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Halo 2

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#26 macman



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 10:58 AM

okto, my man, Marathon rules....

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#27 Zyzybalooba



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 11:28 AM

more directly on topic: Halo 2 is not that good.  i've played a leak: same engine, same style of play, slightly upgraded weapons, no better storyline.  it's not even a good enough update to be a worthwhile expansion pack. 

See, that is from a point of view of a guy who hates Halo. Let me assess your review from the point of view of a hardcore Halo fan.

Same engine: It's a sequel. What do you expect?
Same style of play: It's a sequel. Were still playing the same game. No reason to turn it into an RPG.
Slightly upgraded weapons: Its a sequel. Fixed some old weapons and added some weapons. It isn't a different game so they don't really need different weapons.
No better storyline: The storyline is perfectly fine, as it was in Halo 1. In fact, you don't need a storyline at all beaucse you are just there to kill shit.
Not even a good enough update to be a worthwile expansion pack: Its not an update or expansion pack. It's a whole other game. I don't quite understand what you are trying to say with this sentance.

Yay Bungie.
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#28 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 31 October 2004 - 11:38 AM

Ive been really looking forward to this. Too bad you can't be a grunt in multiplayer, that would be the greatest! A grunt with a rocket launcher, heh heh. ^_^
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#29 xedice



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 12:05 PM

Halo 2 = dissapointing. But we all have different opinions on games don't we? Personally I'm waiting for San Andreas to come for PC. Mmmm.
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#30 ompa



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 02:12 PM

Agreed. Many of us just want Halo 2 for the new multiplayer levels and new weapons, we really weren't expecting much else. At least I wasn't.

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#31 okto



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 02:13 PM

Not even a good enough update to be a worthwile expansion pack: Its not an update or expansion pack. It's a whole other game. I don't quite understand what you are trying to say with this sentance.

that's my point. a new game should have, you know, new shit. this one doesn't, and my point was that this is not enough new material to make for an expansion pack for the same game, let alone releasing it as a standalone for full game price. it's little more than new levels and weapon mods.

on mac/pc release: bungie said they were releasing it for PC, but the code didn't exist. they were planning to port it at some point, but it was developed on Mac.
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#32 Viper



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 02:38 PM

Any of you guys work at Mcdonald's? I steal those little best buy bucks off the fries and chicken strip boxes and throw the boxes away. Just run back in the storage room when you aren't busy and pick a couple up.
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#33 duce



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 03:19 PM

To me it seems like they have added enough already. They have tons of new vehicles and weapons, epgraded weapons like the homing rockets, and battle rifle. They have dual weilding, hijacking vehicles, upgraded vehicles likethe new ghost shich looks sweet, exploding vehicles, interactive environments, smarter AI, bots in multiplayer, x-box live play, new multiplayer modes, new maps, proximity voicing feature (sweet), a new physics engine, awesome graphics. That seems like alot of "new shit" to me. I'm wondering what other types of things you would like to see.
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"Thats so good it makes me want to kick my mom in the face." -Halfling

#34 ompa



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 03:35 PM

that's my point. a new game should have, you know, new shit.

Fully agreed.

Sadly, this is a sequel, so it's not necessarily a new game. Why change the aspects of a game if it already sells so well, and has so many good reviews to it? Just throw in a few new weapons, levels, and poof, you have a sequel. It's not meant to be a "new game" as you put it, but a sequel to the original Halo. If they would have changed too much, I would have been pissed.

I think the arguement here stems from the difference between whether Halo 2 is supposed to be a "new game" or a "sequel". I suggest stating which you think it is before voicing your opinions, in order to avoid arguing over something when all of you have different base definitions.

I say it's a sequel.

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#35 andrew01



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 05:25 PM

Yeah thats true, but you have to consider that halo 1 was originally made for PC.

BULLSHIT!! it was originally made for Macintosh, as the fourth chapter in the unbelievably underappreciated Marathon series, until M$ bought Bungie out.

more directly on topic: Halo 2 is not that good. i've played a leak: same engine, same style of play, slightly upgraded weapons, no better storyline. it's not even a good enough update to be a worthwhile expansion pack.
Microsoft can't bloody develop things. all they can do is buy, steal, and repackage in a crippled form. halo is unfortunately no exception.

RIP Bungie.

How exactly did you play the leak. I know that it was an .iso file, but how would you get it to play on xbox? Or even computer? Sorry I do not know very much about this sort of thing.
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#36 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 05:28 PM

Burn it to a DVD and mod your xbox with a chip to switch from DVD/game mode to regular game mode, vise versa.
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#37 Viper



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 06:35 PM

Ya its the french version. My buddy has almost beat in on easy. He has a friend who knows a little about encryption and can make an actual xbox game on his comp and burn it without any mod chip. You have a lot less health and the game is soooooo much more balanced. The strategy involved is complex instead of a 1v1v1v1 w/ a pistol dominating the game. You can take out power stations to bring down bae defenses, simply it is the best game ever.
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#38 moosenukem



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 07:25 PM

You know guys, if you have downlaoded the leak of H2 I wouldn't be talking about it on here....or anywhere.
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#39 Zyzybalooba



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 07:56 PM

I am gonna stop reading this cause I don't want to know anything about the game until I play it, but just putting my word in, I say its a sequel.
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#40 duce



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 08:41 PM

I agree with Zyzybalooba. For the sake of those of us that are waiting for the game, don't post anything about it that could ruin it, please.
Oh yeah, 9 more days. ;)

Edited by duce, 31 October 2004 - 08:43 PM.

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"Thats so good it makes me want to kick my mom in the face." -Halfling

#41 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 11:42 PM

If you were really interested, search google for XBOX Soft Mod, you barely have to pay except for CD"s and such...

but still, it's not very far away. I did play it, pretty kickass, and worth buying.
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#42 Spectre2689



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Posted 01 November 2004 - 03:16 PM

Personally I'm not into all this hype about Halo 2. I'm not going to put it down or talk it up until I've actually played it. I made that mistake with Doom 3. Remember all the people talking it up to the point of it being the next big thing in PC gaming and still being the next big thing after that? What happened to Doom 3? It sucked. It was repetitive and boring. Sure it had nice graphics, and a decent storyline, but it was all the same. I just can't see Halo 2 being THAT much better than the original. Honestly, what's the most they could change?

Assuming that I play it and find it interesting, I'll go out and buy it. But I really don't see how much of a difference they could make in gameplay if it's the same engine. So they have new guns, cool. Not that exciting. They have new levels. Could be exciting, we're yet to see. They have a new storyline. Assuming it's original, and well-written, it could be good. Otherwise, nothing. The graphics don't look any different than they did on the original Halo.

However, I have seen videos and some reviews for HL2, and had the chance to play it for a few minutes at a friend's house, and I will say right now that I will go out to Best Buy as soon as I get a chance and I will buy the first un-opened copy I see.

You are now free to insult my thinking.
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#43 duce



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Posted 01 November 2004 - 03:45 PM

Ok. For those of you that say the graphica arent that better here we go.



I tried to get as similar pics as possible. I don't know about you but that looks like a nice improvement.
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"Thats so good it makes me want to kick my mom in the face." -Halfling

#44 Viper



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Posted 01 November 2004 - 06:54 PM

In most its even better than that. You can now destroy objects and it has a lighting engine superior to splinter cell, or in fact any game out yet.
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#45 Oroku Saki

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Posted 02 November 2004 - 02:45 AM

You know guys, if you have downlaoded the leak of H2 I wouldn't be talking about it on here....or anywhere.

As long as no one posts a direct link or any other direct information on finding a download of the leak, I don't see a problem with it. That is at least the rule enforced on many game system modding/hacking sites and forums. The leak exists, and some people have copies of it. End of story. Besides, the leak is in French, and can only be played on modded X-boxes, so I don't think many of us would really bother getting it anyway.

I wasn't too excited about Doom 3 when it came out. One of my friends bought a copy and it was lagging pretty bad when playing online on his brand new Dell. I feel more excited about Halo 2 because it would be interesting to see some of the new shit they threw in. I haven't seen many shooters where you can dual-wield weapons.....

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 02 November 2004 - 02:51 AM.

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#46 AirApache



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Posted 02 November 2004 - 08:35 PM

Except for the all-time best n64 shooting game: Perfect Dark baby!
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#47 duce



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Posted 02 November 2004 - 11:33 PM

True Dat :cry:
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"Thats so good it makes me want to kick my mom in the face." -Halfling

#48 Fuse



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Posted 03 November 2004 - 11:29 AM

In most its even better than that. You can now destroy objects and it has a lighting engine superior to splinter cell, or in fact any game out yet.

Where did you hear that? Its nice, but it is definitely not better than any game out. It also looks better in screenshots than in acutal play (the leaked vesion is all over my friend's dorm at GA Tech).
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#49 NinjZ



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Posted 03 November 2004 - 11:37 AM

HalfLife2's engine is better, 'nuff said.
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#50 trixter



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Posted 03 November 2004 - 02:11 PM

who the heck preorders the game when you can just buy it off EBAY right now????? Geeezzz..... :lol: your smart....and just to make it worse....you need to get an xbox.........heh not that i have one or anything...... :P
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