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The Ratchetblast

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#1 Oddball



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Posted 20 December 2004 - 09:52 AM

Well, I couldn't find anything on the RatchetBlast besides this wierd "let's-stick-gluestick-casings-in-the-barrels" thing, and I felt like my 'Blast deserved more than this. Being me, I went ahead and busted it open. (Gently, of course)

Well, I opened it up and discovered... A four-barreled NiteFinder, without air restrictors, and with a cool cocking mechanism that allows for some really nice RoF. I haven't done anything yet, but I intend to lube the plunger, make it a single barrel, (Nest it, maybe if it's worth it. Can anyone give me the dimensions of the Nite Finder's plunger/airtank for comparison?) and rig a magazine to it that i'm designing which should use the cocking mechanism to load the gun, (Stefans flying at you every second at NiteFinder ranges? I like it B) ) and, just for kicks, i'll silence it.

The silent wind of doom, woosh. :w00t:

Pics, and hopefully ranges if I can finish the mod in time, tomorrow.

Sleepy, I am...

Edited by Oddball, 20 December 2004 - 11:00 PM.

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#2 rusty



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Posted 20 December 2004 - 10:57 AM

I'd like to see how this clip will work and attach to the ratchet blast. The jerking motion of cocking a ratchblast would put some serious strane on any clip that I can imagine.
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#3 okto



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Posted 20 December 2004 - 04:01 PM

*shakes head* why would you single barrel a Ratchetblast? There's no point in the whole break-open cocking mechanism then. In addition, I can almost promise you aren't going to be able to get a magazine working with the cocking action.
If you want to increase the range, reinforce it with some aluminum sheet and add a stronger spring.
As for silencing, spring guns silence badly. The one thing you can do, to alleviate ringing, is stuff some padding (I use pipe insulation, but FBR will work) between the spring and the plate behind it that it pushes against.

It's shameful. Ratchetblastii should be more sacred than this.

Edited by okto, 20 December 2004 - 04:04 PM.

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#4 Diego



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Posted 20 December 2004 - 05:04 PM

I loved my RatchetBlast even unmodded. It was probably my most used gun at the time, but eventually it barely had the power to push the dart out. :D

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#5 NinjZ



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Posted 20 December 2004 - 05:18 PM

You can't put a stronger spring in like okto suggested. The way the inner mech works isn't like a regular gun. If it has too much pressure it is prone to going off before you pull the trigger. The trigger basically pushes on a plunger mech similar to the wristblitzer.

If you single it, you basically have a bigger NiteFinder with a cool cocking mode. Sadly, to multibarrel it, it really only makes it a large hold out or indoor primary.
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#6 Oddball



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Posted 20 December 2004 - 11:34 PM

*shakes head* why would you single barrel a Ratchetblast?  There's no point in the whole break-open cocking mechanism then.  In addition, I can almost promise you aren't going to be able to get a magazine working with the cocking action.
If you want to increase the range, reinforce it with some aluminum sheet and add a stronger spring.
As for silencing, spring guns silence badly.  The one thing you can do, to alleviate ringing, is stuff some padding (I use pipe insulation, but FBR will work) between the spring and the plate behind it that it pushes against.

It's shameful.  Ratchetblastii should be more sacred than this.

I would single it so that I could get a magazine to work... As for replacing the spring, finding a new one would be pretty hard. I hope I can just recondition it, as described Here. Silencing it, now that I think about it, would be pretty hard. I'll try what you suggested. The magazine? Well, I'll just try some things.

My RatchetBlast is sacred to me, and believe me, if I can pull this off, it'll be sacred to all you as well. :D

Will update later.
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#7 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 21 December 2004 - 02:47 PM

Ratchetblasts rock. If they still work unmodded, keep them that way. Eventully, they start to shoot out all the barrels. Then, you're forced to mod it so it will shoot the dart out the barrel.
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Posted 22 December 2004 - 07:54 PM

Dont screw up your rachetblast. Keep it quad barreled as it is, whats the point of adding a clip? Not too mention I doubt your clip will even work, and if by some miracle it dos, not to any ranges that would be mildly useful. 20 feet at wounded-tourtoise velocity is just funny. Ruining a rachetblast isnt.

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