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Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

renamed...I have reasons...

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#76 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 15 May 2006 - 03:54 PM

I was gona add a map today. What a coincidence :blink: ...

Since the address (6150 Valley Lane/Transportation Drive) is of no help (MapQuest does not recognize it), well, uhh...

Anyway, if you can get yourself to M-6 and Kalamazoo Ave., I have directions from there (with a map HERE, starting from US-131 North) listed below:

- East on M-6 (the signs may say otherwise...)
- North on Kalamazoo Ave.
- East on 60th St.
- South on Valley Lane
- East on Transportation Dr.
- Follow 'til you see a gate
- Wait at gate 'til I open it, or park there and walk in when I open the small door/gate next to it. Decide when I reach your car.

The red is the playing field, blue is parking. You can see the paved surfaces and the wooded areas.
Posted Image
I <3 Google Earth...

Edited by GeneralPrimevil, 15 May 2006 - 04:05 PM.

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#77 Ryan201821


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Posted 15 May 2006 - 05:10 PM

Pretty damn sweet. Just wanted everyone else to know that I will be attending this event. I will probably be going with my brother, although he is 13. I am sure he can handle it and is actually a good nerfer and I was wondering if he could come?

I really have no one else I know that nerfs.

Edited by Ryan201821, 15 May 2006 - 05:11 PM.

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#78 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 15 May 2006 - 06:41 PM

He can come, if he doesn't act like [insert synonym for 'so incredibly annoyinh they must be killed']...

Most of that stuff in the SI is waist-head-ankle high grass, varying by how far away from the busses (those yellow bars) one is. I have dirtbiked over all of what is there, and then some. That was before that highway was put in, and those houses...

Now, judging by those construction zones, that SI was taken about 18 months ago, probably on a Wednesday, before winter came, in the summer. Don't ask how I know. That is just how well I know my city/town/whatchamacallit. I wanna work for the CIA Technology branch...mmm...DDT...Deputy Director of Technology...soo many SIs...

Oh yeah, one can bypass the Cloverleaf and go straight from US-131 to 68th St. Just get to 60th as fast as possible. The speed limit on 68th is 35mph, 10mi slower than 60th :blink: . If anyone does in fact find directions using one of the addresses mentioned, just ask me about anything within 50mi of Grand Rapids. Chances are, I can provide insight on which route is best. If I can't, then one of the drivers that work at this place can...
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#79 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 16 May 2006 - 04:24 PM

Yea, watch me forget the directions when I head to my dad's... but... just checking, you're still okay with us arriving and staying Monday night before we engage on Tuesday?

WHY does school have to have FINALS!!! Ung... my schedule goes like this: 2 weeks of school... one week of finals... KAF... oh, well. I guess it kind of makes it my "reward" for surviving school. :D
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
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#80 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 16 May 2006 - 07:24 PM

I gave the address, but like I said, it is practically worthless. Hmm...

Egad, after further looking at the images that Google Earth has, and the dates of just Grand Rapids SAs have a range of almost TWO YEARS! Jeez, think they could've done any better? I mean, sure they would have to do multiple passes for something like maybe a county, but just one CITY? Shiat...

Anyway, yeah FH, you still can park somewhere. Just pick a lot, or have me pick a lot.

That school schedule looks a lot like mine...hmm...
Only difference is that you don't have a 44% in English right now, with a 75% last marking period, 87, 84, and 93 in first, second, and midterm respectively...hmm...I'm still passing this semester with a 64%, not including my future final (higher than 85) or what I have yet to turn in (about 300pts worth of late stuff, 200pt assignment due 6-2...final exam on 6-6-06 (devil teacher), the aniversary of D-Day)..
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#81 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 16 May 2006 - 08:14 PM

Alright, so just like... show up... and... the gate will be open...?

Any suggestions? My dad doesn't want anything happening near the RV, so is there anywhere we won't be playing or will be playing very little?
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
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#82 Ryan201821


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Posted 16 May 2006 - 08:56 PM

We should probably set up which parking lot that we are all meeting at. What times are we meeting on both days? Any itenerary? (sp?)
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#83 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 19 May 2006 - 03:01 AM

Pretty much, that big thing in the middle with all the yellow bars is where everything really is located, like the lockers, playing field, all the other whatnot...

Let's aim for about 10-11 on Tuesday? Sound good to all? I'm trying to think of the last time I drove to Chicago...then the last time I drove to Detroit...about two hours, two and a half hours for each...

Wednesday will get over when it gets over, pretty much. It won't extend beyond sunset, just 'cause...

Lunch and whatnots when we feel like it.

That covers a bit, with so few words...
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#84 LOMHawkeye



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Posted 01 June 2006 - 11:49 AM

Pretty much, that big thing in the middle with all the yellow bars is where everything really is located, like the lockers, playing field, all the other whatnot...

Let's aim for about 10-11 on Tuesday? Sound good to all? I'm trying to think of the last time I drove to Chicago...then the last time I drove to Detroit...about two hours, two and a half hours for each...

Wednesday will get over when it gets over, pretty much. It won't extend beyond sunset, just 'cause...

Google Maps Link
We're gearing up and looking forward to seeing you guys on the 13th.

EDIT- Just wanted to make sure everyone is going to be wearing glasses. If there's a problem with anyone wearing safety glasses we might as well not even make the drive over there. It's a curteous to the other people you're playing with to wear your glasses and needs to be required. Just want some affirmation from our host.

Edited by LOMHawkeye, 06 June 2006 - 12:23 AM.

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#85 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 06 June 2006 - 05:56 PM

Okay, I've been gone for awhile (damn computer/internet). It's nice that I can finally access Invision boards though...

Okay, after my two week or whatever break due to shit, I'd like to finally get back on track here.


There will be less people now at this thing. There, I said it.

As well, TIMES! We all love SCHEDULING!!!!11!!1! Riiiight...

Everyone, if you can, try and get there at say 10-11 AM on Tuesday. Wednesday, well, we'll leave after noon more than likely.

Day 1 will end at midnight, just because Sleep is GUT. Yeah...soo...

Lunch/dinner when we feel like it. Breakfast, well, that's your own choice. Day 2 will probably start at 8 or later, depending on how long it takes everyone to be ready.


Using a 17" monitor at 1024x768 sucks...onboard graphics...my eyes...

Edited by GeneralPrimevil, 07 June 2006 - 05:28 AM.

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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#86 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 03:57 PM

Wednesday will end at noon? What's up with that? I understand we're starting at 8 but couldn't we at least go a little later than noon?

Ah well. Anyways, less than a week ya'll. I bribed my teachers to get me Friday free, so I'm going to be dart-making and double-checking mods that entire day instead.

I'm still trying to decide whether or not I want to even bother trying to carry on my suitcase... I've gotten through with a single crossfire before, but I dunno how well it'll go over with half my flippin' arsenal and all of it brassed or coppered... B)
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
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#87 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 08 June 2006 - 04:32 AM


Wednesday, well, we'll leave after noon more than likely.

Right then. That covers I think 12 PM to 11:59:59 (a.k.a. just before midnight) PM. Didn't mean to scare ya there.

In other news:
-That Monday we will be receiving some driver's ed cars which means that there will be a few things more delicate than the busses...
-The golf carts used for graduation were returned to where they came (they were Club Cars too...*cries*).
-I likes me kitty.
-55lbs on the left shoulder throughout marching season will not be fun.
-I still need to pick up a BBB. Damn trasportation issues.
-I got 50 free rounds of .22WMR. Expiration date? Today. Well, that'll be interesting...
-I see my summer disappearing faster than school is ending, which is Today. AAAAAAaaaaa...
-I have to pick up another bag of FBR and a few dozen hotglue sticks, as well as sort through my already-made darts to seperate the "defective hotglue'd" from the "shoot without worry" darts.
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#88 LOMHawkeye



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Posted 09 June 2006 - 03:04 PM

Gentlemen, 3M has a plan for us VS all and we're going to mop the floor with you. Beware.
Well as of right now 3M has 4 participants, but we're trying to get number 5.

Everyone better bring darts. We make some fantastic darts, but people who don't make any effort to bring their own and bum them off us are not looked kindly upon.

We'll probably be camping in a tent. I wanted to go for a hotel room, but my guys don't see the benefits (good sleep, clean bathroom, free breakfast) as overcoming the cons (~$20 each). Gotta take one for the team sometimes.

What is the current food setup? We're willing to throw a few dollars into a pot but it's probably easier to go out for some of our meals (probably lunch with cold cuts and dinner have pizza out).

Everybody bring a camera if you have one. Even if you don't plan on taking pictures you might be out a lot earlier than others in some rounds and we might as well be productive.

What's the head count we're looking at now?
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#89 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 09 June 2006 - 06:02 PM

Head count: 10-11, depending on that last person of your's, Hawkeye.

As for food stuffs, I was gonna bring a few things (snack-type shtuffs) and the like. Otherwise, major meals can cost as little as $5 a person, unless I pick up some frozen pizzas from Meijer and toss 'em in one of the ovens...
I'm gonna pick up a couple 12-packs of Vault or Gatorade concentrate or something...
and some Monster for myself...

It'd probably cost $10-20 per person per day for food. Some places are expensive (Apsuperiores, Logan's) than others (Bob Evans, Meijer).

The bathroom at this place is kept pretty clean. I think that the last hotel I was in was on par with it, except this place's drains are bigger...

Everyone better have darts. I am unable to really do much with my stuff 'til Day 1 (openhouse and whatnot), but I have enough for myself. I told everyone else in my clan to make more, but I have no idea if they heeded my advice or not.

3M challenging us eh? Hmm...I think I'm gonna have to make sure that LBB gets modded...

The rounds are still gonna be switched up a bit, especially since most people are gonna be there for both days.
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#90 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 10 June 2006 - 10:23 PM

I HAVE TACOS...maybe...lots of taco seasoned meat. I'm gonna try and see if I can bring enough for each person to have 2-3 soft/hard tacos apiece.

I might try and get a dozen or so of Bob Evan's biscuits. I might be able to do that...might...

I really hated to double post for just that...hmm...

So everyone all right with that cannon I have? I am very tempted to bring the sucker as a conversation piece, as well as maybe using it for minor artillery...unfortunatly I have been watching Band of Brothers lately and have a bit of WW2 surplus gear. I gotta get out of the tactical mindset now.

Also, FH, I'm gonna be goin to that lot at about 1-2 PM on Monday. One of the KAF (even though we lost that name in May, to be replaced with something sometime after this week) will be with me, if he got his bike fixed.
I'm gonna need some help on Tuesday morning with moving bunker materials around. If you aren't going to go make a ruckus around Kentwood, do you wanna help? It involves using...a hand cart? And a ratchet with crescent wrenches.

Then I run to Meijer...mmm...Monster...

Three more days! I already am checking my stuffs, just to make sure that I can get everything to fit properly.

Oh yeah, Hawkeye, the first post has had "Safety glasses REQUIRED" since before it was ever edited. I have a pair of 'sunglasses' which have held up to particles with more energy than Stefans, so I may be wearing those occasionally, as well as clear glasses at night. That shouldn't violate the rules...as far as I remember typing them...

No one should have any last minute questions...I hope...
If you do though, I can answer them still.
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#91 SgtSniper



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Posted 11 June 2006 - 11:03 AM

Damn, I wish I could come. Sounds good!
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#92 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 11 June 2006 - 11:43 AM

Muh. I'm not going to bring any $ for food, 'cause we'll just bring stuff in the RV. And my dad will have his credit card. And I'm making him pay. :D

Yea, I actually can't wait to see your cannon. Depending on your ammo, I'm not sure if we'll use it for artillery, but as for "conversation piece" and a few demonstrations... ^_^

I dunno what time we'll be there Monday. I think we wus planning on leaving after lunch, and it's a three hour drive, so we may not be there 'till after you leave. We can always park in the lot. And yes, I can help you with whatever you need on Tuesday morning. I will probably be pulling the all-night today getting guns and holsters, etc. perfect, so I don't need to do that Tuesday morning.

Do we still need to label all our stuff? Can't we just remember who owns what and then be honest with each other?
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
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#93 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 11 June 2006 - 05:18 PM

As for labelling, well, all my darts have little red dots on the back from when I counted them. Usually, people don't want to steal large quantities of darts. As well, most peoples' darts differ from eachother. So uhhh...I think Hawkeye was right awhile ago. Don't worry too much about FH. Also, I'll be going more around four to five, if I stop by on my way home. If ya ain't there, well, Tuesday morning it is.

Two more days? I think...

Gonna skip the Monster. I have enough 'Dew to last me and maybe others...that and a new watch with a thermo-meter is a bit more tempting. Mmm...knock-off diver's watches...

The biscuits are a no...damn...oh well.
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#94 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 13 June 2006 - 10:58 PM

Day 1 now officially over:
- Dozen or so stills
- 15-20min of vid, half is decent
- Total dart loss: 3-400?
- Estimated time spent tomorrow searching for darts: 3 days
- Shots fired by SOBR: 2 At targets: 0
- My 'kills': Dunno...
- My 'deaths': More than my kills...
- RF20 Kills: All but two pulls of the trigger...Niiice *applaudes*
- Number of scratches from rocks on my right side: lost count after 40somethin.
- Total cases of poison ivy: 1 possible
- Total cases of other plants: 1
- Total money spent on food: $50? More than?
- My amount of energy left: Time to use up the other 3 bags of FBR I bought and fix that SOBR as well.
- On a scale of 1 (neope) to 10 (must...go...) of how badly I want to take a shower: same number as spent on food.

Yeap...Tomorrow starts at around 9, so that'll be interesting.
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#95 LOMHawkeye



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Posted 14 June 2006 - 06:12 PM

Great war overall. We'll upload and post our pics shortly.

Yeah, my RF20 was pretty rockin' awesome. The participants were all great and those woods with berms, a ravine and plenty of tall grass/bushes was fantastic.

Too bad Eric wasn't able to participate more. KAF needs to nerf more so you can war as a unit against 3M next time. We want you all to school us next time.

EDIT: I downloaded the pictures from our camera and edited almost all of our pictures. It's too late for me to pick out the right ones and upload them all so that'll come tomorrow but as a teaser, check out this photo:
Posted Image

Edited by LOMHawkeye, 14 June 2006 - 10:36 PM.

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#96 LOMHawkeye



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Posted 15 June 2006 - 07:24 AM

Good war even though we only had 8 guys. That's me in the green, by the way. (southpaw)

Edited by LOMHawkeye, 15 June 2006 - 07:26 AM.

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#97 VeggieBoy 3000

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Posted 18 June 2006 - 10:33 PM

Yeah so I'm eagerly awaiting your guys's posting of the super sweet pics/video from this war. Until then, I must say that next time all you other random dudes from michigan who dont show up to wars, or any dudes from teh whole midwest for that matter, had better show when we have the next one of these. I'll tell you right now that that place was the absolute perfect location, with big open fields, tall grass, hills that make perfect forts/bunkers, movable barricades, and of course totally sweet urban scenarios running around in between those rows of busses at night.

The buses added a whole new level of strategery, as some might say. They could be used as cover, hiding places, ambush points, but the best was when we started duking it out inside the buses themselves. When I saw norm head into the front of a bus to use as a hiding spot, and subsequently jumped in the back through the emergency exit door, and started trading shots with the guy while ducking behind seats.... yeah that was pretty awesome. Or when I was actually surrounded while in a bus, with guys just waiting to fill me with stefans as soon as I opened a door, so I just sneakily poked my bbb out a window and totally smoked josh before he even knew what hit him. Then there was the whole situation of jim trying to steal the flag and log roll under all the buses back to the base.

By the way, Cammis and face paint do wonders for sneaking around the woods at night. You can blend right into those shadows.

Another cool part of the war: I had zero time to do gun prep, so I ended up fighting 90% of the time with an almost stock dart tag (restrictors were removed but that was all) that shot between 40 and 50 feet depending on the darts. And yeah I couldn't outgun most people in a traditional sense. But you did not want to miss your first shot, and have me chasing you from behind while you reloaded. Having the rapid-fire gun broke a lot of stnd offs and allowed for a lot of run-and-gun action that is lost a lot in wars where people all have longer range, longer reload guns

FH and General, It was really sweet to get to hang with you guys (and your dads) General you better keep nerf growing out there on the west side of our great state, because you best believe 3m's gonna be out there to smoke you guys as often as we can.

GREAT war, with many more to come.

Edited by VeggieBoy 3000, 18 June 2006 - 10:35 PM.

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#98 LOMHawkeye



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Posted 22 June 2006 - 10:08 AM


Check out the rudimentary pictures right now.
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#99 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 24 June 2006 - 08:46 PM

Thanks for uploading!

You guys can bet I'll be bringing some of my homemades next time to compete with all of yours. That way I don't have to worry 'bout my stupid 2k falling out of it's holster ever again. : o`
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
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#100 Falcon


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Posted 11 July 2006 - 12:27 PM

Looks pretty fun. I might consider heading out to one of these get-togethers eventually.

Flaming hilt, are you the one with the yellow-green 2k? I don't know why you'd have trouble competiting with the homemades with a single-barreled (& what looks like) brassed 2k. Sure the ranges it gets don't quite match a homemade, but the ROF it's got has to do some damage. And comsindering it's your primary (or appears to be) you really wouldn't need to holster it anyway, would you?

Whatever works for you. I'm just thinking that you don't necessarily need a homemade to be able to compete with homemades.

I mean, I live in So-Cal, and we don't really allow homemades, but if I went up and played with you guys sometime in the future, I wouldn't bring a homemade just so I could "compete". Heck, if Veggie can do well with a barely touched Dart Tagger, you can do just fine with that 2k. Just don't worry about putting it in a holster, because the holster won't help you any more than it will hinder you.

Edited by Falcon, 11 July 2006 - 12:31 PM.

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