Me and my friends play a "defend the fort" style game.
It has two teams: one team is inside this large, high up wooden fort in my yard. They have most of the ammo, they must have at least one longe range weapon, and they are usually outnumbered by the other team. The other team is outside the fort, rushing it and trying to shoot the people inside it. They usually have multi-shot weapons like the dart tag gun or an RF20. If the defending team shoots all enemy players, they win. If the attacking team shoots all of the people inside the fort, or steps inside the fort, they win.
It is really fun to be in the fort, because it's nearly impossible to get shot, and it's easy to shoot the enemies from up there.
P.S. I really like the "OffenseDefense" and the game that 6-5-2 added.
EDIT: spelling stuff
Edited by AssassinNF, 03 March 2006 - 02:01 PM.