Armageddon Planning Thread
Posted 04 June 2003 - 09:48 PM
You'd take the 5 north, exit Culver west, and turn left on Deerfield.
Depending on where you are in the SD area it's probably around an hour drive.
Posted 05 June 2003 - 07:24 PM
Posted 05 June 2003 - 09:00 PM
When I use my at3k I tend to shoot quite frequently and generally go through about 40-60 darts per battle. When I use a spring gun I probably only use 20-30 darts per battle.
Either way I expect to have lost half of them by the end of the day so I double whatever I'm expecting to need per battle.
Lots of people don't have enough darts to last a battle and rely on picking up darts while under fire. You can get pretty good at doing this without being overly distracted but you never know how well the ammo you pick up will do in your gun.
Plan on the vast majority of people using micro stefans of various dimensions and quality. If you guns use Nerf micros or megas, you won't be able to use most of the darts that you find during battles.
Last but not least, mark your darts somehow if you want them back at the end of the day. I have a big box full of darts that nobody claimed at the end of the last two wars. Anybody is welcome to use those but most of them suck.
Posted 06 June 2003 - 07:30 PM
Posted 07 June 2003 - 12:21 AM
sixersfand89, on Jun 6 2003, 04:30 PM, said:
6.how many for a rf20?
5 if it rains that day.
Posted 07 June 2003 - 09:27 AM
Posted 07 June 2003 - 11:22 PM
Seriously dude, just bring what you think you'll need. If you run out, you run out. Worst thing that will happen is you'll be running around looking for darts instead of shooting people right?
40 is most definitely not enough if you're going to use an RF20. 400 is most definitely excessive. You find a happy medium.
Posted 08 June 2003 - 11:04 AM
Posted 08 June 2003 - 03:41 PM
No matter how many darts you bring, and no matter what type, EXPECT to lose about half at the war, it's just the way things tend to work.
The simple answer to this dart question though? Bring as many as you can. More is always better.
I have to supply darts for myself, my brother, and for about half the war participants who either don't bring enough darts, or whose darts are unusably shitty. I usually bring 150-200 per war, and usually bring home about 80. For this war I'm going to try to bring about 300. However you only need to supply ammo for yourself and your friends. If you are going to make Stefans though, PLEASE take my advice and TAKE YOUR TIME and make GOOD darts. You'll thank yourself later, trust me. Hope to see you there!
Posted 09 June 2003 - 08:50 AM
EDIT: Okay, count me in, I am coming....damn, this is exciting. I had to change my pants twice while typing that post.
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 09 June 2003 - 10:48 PM
GrOOvE, on Jun 9 2003, 05:50 AM, said:
Hehehehehehehe.Hey guys, I think things are looking up...I'm probably going to be able to make it. Cxwq & Julie, my parents and I will probably be calling you sometime this week to arrange some the stay stuff, etc.
That was funny.
"Mr and Mrs Groove? Can your son come to the west coast to play?"
Looks like you're coming to Cali.
Posted 09 June 2003 - 11:02 PM
I am looking forward to completing you're training.....
Posted 10 June 2003 - 11:42 AM
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 10 June 2003 - 12:06 PM
Posted 13 June 2003 - 12:54 PM
Posted 13 June 2003 - 07:17 PM
i heard bout jon and toj, i was in the same jam but i talked my parrents into letting me go
gotta prioritize
jeff who?
- Master Shake
Posted 14 June 2003 - 08:35 PM
Posted 14 June 2003 - 11:47 PM
Looks like it's not going to cost me an arm and a leg after all.
It's going to cost me both, and my left testicle.
I'll be paying this off the entire summer and then some (first I gotta' get a job HAH!)...but hey, at least I get to go to a large-scale war and the added bonus of bragging rights.
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 15 June 2003 - 11:04 PM
i'm still in. 4-5 total headcount.
Posted 16 June 2003 - 12:59 PM
Posted 16 June 2003 - 08:29 PM
Looking forward to cancelling the war at the last minute Groove, it'll be awesome.
Posted 17 June 2003 - 12:40 AM
neonerfer, on Jun 16 2003, 12:59 PM, said:
Extra what...?No worries Groove dog! I have an extra one if anyone is in need.
Spoon - What do you mean cancelling the war at the last minute? I'm coming bizotch...you better plan on giving me a big wet kiss when I see you.
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 17 June 2003 - 01:28 AM
Posted 17 June 2003 - 02:03 PM
Spoon: You tell Groove it's cancelled 2 hours before he leaves and tell everyone else it is, but let them know it's a joke. Then you proceed to have the best Armageddon ever and rub it in his face, complete with pictures and war stories. Nice, eh?
Just kidding, if you can read this. It would be unfortunate if you couldn't.
Posted 18 June 2003 - 11:54 AM
Switchblade, on Jun 17 2003, 07:03 PM, said:
Yeah, it's funny until someone analyzes it. Way to kill it, asshole!Groove...do you really want that? Think about it, man. We're talking about Spoon.
Spoon: You tell Groove it's cancelled 2 hours before he leaves and tell everyone else it is, but let them know it's a joke. Then you proceed to have the best Armageddon ever and rub it in his face, complete with pictures and war stories. Nice, eh?
Just kidding, if you can read this. It would be unfortunate if you couldn't.
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