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Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

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#101 LOMHawkeye



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Posted 11 July 2006 - 06:02 PM

Looks pretty fun. I might consider heading out to one of these get-togethers eventually.

Flaming hilt, are you the one with the yellow-green 2k? I don't know why you'd have trouble competiting with the homemades with a single-barreled (& what looks like) brassed 2k. Sure the ranges it gets don't quite match a homemade, but the ROF it's got has to do some damage. And comsindering it's your primary (or appears to be) you really wouldn't need to holster it anyway, would you?

Whatever works for you. I'm just thinking that you don't necessarily need a homemade to be able to compete with homemades.

I mean, I live in So-Cal, and we don't really allow homemades, but if I went up and played with you guys sometime in the future, I wouldn't bring a homemade just so I could "compete". Heck, if Veggie can do well with a barely touched Dart Tagger, you can do just fine with that 2k. Just don't worry about putting it in a holster, because the holster won't help you any more than it will hinder you.

We actually don't use homemades, but we modify our stock blasters a lot. 3M really emphasizes ROF in modifications and his single barreled 2K, while superior in range, was a bit slower to reload than what we were working with.

EDIT: Come to think of it, our modifications are so heavy on some stuff it would be hard to classify them as stock blasters anymore. Me and veggie are pretty close to stock whereas lefty was going with an extended 2k in an interely pvc shell. He switched weapons a lot, but did use that beast a bit. Picture below:
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Edited by LOMHawkeye, 11 July 2006 - 06:06 PM.

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#102 Falcon


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Posted 12 July 2006 - 12:19 AM

I just realized; that place looks a LOT like the abandoned paintball park the Knights used to play in before we were introduced to urban warfare (I'll never go back...lol).

Posted Image

Just not quite as green as your place is...we're really still in the desert, regardless of how near the ocean we are or how green (relatively) things are.

And all the sticky dry brush up there was a pain to move through and a TOTAL pain to find dards in. It'd be nice to play in some outdoor, semi-wooded/sorested areas with some nice cool grasses instead...
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#103 LOMHawkeye



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Posted 12 July 2006 - 07:50 AM

It'd be nice to play in some outdoor, semi-wooded/forested areas with some nice cool grasses instead...

That pretty much exactly describes the area that the majority of this war took place in.
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Edited by LOMHawkeye, 12 July 2006 - 08:20 AM.

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#104 Falcon


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Posted 12 July 2006 - 05:43 PM

I'm jealous. Especially since everything's so dry here that most of the colors lean more on the brown/tan side of earth tones, rather than the bold greens that you people see,ad we think only exist in National Geographic.

Combine tan/brown-tinted earth tones with the fact that my darts are orange, and you have the bane of my existence.

Whereas the greens YOU people have are rich, and would make my darts stick out like a sore thumb.

Oh well. I really should find a grassy/semi-wooded area for our group to play in so it's not always urban, all the time. Just to keep people interested and keep us from getting bored. One can only have clan skirmishes so many times amongst the same few different sets of buildings before it gets dull...
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#105 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 20 July 2006 - 08:29 PM

Wow, this thread is still up. Huh. Anyways.

About my 2k holster. You're right, I didn't use it that often, but it did help if I decided to use my NF instead (for closer-range, faster-reloading-is-neccesary kind of things). Remember that I kind of had two mains, and the CF (which I kept on forgetting I had) was supposed to be my secondary.

It was definitely a fun area to play in. Open grass for dodgeball, huge gigantic field with hideable-in-bushes for hide-and-seek, and then that place with the hill for everything else. Can't forget the busses, either.

Has anyone heard from the General at all since the war? I haven't seen him online at all since I got back.
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