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At2k Quad Mod

Hey that rymed

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#1 man with many guns

man with many guns


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Posted 02 December 2005 - 08:03 PM

AT2K Quaded
The at2k, a great gun once modded, before, not so much. Some of the time the darts don’t even leave the barrel. So lets mod this bad boy. Here’s a pic of it un-modded :
Posted Image
Supplies needed
4x6-8 in. of Cpvc
Hot glue gun
A hand
A working brain ( I know some of you don’t have this ;))

1.Remove all screws. It should look like this:
Posted Image

2. Remove the pump from the pump tube and plug it with your hot glue gun. Once your done, place it back in.
Posted Image

3.Remove the turret from the case.
Posted Image

Make sure you keep this piece right here right here, the o-ring:
Posted Image

4. Cut off the end of the barrels with your hacksaw about ¼ or1/8 in. from base type thing. You should see springs and junk, keep on going, and in the middle you should hit a medal post, you want to swerve around that, because it would be a lot more work that is necessary to but through it. This is what it should look like:
Posted Image

5.Cut 4 6-8 inch segments, but make them all the same length, as if you don’t make them the same length you will get varied ranges.
Posted Image

6.Take your turret, and hot glue your cpvc barrels. The best way to do this is to do it 1 at a time, and glue the turret and the barrels, then stick it on, and then glue around it.
Posted Image

7. Place the o-ring back in the turret back, and place the turret on the valve. It should fit back together perfect.
Posted Image

8. Screw it altogether.

9. ~Enjoy

Edited by man_with_many_guns, 03 December 2005 - 12:33 PM.

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#2 NJNerfer



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Posted 03 December 2005 - 12:36 PM

Are the barrels stable? They dont jiggle or move or anything with them just being hot glued to the turret? I would probably like tape them all together in the middle or something just to be sure.

Edited by NJNerfer, 03 December 2005 - 12:37 PM.

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#3 man with many guns

man with many guns


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Posted 03 December 2005 - 12:47 PM

Are the barrels stable? They dont jiggle or move or anything with them just being hot glued to the turret? I would probably like tape them all together in the middle or something just to be sure.

Yeah, they are rock solid. You could tape them just to be sure, but I would worry about it. I have used a quaded at2k in a war, and I am really rough on my guns, and I throw the my guns down in the middle of the war and spin them very hard.
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#4 Sponge Nerfer

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Posted 04 December 2005 - 02:00 PM

^_^ cool mod i have two of these guns maybe I will try i out. Can you get the ranges on this mod?
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#5 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 04 December 2005 - 08:12 PM

Some pics are of poor quality and there is one major step that should be included for all the noobs out there.
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#6 BloodMoon



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Posted 04 December 2005 - 11:57 PM

Well, I have to say that it looks like the barrels could bend or fall off at any moment, but maybe your hot glue is better than mine. I think that I would use epoxy instead, and possibly put a pole of something in the middle just to make sure that they are aligned.

Just one question that I've never really asked. What do you do to get the darts into the back of the barrels? Do you ramrod, or is the fit loose enough that you can just blow them down?
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#7 man with many guns

man with many guns


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Posted 05 December 2005 - 05:22 PM

Well, I have to say that it looks like the barrels could bend or fall off at any moment, but maybe your hot glue is better than mine. I think that I would use epoxy instead, and possibly put a pole of something in the middle just to make sure that they are aligned.

Just one question that I've never really asked. What do you do to get the darts into the back of the barrels? Do you ramrod, or is the fit loose enough that you can just blow them down?

I take the dart, and twist and then blow. It won't fall off, I have threw these on the ground hard.
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Call me guns.
Mjdfuzzy: meh most people areound here are like "suk my balls michigan" and i'm like "you don't have balls you loser"
[12:43] mjdfuzzy: your mom's an ugly slut
[12:43] mjdfuzzy: ...and i love it

#8 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 05 December 2005 - 07:51 PM

God I hate cpvc. For more support you could add hot glue or epoxy where the barrels touch eachother all along the crevice.
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#9 Team Slaya

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Posted 05 December 2005 - 09:55 PM

Why hate CPVC? It's awesome for my darts. If it doesn't fit yours, that sucks, because it's a lot cheaper than brass.

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#10 omario2



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Posted 11 January 2006 - 11:34 PM

How can u guys fit darts to your Pcvc? My dart is really stuck in it..

#11 Falcon


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Posted 12 January 2006 - 12:56 AM

They stretch out their foam to the correct diameter.

If you've never heard of stretching foam before making stefans, they put it in their clothes dryer (or use a hair dryer) on the foam until it's rubbery, then gently stretch it until it is the correct diameter you're looking for.

Someone mentioned CPVC being better than brass because it's cheaper?

Does that make 1/2" PVC better for stefan micros than brass because it's cheaper too?

Brass and PETG are more expensive, sure, but they yield very impressive results. I, personally, am partial to brass, but I'm a trumpet player, so that may ahve something to do with it. Also, there is never a chance of the barrel becoming slightly bent right off the shelf (though it can happen eventually. Just be careful, and try not to have exposed brass for barrels. Dropping Nite Finders with exposed brass barrels gets really annoying.)

Lastly, omario, try not to dig up older topics. If the most recent post is from approximately a month or so ago, don't post. PM'ing someone who was part of the discussion to ask your question keeps the forums from getting cluttered by excess old topics getting dug up.

Thanks! And welcome to the forums!
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#12 Peter



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Posted 12 January 2006 - 01:04 PM

I heat up my foam and pull it through my cPVC
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#13 Team Slaya

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Posted 12 January 2006 - 11:34 PM

I actually didn't realize, at first, that my darts were shrunk. All I would do would be to heat them with a hairdryer until my hand started really hurting. Then I'd put them in room temperature water to cool off. For some reason, these darts are exceptionally good in CPVC.

And Falcon, somehow I doubt that people would use 1/2" PVC for micros, that was completely off of what I was saying. What I was saying, although I do like brass, is that CPVC works better for most of my darts.


Edited by Team_Slaya, 12 January 2006 - 11:36 PM.

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