs are VERY basic. So, I have to use stealth in order to get an actual kill. The rest of the kills, are mostly just luck.

Movement - Something that was indirectly brought up.
I move ALOT. I run fast. According to one guy, its always between me and one other guy of the people who run the fastest while playing. I really don't care. I run just fast enough to out run the guy trying to target me as I run by, and thats what I care about. Also, I don't always run. Obviously with stealth movement, you can't be running around like a crazy man always; Mix it up. I (In the World Conquest War) Stood still as 5-7 people rushed me and other people. I stood there, TWICE as every dart flew past me. I shot two people and than ran off (Theoreticaly I got hit once when I was running away, and I took the death, but I was never 100% sure of it). So, the best thing to do is, First choose your battle. Second choose how you will fight that battle.

PS. One more thing. Being who I am. Everyone wants to keep track of me. So if I stand on the front lines and everyone is watching ME. The rest of my team is already behind them -Good Tip and the reason I'm rarely stealthy.
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#30 sasquatch



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Posted 01 June 2006 - 09:22 PM

Block out everything around you for the 1.5 seconds you spend reloading your gun and it will feel like you just took a whole day to place a dart perfectly into your barrel. If you panick, you may drop a dart, miss the barrel on insertion, or get hit. Be calm, settle down, flow like water down a stream and when you are good to go, crash down with unparalleled force onto your opponent. Just like water.

Two things. First off, in my opinion, that post was unnessicarily poetic. Good, but not needed. But the second thing is that I don't agree with you. If you completely block out everything, then you become an easier target. As said before, you need to move around a lot. So to reload, you should reload on the move. If you're not paying attention to where you're going, could run into something, or someone from the other team, making you proptly shot or tagged. Either way, you're out. If you run into something, that just hurts. If you just stand in one place and reload, a lot can happen, i.e. some comes around a corner running, guns blazing, or a key area could be lost by your team and you not realize it, etc. So you need to be able to pay attention to two things at once. You were right in saying not to panic, but concentrating on solely reloading you guns is a bad idea, unless the game is stopped for some reason, or you are surrounded by you team and under cover.

Oh yea, and the analogy with the water crashing down, not the best. Granted it works, but I'd like to think of it more as the water freezing in the of a boulder and spliting it. Just thought I'd let you know.

That's all I have to say about that.

Edited by sasquatch, 01 June 2006 - 09:27 PM.

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#31 Renegade



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Posted 02 June 2006 - 05:27 PM

In my opinion the Warthog is perfect for dual weilding. The gun has a rather small grip, so I can reload both while still holding the guns and cock them while holding the guns. Both of my Warthogs get 60' and have 2 darts going at once. You definately should be able to get at least one person with 4 darts, but it remains very accurate.
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#32 AssassinNF



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Posted 02 June 2006 - 09:31 PM

I dual wield every chance I get, but it's only effective if you can reload very quickly and are fast and agile. I dual wield DTG's very well, and I quad wield Crossfires and NF's. The dual DTG's are badass and I have equal firepower to an RF20 ;)

Edited by AssassinNF, 05 June 2006 - 02:03 PM.

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#33 warx



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Posted 03 June 2006 - 12:01 AM

Dart Tag=RapidFire 20? Do you mean in terms of range? I'm slightly confused.

I've seen several pictures of Nerfers holding two different guns at the same time, like one holds two NFs. For instance, a Maxshot with a Sharpshooter. Is he dual-wielding, or just exposing his sidearm?

Or does dual-wielding refer to using two of the same blasters at the same time?
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#34 ntietz



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Posted 03 June 2006 - 06:23 AM

I believe that he meant that he has an equal number of darts to what he would have if he were to use a RapidFire 20.

In my opinion, for what it's worth, dual wielding is using two of the same gun. Also, 'dual' by definition is being composed of two usually similar components.
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#35 AssassinNF



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Posted 05 June 2006 - 01:12 PM

Yes, I meant that I have one ten shot gun in each hand, so I can fire off the same number of darts that an RF20 can. It isn't exactly equal to an RF20, because of the longer range, greater accuracy, less ammo wasting, and shorter reload time. The only down-side is that darts tend to fall out of the guns...

Dual wielding to me just means using two guns at the same time, one in each hand (integrations don't count).
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#36 Falcon


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Posted 06 June 2006 - 10:29 AM

Dual wielding is exactly what it sounds like. "Dual" can be defined as meaning "two of...", so dual would technically have to be described as using two of the same gun. You can't call holding an AT 3k in one hand and a Maxshot in the other "dual wielding". But if you say you're packing "dual NF's", we know exactly wht you're talking about. Dual Maxshots. Dual PC's. Dual Titan's (dear god, I hope not...that'd suck. Pump times would be like 2 hours...)

So yeah. It really has to be two of the samd gun to be considered "dual". It can be any two guns you want, but they are (more often than not) usually smaller guns. Guns that are easy to reload (no breech mechanism, fairly often no ramrod needed) like NF's. Dual Splitfires can be pulled off easily, but you have to remember that you're either going to have to ramrod four darts down the barrels, or (if you've got a breech setup) you're going to have to be able to hold the barrels you pull off, plus two guns, plus darts to reload. It can be done, but man, it's gotta be a pain in the ass...
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#37 ntietz



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Posted 06 June 2006 - 02:14 PM

As was stated a few times, dual wielding is supposed to be two of the same gun, but if you happen to say "I'm dual wielding nerf guns," then specificness comes to be an issue. I think it is more of two of the same type of gun, like a nitefinder and a very similar gun.

What I do when dual wielding is, so as not to waste ammo, I use my off-hand gun first, drop it, then take an accurate shot with my left (if I'm actually shooting with either).
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#38 AnyaSeijin



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Posted 07 June 2006 - 10:43 PM

Wow, the last posts just depressed me...
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#39 Pencils-are-cool



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Posted 08 June 2006 - 03:19 AM

What i do when i dual weild (loosly speaking) is shoot with my worse hand first to and then while the other person is running/ducking/blinking i finish him/her with my 2nd shot, or if useing 2 SF i can take on multiple people while still being a threat and get into a better postion to finsih them off.
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#40 Nerfnewbie



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Posted 08 June 2006 - 08:01 AM

I am going to soon try dual Mavs. The range is horrable but my hands are to small and it would be a pain for me to reload that much for a NF or CF, with a Mav all I have to do is cock and shoot.
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#41 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 10:00 AM

What i do when i dual weild (loosly speaking) is shoot with my worse hand first to and then while the other person is running/ducking/blinking i finish him/her with my 2nd shot, or if useing 2 SF i can take on multiple people while still being a threat and get into a better postion to finsih them off.

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#42 Mr Zarwid

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Posted 21 June 2006 - 06:24 PM

I tend to see going John Woo style on someones ass as being kinda useless, it is Nerf after all, and because your other hand is occupied with the other pistol, you can't reload nearly as quickly, and in all probability you will get taken out by someone with a superior weapon. I love the Nightfinder and the lock n' load, but I consider them to be back up's to a main gun. (Like a Supermaxx 5000 or a Powerclip) More than anything else.

And there's my two cents. :(
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#43 AnyaSeijin



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Posted 22 June 2006 - 11:16 PM

I tend to see going John Woo style on someones ass as being kinda useless, it is Nerf after all, and because your other hand is occupied with the other pistol, you can't reload nearly as quickly, and in all probability you will get taken out by someone with a superior weapon. I love the Nightfinder and the lock n' load, but I consider them to be back up's to a main gun. (Like a Supermaxx 5000 or a Powerclip) More than anything else.

And there's my two cents. :blink:

Well, than you can just take it up with me in a war sometime. I'll show you what John Woo can't show you in the movies!

Geddon '06 Be there. Or go home cryin.

Yeah...insert commercial
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