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#1 Delta



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 04:13 PM

I dont know why everyone says that the maverick is so bad. I won about ten wars with it. Oh, Nerf HQ is alot better, and most of you all are slackers that are too stupid to get into colleage! So you all suck,and please kick me off this stupid site.
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#2 ompa



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 04:27 PM

You could have just left the site, but your need to insult the site as you leave only shows who really is the immature one. So does your decision, but hey, the more evidence you provide, the better. Also,


? I don't apply to a colleage, but I do apply to colleges.

Enjoy your stay at NHQ.

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#3 MattPaintballer



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 05:01 PM

most of you all are slackers that are too stupid to get into colleage!

And you're too stupid to spell college correctly! Slacker! Hypocrite!

And ompa, I really don't see why you (and Talio and OMC for that matter) are always dissing NHQ. That site is much more welcoming than this one (not to diss NH, though) and it's what started me in Nerf. In fact, NH kind of ran me away from Nerf at first, but then after my first 3 posts I realized that this website is more mature, so to speak. I think if everybody here were just a tad bit nicer and less rude off the punch, it would be better. My first thread was asking for help with mods and naming a gun. The first 7 replies that weren't made by me didn't help me AT ALL. Over on NHQ though, every single reply helped me. NH would be perfect if the members were a little more considerate and forgiving.

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#4 ompa



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 05:19 PM

My NHQ slights are usually jokes, I don't actually whole-heartedly hate the site- I still post/visit it. I just don't like the atmosphere as much there- although I can't speak for Talio or OMC.

And you stole my icon.


Edited by ompa, 30 April 2005 - 05:20 PM.

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#5 NerfMonkey



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 05:22 PM

Matt, this is NerfHaven because it is a Haven to people who have been into Nerfing a lot longer than we have (at least me, I'm a newb ^_^). I joined this website months before NerfHQ, simply because it was the one I saw first. There are newbies here, like me, but the reason people may seem "rude" to newbs here is so that they don't get flamed. As it's been said countless times, it's just to keep people from getting flamed. I've been yelled at, and it actually helped me to become more well respected.

Oh yeah, to Delta: PISS OFF. Obviously NerfHQ would be better suited to your needs, because the admins over there would probably put up with your low level of maturity longer than those here. Ass.

Edited by NerfMonkey, 30 April 2005 - 05:23 PM.

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#6 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 05:53 PM

Holy mancrap! This topic really needs to be bumped. I've always found NH to be welcoming. CX and the mods have done a fantastic job, and this site has recovered my Nerfing experience from its fall a few years ago. We really don't need to diss each other and argue over what site's better. I'm personally sick and tired of hearing people saying "NHQ is so much better..." and "Yeah right, NH is...". Both sites are places where you can have civilized conversations regarding Nerf or other topics. Sure, we're entitled to our opinions, but this re-goddamned-diculous.
I've never seen someone here dish out a flame at someone unless it was fairly deserved. Also, this site has always been welcoming to newcomers. I haven't seen people get blasted because they're noobs. In fact, they have been encouraged and nurtured with the hope that Nerfing will not die. It almost did, but we held up the foundations of what it was all about, and look now. Hasbro is releasing more guns, and they're making re-releases of classics. We united! Don't forget that when you verbally abuse in the forums of either site. We worked together and brought Nerf out of a slump. If we can't keep our cool, people could eventually stop Nerfing. Okay, I know we have our preferences for one site or the other, but that gives us no reason to be NH or NHQ nationalists. This should not be a Civil War. I think our relations with each other right now are good. There are only a few individuals who intend on defacing the NIC. I ask these individuals to reconsider their actions. We aren't the ones that need to change, your attitudes are.
I realize that many Nerfers are around 13 years old and that a bit of a shouting match can be fun. Hell, I thought the same thing when I was that age. But from the older Nerfer's perspective, this is just silly. You're growing up, so let's deal with this in a mature way. There is no need to just blow up at a site.
There. I hope this rant made you think. I think the best option here would be to delete the topic, but this would make an excellent article. If you feel inclined to see something of this sort in the article section, let me know.

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#7 MattPaintballer



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 06:08 PM

I haven't seen people get blasted because they're noobs.

Ehh, I was, but I also lost my cool cuz I was mad when I made the post then some idiot posted some shizzle that seemed mocking at the time, telling me I should look at a pic but the words in the pic were too small to understand. Whoa, talk about a run-on sentence ^_^. That's in the past though, let's forget about it.

And you stole my icon.


Yeah but Dogbert "is the shiznite" as Master Shake would say :).

Edit: And if it seems like I'm dissing NH, I'm not. I like NH and NHQ, that's all. My greetings here were pretty rough, but then everything smoothed out after a while.

Edited by MattPaintballer, 30 April 2005 - 06:10 PM.

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"I think politicians are much more irritating than hippies."
Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended because I don't like you."
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#8 cxwq



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 06:11 PM

I dont know why everyone says that the maverick is so bad.

Ah... who exactly says it's bad? I'm pretty fucking enamored with it.

I won about ten wars with it.

Shooting your little sister while she's sleeping doesn't really count as a "war" now does it?

Oh, Nerf HQ is alot better, and most of you all are slackers that are too stupid to get into colleage! So you all suck,

How charming. Guess you didn't know that all three founders of this site are graduating from college this very term.

and please kick me off this stupid site.

Account Suspension Notification

Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended while you grow up and attempt to get into college. I'll give you 8 years, since you're clearly about 10 years old. Have fun bashing NH with all the other kids who couldn't cut it here.

Your account will not be functional until Apr 30 2013, 03:11 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.

Board Address: http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php
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#9 navy seal

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 07:57 PM

NHQ doesn't have a lot of content because of the hack, so people ask a lot of the same questions. I would post there also but when I log in it wont let me do anything.
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#10 Sqiggs89



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 09:17 PM

It's been awhile since I've been on NH and what a good topic to come back to. And CX I agree I don't think shooting your sister while she's sleeping counts as a war. And 8years excactly that's should be enough time. If he can get in colleage I'd be surprised.

Edited by Sqiggs89, 30 April 2005 - 09:17 PM.

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Been a while.

#11 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 11:32 PM

I prefer the Haven because my eyes aren't blinded by postwhores who claim the RF50 is real. Posted Image

And also the maverick is pretty neat but I really don't see it being effective in wars; the air seal is too poor to achieve good ranges accompined by a subpar spring and rather bulky casing that screams, "FUCK HOLSTERS!"
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#12 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 11:42 PM

I'm asking myself why this topic is still relevant enough to deem posts.

Ever notice that NH and NHQ are free? That's right; you don't have to pay to acces them, and it's the site webmasters who pay out of pocket to provide you guys with two excellent hubs for the community. Unless you want to pay the hosting bills, shut the hell up about which site is better. Each tailors to different age categories, and helps hold the community together.

How about we find something better to post about? I would love to see some of you take the collective time you use for bitching, and actually do something productive. You're wasting my time and yours.
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#13 Jin Kazama

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Posted 01 May 2005 - 11:37 AM

I am forced to agree with Shindig, theres no reason for people to whine to each out about which is better. If you hate 1 site so much just don't go to it. I mean, how smart do you have to be to figure that one out?
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#14 hellsangel



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Posted 07 May 2005 - 08:45 PM

I'll give you 8 years

8 years? You're going easy on him what happened to 2032?

Edited by hellsangel, 11 May 2005 - 05:22 PM.

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#15 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 07 May 2005 - 09:09 PM

8 years?  You're going easy on him what happened to 2032?

I fail to see why the reasoning of one of the Founders would be anyone's business but his own. I also fail to see why you needed to post in a topic that was clearly dead, and there was nothing that could be said that could remotely contribute to the conversation that was at hand.
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