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Armageddon Planning Thread

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#26 ShortShit



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Posted 02 May 2003 - 07:19 PM

well im now actually pretty sure Ozzy and Goo wont even be in town.
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#27 superadaquabat



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Posted 03 May 2003 - 02:01 AM

Any date set yet? (sorry for such a short post)
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#28 IronRhino



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Posted 03 May 2003 - 12:12 PM

I'm begging my dumb overprotective parents, but I might be able to convince my aunt to maybe take me. Maybe even Vassili too, but probably not. I can't bike that far, darn.
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#29 cxwq



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Posted 03 May 2003 - 09:03 PM

No firm date yet. I'm currently leaning towards either June 21st or 28th.

I'm waiting to hear back from potential out-of-state attendees before I finalize the date.
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#30 superadaquabat



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Posted 04 May 2003 - 09:20 PM

My friend from texas and myself as well as my dad can come if its on the 28th, but not the 21st. Just to let you know.
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#31 jon



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 12:28 PM

steve and i will see wich people want to go and wich dont, also we will see if we can work out a riding situation. also kev i just got a good camera and good film ediding system. would you guys like to have a nerf video? if you have space it would be cool to put on the this site? also that sux that ozzy cant come!
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#32 silent mercenary

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Posted 06 May 2003 - 02:54 PM

cam-corder, digital camera, how many mega pixes, these questions need answers!
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#33 cxwq



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 12:27 AM

Julie will be fully equipped with digital camcorder. If other people bring cameras, feel free to either make your own thing or send us footage/pictures. If anybody sends us good footage it will be incorporated into the NH video. If anybody sends us good pictures they will be incorporated into the NH gallery.


Due to the increasing attendance at SoCal nerf wars and the tendancy for Armageddon to have the highest turnout of the year, we will be making some changes at this year's installment.

First, we will run multiple simultaneous battles pretty much all day.

As soon as there are around 20 people there we will hold a popular nomination for 4 team captains and pick teams. Late arrivers will be assigned to the existing teams as they come. Two teams will play west coast 5-hit in the urban area, two teams will play capture the flag (CTF) variants in the adjacent grass area. After each pair of battles, teams will rotate so that everyone gets to play everyone and everyone gets to do both CTF and 5-hit.

To cater to some of the vets that only come out for one or two wars a year, there will be one or two 3-hit invitational battles in the urban area starting immediately at the end of the lunch break. This will be a Spoon vs. Vacc grudge match with the vets picking their 5-person teams at lunch. People invited to participate in these battles should plan on leaving lunch early to be set up in time.

After the invitational battle(s) we will re-vote on team captains and pick 4 new teams for more CTF and 5-hit.

In keeping with tradition, the war will be 10-7 with a lunch break around 1.

I am going to finalize the date within a week or so. If you have not entered a plea for the day of your choice, make it now. 6/21 and 6/28 are the most likely candidates. If you can make both days then nerf on, if you can't make either then fuck off.
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#34 rawray7



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 12:36 AM

spoon vs. vacc grudge match? oh man, i am dying to be a part of this.

i think that the war layout sounds great. i should be able to make both dates, and rides shouldn't be a problem. since it's the summer i am aiming at bringing 5 nerfers total, plus or minus three like usual.
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#35 Spoon



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 03:04 AM

Sounds great Kevin, though it will be hard to have a Spoon vs. Vacc grudge match since Vacc isn't coming this Armageddon.....
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#36 cxwq



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 10:36 AM

Yeah well I'm working on that...
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#37 jon



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 12:59 PM

It is only grunge if Ozy it there. You cant beat the long hair, camo pants, ruged t-shirt, and a marijuana addiction.
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#38 cxwq



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 01:12 PM

Grudge, n. 1. Sullen malice or malevolence; cherished malice, enmity, or dislike; ill will; an old cause of hatred or quarrel.

Grunge, n. Slang 1. Filth; dirt. 2. A style of shitty rock music that incorporates elements of punk rock and heavy metal, popularized in the early 1990s and often marked by lyrics exhibiting nihilism, dissatisfaction, or apathy.
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#39 Spoon



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 01:52 PM

The funny thing Cxwq, is that I was going to respond with the EXACT same thing as you.....

So, you're working on getting Vacc out here eh? Tell him I'll toss in some "bonus" incentive....and I don't use the term "toss" lightly.....
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Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.

#40 Batman



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 06:23 PM

Well, good news. I'm 17 now, and I got a car, which means, I can drive to LANO. Just me however. It doesn't look like anyone else can ever go, so I'm planning on JUST me. Just the Bat. Which means I'm going to be very pumped, and with-out ammunition. lol. Considering Kevin makes it all mostly, cuz I don't have a life of my own to do things when I want. Anyway, Plan on me being there this time. I'll be wearing my Batman shirt. Ode to the Dark Knight.
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#41 jon



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 10:52 PM

cxwq, on May 13 2003, 06:12 PM, said:

Grunge, n. Slang 1. Filth; dirt. 2. A style of shitty rock music that incorporates elements of punk rock and heavy metal, popularized in the early 1990s and often marked by lyrics exhibiting nihilism, dissatisfaction, or apathy.

for one it is not shitty. come on dude i have not met one person who does not like Nirvana. so would be saying that you are first one i have met? also it is not just a music style it is an immage like punks there is punk rock and there are punks. what i was saying was that ozzy fits that image.
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#42 cxwq



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Posted 13 May 2003 - 11:42 PM

Okay, I don't really know where to start here Jon.

First, I said grudge not grunge. That was the point of the whole silly little dictionary exercise up there.

Second, the little editorial I threw in about grunge was unfortunately completely accurate. Grunge sucked. Grunge will always suck. Your views about Nirvana may have something to do with you being about 5 years old when they hit the scene.

In any event, I will gladly stand up to be counted as the first person you've met who thinks that Nirvana sucked hairy donkey dick. You really should get out more, meet some non-inbred people maybe.

If you have anything else to say about Nirvana, grunge, or proton flux, please start a new thread so I can be on-topic when I school you.
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#43 VACC


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Posted 15 May 2003 - 02:50 PM

Spoon, your prize package gets better every year. I AM trying to scrape the money together, but my bank account reads something like "PUT MONEY HERE!" at this point in time. I just finished up all my exams though, so I will go back to work at circuit city shortly. While that may not give me money, persay, it should give me many hours to think up get rich quick schemes.

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#44 Batman



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Posted 15 May 2003 - 05:28 PM

Good luck VACC. I for one would like to see you again too. I wanna play you after so long. I liked some of the stand offs we had last time.
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#45 ShortShit



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Posted 15 May 2003 - 05:38 PM

Yeah Vacc, Armageddon just isnt Armageddon without you there. The last 2 years with you has been lovely, and I'd be a shame to not make the 3. Then again... Armageddon isnt Armageddon without Goo or Ozzy either, who arent even TRYING to come, so I guess its only fitting that you might not!
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#46 silent mercenary

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Posted 15 May 2003 - 06:10 PM

ShortShit, on May 15 2003, 10:38 PM, said:

Armageddon isnt Armageddon without Goo or Ozzy either, who arent even TRYING to come

they're not even lifting a finger! :angry: for shame
they gotta prioritize
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#47 VACC


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Posted 15 May 2003 - 10:12 PM

Batman, on May 15 2003, 10:28 PM, said:

Good luck VACC. I for one would like to see you again too. I wanna play you after so long. I liked some of the stand offs we had last time.

Well if I come this year I'll try and actually be in nerfing shape. When you saw me last year I hadn't nerfed for something like 6 months, and had only nerfed once in the past year. Hopefully I'll get some wars before armageddon to get into my old form, then you'll have something to worry about.

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#48 Batman



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Posted 15 May 2003 - 10:29 PM

Yeah, I haven't nerfed in over a year, but to me, its like riding a bike, I'm not the kind of person to just fall out of combat, it sticks with me. Physicaly, I've been playing so much basketball, I've got tons of energy, so I should be good to go, just have to get used to the guns again, thats all.
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#49 silent mercenary

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Posted 15 May 2003 - 10:34 PM

vacc are any of the other horsemen comming?
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I will not walk, so that a child may live!

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#50 VACC


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Posted 16 May 2003 - 12:49 AM

silent mercenary, on May 16 2003, 03:34 AM, said:

vacc are any of the other horsemen comming?

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