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Where To Buy Modding Materials

Where to get, and where not to get

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#1 jamesmiller



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 09:42 AM

I finally found plumbers goop and decided to tell you where you can get your basic modding needs. (If not known) Any questions or comments are taken.

Plumbers Goop: ACE Hardware as far as I know, a purple tube.

PVC: Basic, at any hardware store I cant think of.

FBD: Called "Caulk Saver" in USA. At your local Lowes, and sometimes Home Depot. EDIT: Heh heh, FBR, sorry.

Hot Glue Gun and Glue: Basic, any hardware store probably.

Brass: The only place I can find it is at Lowes.

PETG: Clueless

Hacksaws and other blades: Should be able to find at any Hardware store.

Screwdrivers: Do I really have to say, same as above.

Ruler: Any store with school supplies, honestly can't remember.

EPOXY: I think Lowes

PVC Cement: At any hardware store probably.

Ok, anything I missed, just post below. Now you can start to mod!

Edited by jamesmiller, 12 November 2005 - 04:06 PM.

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#2 man with many guns

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Posted 12 November 2005 - 10:12 AM

Nice list there. I like it.
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#3 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 12 November 2005 - 12:11 PM

FBD!!! It's FBR bud. And all those items except PETG can be bought at Home Depot or Lowes.

Edited by Uncle Hammer, 12 November 2005 - 12:12 PM.

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#4 NerfMonkey



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 12:41 PM

Does Lowe's really carry brass? I've checked every time I've been there in the last year and haven't found it. Is it not with the plumbing supplies like PVC and such? I've checked nearly everywhere. If anyone knows where in the store it is (at least where you go), please tell me.

Nice list James. You may also need vinyl tubing for pump relocations and such. And airtank expansions. A tape measure may also be a good thing to have for measuring ranges and lengths of tubing more than 1'. Pipe cutters would make cutting brass MUCH easier than a hacksaw and PVC cutters have been by far my most useful tool. That and a Dremel. Sand paper and files are also helpful, but a Dremel works best for most projects. Foam craft sheet is nice, but not necessary. Paint for your own custom guns, but I usually don't paint mine. Electrical tape and duct tape are also a must.
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#5 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 12 November 2005 - 12:55 PM

Keep this going guys and I'll make it a sticky. It would be nice to have a topic where people could post where to find supplies. It would certainly cut down on the amount of topics here.
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#6 man with many guns

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Posted 12 November 2005 - 01:21 PM

I get files at sears. They have tons of files, cheap too.
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#7 flamebo388



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 01:58 PM

Brass can be found at Ace usually, along with all sorts of metal supplies. It varies what section it's in.
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#8 LDM



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 02:01 PM

Brass is most common in hobby stores. Also, hot glue gun & glue can be found at craft stores.
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#9 NerfMonkey



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 02:04 PM

Vinyl tubing - Where: Plumbing section of any hardware store with a decent selection of stuff. Price: $0.24 a linear foot here.

Tape measure - Where: Any hardware store, mine have it under the hand tools section I think. Price: I've seen some for $15 and some for $25. Depends on what you want.

Pipe cutters - Where: Again, any hardware store, mine has them semi-near the plumbing section. Price: Small ones, about $10, larger ones (really nice ones), about $20 or $25.

PVC cutters (the clamp kind with two blades, not normal pipe cutters) - Where: A good-size hardware store with the pipe cutters usually. Price: Mine were $30 but totally worth it.

Dremel - Where: A hardware store, most of them have them by the tools section somewhere. Price: The cheapest I've seen was about $30, but I'm sure some run over $100, plus there's the cost of extra bits.

Sand paper - Where: Yet again, your local hardware/home improvement store, but I'm not sure which section, probably the hand tools. Price: Mine was about $10 for about ten sheets of different coarseness and thickness for different jobs, really nice. Came in a little book of "pages" so you could flip to the kind you need.

Files - Where: The hand tools section of the hardware store probably. Price: About $10 I think for mine, which is a very nice one with four different parts each with a different coarseness. You can also buy a little book of them with about five or six, but I'm not sure how much that is.

Foam craft sheet - Where: A craft store like Pat Catan's, Hobby Lobby or Michael's. Price: I got mine cheap, like $2.50 for three large sheets.

Electrical/Duct tape - Where: ANYWHERE. I've seen duct tape at the Ben Franklin up the road, but it sucked. Get it at a hardware store if you want good stuff. Price: About $3-5 for a good-sized roll.

Hope this helps.
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#10 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 12 November 2005 - 02:37 PM

PETG can be found at the following places:

Cxwq's thread
Viper's Thread

I pinned the topic and tweaked the title, but don't stop posting if you think there is more to add.
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#11 ompa



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 02:39 PM

I've found PETG at Pet Supplies Plus. Albeit the one near me doesn't carry the right size for micros, I'd bet it could be found at maybe more, well-stocked Pet Supplies Plus.

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#12 NerfMonkey



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 03:09 PM

I too have found it at my pet store, PetCo. They only have ~3/4" ID, but if they have it, maybe Petsmart or Pet Supplies Plus will have the right sizes. Thanks for the tip ompa.

Another very useful tool is an exacto knife or utility knife. Box cutters (a.k.a. razor blades in a sheath) do just as well, but I think the utility knives are much more comfortable and easy to use.

Where: Hardware store, craft store, grocery store maybe, just about anywhere. Price: A good one will cost about $10.

EDIT: If we're calling FBR a modding material, weights will be too.

1/4" or 0.25" slingshot balls/ammo - Where: Dick's, Wal-Mart, pretty much any sporting goods or "all-purpose" store. Price: I get mine for $4 for 250 of them, maybe some are cheaper.

3/0 fishing weights - Where: Again, Wal-Mart, Dick's, lots of places. Price: I think mine are about $3-4 for 30 or 40 of them, but maybe some places like Wal-Mart have them cheaper.

BBs - Where: Dick's, Wal-Mart, sporting goods stores and the like. Price: I get 1500 for about $2.50 at Dick's, but I think they're like 3000 at Wal-Mart for like $5, unless I remember wrong.

Edited by NerfMonkey, 12 November 2005 - 03:15 PM.

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#13 NinjZ



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 03:27 PM

Fishing weights can be found at k-mart/Warlmart or any sporting goods store like sports athority or dick's.
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#14 wick817



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 03:52 PM

I have a question about where to buy the material for making arrows and the materials name.
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#15 jamesmiller



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 04:04 PM

NerfMonkey, on Nov 12 2005, 12:41 PM, said:

Does Lowe's really carry brass? I've checked every time I've been there in the last year and haven't found it. Is it not with the plumbing supplies like PVC and such? I've checked nearly everywhere. If anyone knows where in the store it is (at least where you go), please tell me.

Well I looked online an searched for brass, and found a 16' long piece. (1/5 I think) So I just decided to put it here. Ill get back to you on which spot.

Thanks NerfMonkey.

Edited by jamesmiller, 12 November 2005 - 04:22 PM.

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#16 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 12 November 2005 - 04:43 PM

wick817, on Nov 12 2005, 02:52 PM, said:

I have a question about where to buy the material for making arrows and the materials name.

You want some type of piping insulation which can be found at most hardware stores.
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#17 Lukeinator



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 10:01 PM

NerfMonkey, on Nov 12 2005, 12:09 PM, said:

I too have found it at my pet store, PetCo. They only have ~3/4" ID, but if they have it, maybe Petsmart or Pet Supplies Plus will have the right sizes. Thanks for the tip ompa.

I know for a fact that Petsmart doesn't carry PETG (just checked there about half an hour ago).
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#18 Sunchip



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 10:53 PM

This site was extremely helpful for me when I was trying to find brass for the first time. Just click on your state, and a list will come up with all hobby shops in that state. Just find one close to you, look it up in a phone book, and call.
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#19 NerfMonkey



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Posted 12 November 2005 - 11:13 PM

Lukeinator, on Nov 12 2005, 11:01 PM, said:

NerfMonkey, on Nov 12 2005, 12:09 PM, said:

I too have found it at my pet store, PetCo. They only have ~3/4" ID, but if they have it, maybe Petsmart or Pet Supplies Plus will have the right sizes. Thanks for the tip ompa.

I know for a fact that Petsmart doesn't carry PETG (just checked there about half an hour ago).

That may be just your own local store though. Some ACE hardwares carry brass, mine doesn't. My Home Depot didn't used to have FBR.
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#20 jamesmiller



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Posted 13 November 2005 - 12:31 PM

NerfMonkey, on Nov 12 2005, 11:13 PM, said:

My Home Depot didn't used to have FBR.

Well, my Home Depot doesn't. But go here for some. http://www.lowes.com...96256-1410-C22H
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#21 Lukeinator



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Posted 14 November 2005 - 09:39 PM

I went to my local Petland today and what do they have... PETG. Apperently Petcetera carries it too but they were out of stock.
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#22 BloodMoon



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Posted 14 November 2005 - 10:59 PM

I was in a PetCo yesterday and I did find PETG, but it was the same 3/4". I believe that I also have a Petcetra around somewhere, so when I'm over in that direction, I'll check it out.

As far as brass goes, I'd say that if you're new and you have an Ace nearby, that should be the first place you check. Of three Ace stores, I've found brass at all three. That doesn't mean that all Ace's carry it, but it does mean that it's worth checking. Be aware that brass is a relatively uncommon item, so you may have to search the store yourself.

I have never seen brass at Lowes. I haven't been to more than one Lowe's though.
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#23 SupG



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Posted 11 December 2005 - 06:19 PM

Hey I now were to get PETG at any locol pet store.

Edited by SupG, 11 December 2005 - 06:23 PM.

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#24 LukeTheZombie



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Posted 18 December 2005 - 09:44 PM

Home Depot's in Canada carry FBR for Mega Stefans (5/8") and Nano (3/8") but no 1/2", oh well.

Totem has 1/2" FBR though, for those of you in Alberta.
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#25 hoshiadam



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Posted 13 January 2006 - 04:29 PM

PETG: McMaster-Carr Doesn't have it in 1/16" steps, but does have it in 1/8" step sizes. Search for PETG Tubes. Comes in multiples of 6 feet.

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