The P-08 Long barrel "Artillery" Luger was intended for the crews of German artillery and Naval officers during World War 1. It had an incredible 8 inch barrel and was very sleek for its time (and still is!).
So, I printed off pictures of Lugers and went AWOL in my basement and produced this pistol. For your conveniece I've put pictures of real Lugers under mine for comparison purposes.

This one of a kind replica was made using a hodge podge of parts. I used my Boomstick (formerly an Autogrip), a SuperMaxx250, and other random parts and springs.
As you can see, friends, I've spent much time time on the details of this pistol. The sights are as close as I can get them. I used the back sight off of an old BB rifle to simulate the adjustable sight of the original. The front sight is crafted after the original. The grips were hand crafted from walnut wood and stained with Minwax walnut stain. You can't see it in the picture, but beneath the grips, I put in screws to hold the grips, just like the original.
The barrel is a whopping 8 inches long, just like the original. As a matter of fact, the whole pistol is on a nearly 1:1 ratio of the original!
It's not all for looks, folks. It's a fully functional sidearm. Since the pistol was constructed of my Autogrip Boomstick, the ranges are as follow:
Long: 85'
Short: 74'
Avg: 79.3’
This is the first weapon in a line of real life weapons I will be recreating here in the coming months. As always, questions and comments are welocme. I hope you've enjoyed another Starbuck/Noid creation!