Wind Waker Anyone?
Started by GandalfInArmor, Apr 20 2003 12:06 PM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 20 April 2003 - 12:06 PM
I thought i'd start a post about Zelda, so we wouldn't get off topic in the Matrix Reloaded post. Any hoo, has anyone picked up the new Zelda Wind Waker game? i have had the pleasure to play it, yet for only a dissapointing 10 minutes. Even from those ten minutes the game looked awesome. I admit i was dissapointed when the i saw the first screen shots which were in the "cartoony" style, but after playing it, the graphics are awesome. The shadows, lighting, everything are top notch. And if the story line, and the rest of the game, are up to par with previous Zelda games, it should become another classic.
Here's what a reviewer gave it from gamezone.com:
"Overall: 9.9
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is the most perfect game Nintendo has released since Super Mario 64 came out in 1996. It ranks among the very few elite, unforgettable titles, including the original Zelda, Grand Theft Auto III and Final Fantasy VII. Metroid Prime was a top-notch, near-perfect game, and The Wind Waker is even better! How can words describe a game like that? They can't – but the score can, and Zelda is the first game I have ever reviewed to be worthy of a 9.9. Cherish every moment of this masterpiece. History has proven that it is going to be a long time before we see another game this good."
sure convinced me to buy it when i get a chance!
Here's the rest of the review if you wanna take a look. [I]
Here's what a reviewer gave it from gamezone.com:
"Overall: 9.9
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is the most perfect game Nintendo has released since Super Mario 64 came out in 1996. It ranks among the very few elite, unforgettable titles, including the original Zelda, Grand Theft Auto III and Final Fantasy VII. Metroid Prime was a top-notch, near-perfect game, and The Wind Waker is even better! How can words describe a game like that? They can't – but the score can, and Zelda is the first game I have ever reviewed to be worthy of a 9.9. Cherish every moment of this masterpiece. History has proven that it is going to be a long time before we see another game this good."
sure convinced me to buy it when i get a chance!
Here's the rest of the review if you wanna take a look. [I]
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
-Carl Sagan
-Carl Sagan
Posted 21 April 2003 - 02:54 AM
I've loved the zelda games for quite a while, but I have not yet bought the new one. I am a bit scepticle. I've gotten three games (mario sunshine. metroid prime, and animal forest plus) from nintendo, all were saposed to be great and reviews said so, but after playing them i was most disapointed. I was also disapointed by rogue squandron and pikmin as well. The only two games i have that i was truly satisfied with are supermonkey ball and super smash brothers. Although reiwiews claim the game is great I am very worried that i will be disapointed. I was disapointed because mario was hardly in mario land and didn't seem at all to be much like a mario game and in metroid because it was a first person shooter. Animal forest was simply too shallow and did not have enough variety to keep me interested. Zelda too has a new innovative look/style from the last zelda's just like the mario game and metroid prime, and i'm afraid i will not like it. I already don't like the look of it even though i haven't even tried it out. I am most attracted to being able to play the ocarina of time on gamecube (it comes with that i've heard).
Happiness is a foam gun.
Posted 21 April 2003 - 04:03 PM
Well if you loved the old zelda games, it'd at least give it a chance. perhaps renting it or something. I've actually heard from people that the Wind Waker feels more like one of the classic Zelda games (A Link to the Past, Links Awakening, etc.) as opposed the the 64 ones (majoras and ocarina). I remember back for E3 when Nintendo was previewing the Gamecubes power, the had a scence of Link fighting Ganandorf. It was very Resident Evilesque; dark castle room, and realistic human faces and bodies. The movie was awesome, after that i couldn't wait until Zelda for Gamecube. But after the cartoon graphic were announced i thought about it a bit, and a Zelda game with completly realisic characters, and insanse lifelike graphics wouldn't exacly fit into the progression of the Zelda series. It just wouldn't be the same. I think Miyamato made the best choice going this way. People should give the game it's due credit, and not let the Cartoon graphics shy them away from a potentially awesome addition to the Zelda series.
And, yes, the Ocarian of Time and a revised Master Quest (revaped dungeons, etc) are coming out on a single disk to Gamecube. They were giving them out to people who preorderd the Wind Waker, but i'm sure they'll be on the market individually sometime.
And, yes, the Ocarian of Time and a revised Master Quest (revaped dungeons, etc) are coming out on a single disk to Gamecube. They were giving them out to people who preorderd the Wind Waker, but i'm sure they'll be on the market individually sometime.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
-Carl Sagan
-Carl Sagan
Posted 21 April 2003 - 04:16 PM
Hum. I haven't played Zelda since the original on NES. I guess it's changed a bit?
<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">
Posted 21 April 2003 - 08:11 PM
I wouldn't know, i didn't get into the Zelda games until the Ocarina on the 64. My first console system actually!! (yes i had a deprived young childhood)I guess it's changed a bit?
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
-Carl Sagan
-Carl Sagan
Posted 21 April 2003 - 10:25 PM
Me too, my parents wouldn't get me Pong no matter how much I cried.yes i had a deprived young childhood
Shit. I just realized that the original Zelda was before most of you were born.
<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">
Posted 21 April 2003 - 10:59 PM
Wow, i just looked up a bit about the Zelda games. The first one came out in 1986!! wow, i never knew that. I was born in 85, haha. "Almost as old as i am" to quote bilbo.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
-Carl Sagan
-Carl Sagan
Posted 23 April 2003 - 06:39 PM
Blahaha. I thought i might find you here my old friend. KAK. I love zelda. Ive played the wind waker and a store...its AWESOME. ive read reveiews nd they say is AWESOME. i have friends who own this and they say its AWESOME. so i would recomend it. however, i wish that they would put a multiplay in this. i know it would be really wierd to have this type of stratigy game go multi, but just think of the possibliities...serisously, take a moment and think.......................done? now doesnt that just seem mind-bogglingly sweet? i mean with all the new attack moves and rolls / slices / dieces that link can now do, it makes sense to add a multi option. Pitting 4 Links together in a battal royal just seems like heaven to me. does anyone else feel the say way? and you could even throw in bows, bombs, boomarangs, and hey what the hell, maybe you can do drive-by's on your horse. i have been thinking about this for a long time and it just seems cool. any thoughs?

Remeber what Bilibo used to say:
"Its a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you dont keep your feet, there's no knowing where you'll be swept off to."
"Its a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you dont keep your feet, there's no knowing where you'll be swept off to."
Posted 23 April 2003 - 10:07 PM
Multiplayer would totally ruin the games goodness in my opinion, thats not at all what Zelda's about. If you watn that then play super smash brothers.
Happiness is a foam gun.
Posted 23 April 2003 - 10:52 PM
hello friend, welcome to the wonderful word of nerf. I'm sorry buddy, but i'd have to agree with superadaquabat. It would be fun and all, but just woudln't be zelda. It would just feel......... different. The core of zelda is the plot and the gameplay. It just woudn't feel like Zelda to me if i was duking it out with a friend. I could see them possibly making a MMORPG in the land of Hyrule, but even then they'd have to be very careful to keep the game feeling Zeldaesque, and not morphing into a new game.
Now that i think about it, they do have a multiplayer Zelda game. On the new Advanced remake of A Link To The Past they put in a multiplayer mini-game type thing called the Four Swords. Anyone ever played it? (I haven't)
Now that i think about it, they do have a multiplayer Zelda game. On the new Advanced remake of A Link To The Past they put in a multiplayer mini-game type thing called the Four Swords. Anyone ever played it? (I haven't)
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
-Carl Sagan
-Carl Sagan
Posted 23 April 2003 - 11:24 PM
kah! FOOLS! i still think multi would rock. i dont careeee if it wouldn't be ZELDA-ish. its all about having FUN. WITH A CAPITAL F. for fun! HAH. four swords is a co-op thingy where the 4 little links go around and push blocks, flip switches, and hop across little cracks to get to the end of the puzzle / maze / whatchamacallit. it looked boring to me. i love running aroud and attacking things with link. and those cute little cries he makes when he hits thing. Whaaaaaaaaaaa! its awesome...they need to make a good multi with swords and stuff. and drive-bies on horses. ADMIT IT. EVEN if they will NEVER make a multi ZELDA, wouldnt it be COOL? just think...ponder...drink some tea...you know it would be FUN. anyway...i need a good game cube multi game besieds supersmashbros...KAH. well...i think i have exausted myself..time too sleep..byebye friends

Remeber what Bilibo used to say:
"Its a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you dont keep your feet, there's no knowing where you'll be swept off to."
"Its a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you dont keep your feet, there's no knowing where you'll be swept off to."
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